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About Garrett1234567

  • Birthday 01/14/1983

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    Parkersburg wv

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  1. Not true kngfdrgn. First if it can be utilized in a true mechanical mod then all you have to take into consideration is the amp rating of the battery. Use ohms law and determine what resistance is safe to vape at with that voltage. Next option is making a box mod using said battery, at the moment tye only high rated momentary switch is a large 60a marine switch, or you can use the tried and true meathod of building a box with a MOSFET, resistor, and any momentary switch you wish. I have a series box mod I made that runs a 8.4v lipo with a MOSFET, resistor and tactile switch and it functions flawlessly. The lipo is a 60a, but I tend to stay around .5-.7 ohms which uses around 14 amps and 117 watts
  2. Thanks guys, I've started making and selling these too, I can do a dual 18650 without a MOSFET which I don