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I have seen a lot of dicussion about "Hybrid" mods.

Can somebody actually explain, exactly, what the hell, and actual "Hybrid" is?


Good question. I assume its a mod with a combinationof different parts ie.. a homemade tube with the electronics of a Zmax. Hell who am I kidding... I dont know lol



And that is the thing.... I have been trying to figure out what the hell it is.

At this point I am starting to think, it is some sort of a combination of a mechanical mod, plus a rebuildable atty like the AGA-T, but I don't, since I can't reallt get an answer.

In a way, it is frusting. lol


Well if you look at the ihybrid for example it is a unit that is designed to be used in only one way. Most of our mods have a certain connection that allows us to plug in anything with that size connection. A hybrid can not use anything else but what was made with it. I don't know if that means they don't come apart or what. I don't have one. I just know that you can't slap on any ol' 510 atty onto a hybrid and expect it to work. I hope that helps some. I don't know of too many hybrids myself but lord knows there plenty I'm sure. I know of the ihybrid and I think zen makes one too. :)

Posted (edited)

In a shorthand version type of way, I do Jeff, lol.

There's no gaps, they look like one solid piece, from the mod to the atty. (because they are!)

It's an RBA & a mechanical mod, joined at the hip. The joining locks the two together, omitting the need for a regular finnicky 510 connection. Because there is now a solid unifying unit, this means that the mod/atty work together more efficiently. There is no loss of current, the volt drop is miminalized, and the overall vape is just lovely.

Cons: If you have a broken button or a bad atty day (can't seem to get rid of a hot spot in your coils or something), you can't use the mod at all, it just becomes a paperweight until you figure out that short or until you fix the broken button or whatever is ailing your device.

Solution: Make sure you have extra mod or two that you actually love using, and, of course, some extra RBA's to tinker with. One always needs backups. :)

Once you have backups, once you know have the RBA mastered (which is really simple, honest!!, it's just frustrating at first), it's a no-brainer to own a hybrid.

Some of the most popular to date:

Orion V2 or is it V3 or both? Orion V in any case. :)

Ihybrid brand new to the market this year, very nice affordable aluminum mod. The limited Red Dragon edition is the most popular, but they're all nice. Can be found at 310vapers

Hellfire is the most coveted... there are only a few out there. Put this in your dream list.

Zenesis has quite a few models out, but most of them are "limited" editions. (Cobalt, Bam, etc) However, the Standard and the Mini are always available when they are available. The MINI is the better out of the two. (they're heavy!) The Sidewinder is new and is a big hit as far as I know. electronicstix is selling them I believe.

SilverDog is brand new to the market, and is getting the quirks and kinks ironed out still. But once ironed out, it's going to be a bigger hit, because it's the easiest out of all of them to refill.

There are tons more out there, I've just skimmed the surface!!!

And now we have the Hybrid KITS!!

MMVapors is coming out with a HYBRID KIt. yep. A Kit. Actually, 2 different hybrid kits. One allows us to turn our DID's into a Hybrid (DID is an RBA by MMVapors) The other one lets us turn the Poldiac into a Hybrid (with any RBA I believe).

HyDID and a PolDID or visa versa.

Clear as mud?

Edited by Uma

Ok so why have a mod with only one type of atomizer that your stuck with? Seems stupid right? There is logic to this. The reasoning for it is that because there is current loss whenever you have a connector like a 510. In a hybrid device the genesis atomizer comes in direct contact with the battery meaning no loss of power which is important when you are talking about mechanical mods.

Posted (edited)

Good point CaseAce! And, also, the ATTY is an RBA (rebuildable), which doesn't break. You just recoil the wick, or replace a screw or post, but the basic atty never breaks. (if built of quality materials of course). It's an atty for a lifetime and a mod for a lifetime because they are both all mechanical nothing to break forever materials and craftsmanship and design and stuff. You pop a coil? Just take off the wire and rewire it with new wire. voila. Break your mod buttons spring or magnets? Just replace the spring or earth magnets. voila.

(as long as you have something to vape while you're fixing it, you'll be more than fine. Some fixes take 2 minutes, some take a few days for the parts to arrive).

Edited by Uma

Ok! Completely off topic but I don't know if you realize it Uma because I haven't posted here in forever but VT was the 1st forum I ever joined and you along with jeffb, vtmark, jolly,and jag helped me quit smoking over 2 yrs. ago!!! You guys recommended the then new eGo starter kit. Lol how time flies! So basically it's your fault I've turned into the mod junkie I am. Lmao!!! Ok back to our regularly scheduled program... Also people say you're stuck with the atomizer you have on a hybrid but that's not the case. I can build any ohm atty I want with different gauge wire and wraps.


My goodness how time flies!! I remember when you first came on the scene, you took to vaping like a duck takes to water. I was, and still am, so happy for you.... and now I'm ecstatic that you're into the RBA's and OMG!! Mods like the Poldiac. (GMTA!!) I love VT, it'll always be my first home. Lots of great people here, like you. Speaking of which, it's great to see you posting again more often!

Thanks for the kind words, you just made my day. :)

Yes! I couldn't agree more. I call my RBA the "Adjustable OHMs" atty. It's so sweet being able to tune in the desired results. So easy to do, with the size of the wire or wick or both, and ... so on.


Right on!

Yes, they cost a bit more, but when you stop and think that you're getting a long lasting RBA and a Mod both, it kinda alleviates the pain a little. Go for it! Come join me on eBay... where I sell hubby's old running shoes and the kid's video games to raise the funds lol. :)

Now I want a hybrid...lol why they haz to cost so much?
Funny how we all forget that when we smoked we spent $6 a pack. A hybrid even at $300 is less than 2 months of smoking. Come on do it! (Peer Pressure! Jk!!) They do hold their value very very well also. Hybrids like the Orion V2.1 are selling for more than retail value because they are so popular and the supply is very low. I'm on the list for the V3 and have been for about 4 months now.

Funny how we all forget that when we smoked we spent $6 a pack. A hybrid even at $300 is less than 2 months of smoking. Come on do it! (Peer Pressure! Jk!!) They do hold their value very very well also. Hybrids like the Orion V2.1 are selling for more than retail value because they are so popular and the supply is very low. I'm on the list for the V3 and have been for about 4 months now.

I see this as my next device purchase, at least some hybrid.

Hardest hitting hybrid on the market is by far the iHybrid. http://www.ihybridmods.com/

But, that too shall pass once Jim delivers the HY for the Poldiac.

haha, can you imagine? We'll all be experimenting with High Resistance coils instead of the low ones we do now (on all hybrids/RBA's). It'll be fun!!

The Orion V2/3 is awesome, and it's so small, very nice to use. (I think the V/3 will be just as small. Or will the size change??). What will be "new" with the V3?

Posted (edited)
Hardest hitting hybrid on the market is by far the iHybrid. http://www.ihybridmods.com/"]http://www.ihybridmods.com/ But, that too shall pass once Jim delivers the HY for the Poldiac. haha, can you imagine? We'll all be experimenting with High Resistance coils instead of the low ones we do now (on all hybrids/RBA's). It'll be fun!! The Orion V2/3 is awesome, and it's so small, very nice to use. (I think the V/3 will be just as small. Or will the size change??). What will be "new" with the V3?
Uma it depends on how Jim implements it. If it's just a shield that makes it more streamline then it'll act like the DID. If it mounts right on to the connector then it will be a true hybrid. The Orion V3 is going to be the same size 18650 and 18350. The only difference we know of so far is an air control ring and how the air enters the device. Here's a couple pics. post-3788-135874080387_thumb.jpg post-3788-135874083974_thumb.jpg Keep in mind that these aren't finished products but prototypes if ya can believe it. On a side note. Are you on the form over at http://www.vaporwall.com It's where you can find the lists for the Orion and a lot of other mods and hybrids being made all over the world. Lots of cool stuff coming out of Europe lately. Have you seen the new vaper 2 by Peter K? Edited by CASEACE79

Uma it depends on how Jim implements it. If it's just a shield that makes it more streamline then it'll act like the DID. If it mounts right on to the connector then it will be a true hybrid.

The Orion V3 is going to be the same size 18650 and 18350. The only difference we know of so far is an air control ring and how the air enters the device. Here's a couple pics.



Keep in mind that these aren't finished products but prototypes if ya can believe it.

On a side note. Are you on the form over at http://www.vaporwall.com

It's where you can find the lists for the Orion and a lot of other mods and hybrids being made all over the world. Lots of cool stuff coming out of Europe lately.

Have you seen the new vaper 2 by Peter K?

Jim is implementing both. There will be 2 different kits.

The Poldiac will have a HY connection, true hybrid connector, we can hy our DiD's too. (possibly other RBA's too?). He is coming out with a 22mm size DID to fit perfectly to it too.

The other kit he's coming out with, will allow our previous bought DID's to look hybrid, by making all lines smooth and beautiful.

In time, he no doubtedly will also have a real HY for the Temon too. I wouldn't put it past him! That guy is not only a creative genius, he's a producing genius.

Yeh, I skim the Wall now and then, but mostly I follow the user's input at VT, ECF, the PIT, ... I like to follow the quirks, customer service, and updates. After the "new" wears off, the input is real.

Most of the ones who sign up on the lists are the same vapers from forum to forum, from thread to thread. There are those who "have" to try every new design, product, coming out. Most end up on the classifieds by weeks end. (except Todd, lol, who has them up in hours, but that's another story for another day).

Peter-K is another genius! Everyone loves the thought of the automatic hybrid, and I hope the V2 delivers.


That reminds me, the Juggernaut Hybrid sure is selling like hotcakes right now, but I haven't kept up with it. It may be a good contender to keep an eye on. Only time will tell.


Rick is also someone I pay close attention to as a reviewer. He is a bit of a Jim fanboy but that's not really fair to Jim because there is good reason Rick likes his products soo much. He's just that damn good. Lol.


Rick's reviews and tutorials are very helpful! And yes, he has good reason to be a fan of Jim's.... and I can so relate on that. I try to curb it, but it's so hard to do when you're jumping up and down with joy.

Scott is another main reviewer for the Hybrid. I've learned so much from him. Check out the IKarus carbon fiber Hybrid. Nice!!!


Posted (edited)
Rick's reviews and tutorials are very helpful! And yes, he has good reason to be a fan of Jim's.... and I can so relate on that. I try to curb it, but it's so hard to do when you're jumping up and down with joy. Scott is another main reviewer for the Hybrid. I've learned so much from him. Check out the IKarus carbon fiber Hybrid. Nice!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBSyL4x7JBs
yep love Scott too but if I have to watch him oxidize another wick when he does a genny or hybrid review I'm gonna scream. Lol! Did you notice in his DID video that he wrapped it wrong? When he attached the wire to the ground post the long end was to the outside instead of the inside closer to the positive post. As soon as he did it I was like well that's gonna be a hotspot. Love him though. I actually have that exact same white drip tip he always uses. Lol! As fAr as the Ikarus is considered I was one of the first 20 on the list. I backed out because I wasn't too keen on the aesthetics of the top cap. I know it sounds petty but when you're forking out that kinda cash for a mod ya gotta love it. Edited by CASEACE79

He's changed his format this year, hasn't oxidized once, yet still shows the wrap most of the time. He even now has a point system at the last third of his videos. In the Ikarus video, for instance, he gives the Vent test. It's a must see. :)

haha, no, I didn't notice the wrongway wrap.

Oh wow, can't believe you passed up the Ikarus. It looks like a sweet hybrid. I'll take a closer look at the chamber.

I've gotten snooty when it comes to certain things I like in an atty and mod, as well. It's great knowing our personal likes and pet peeves finally. It took me long enough.

He's changed his format this year, hasn't oxidized once, yet still shows the wrap most of the time. He even now has a point system at the last third of his videos. In the Ikarus video, for instance, he gives the Vent test. It's a must see. :) haha, no, I didn't notice the wrongway wrap. Oh wow, can't believe you passed up the Ikarus. It looks like a sweet hybrid. I'll take a closer look at the chamber. I've gotten snooty when it comes to certain things I like in an atty and mod, as well. It's great knowing our personal likes and pet peeves finally. It took me long enough.
I was just giving him a hard time. I know he doesn't do it anymore.Yep it was easier to pass up as it was right before Xmas and the kids come 1st. Glad I've figured out what I like also. Especially after all the garbage that didn't work at all. Remember when there was talk of e liquid gel?

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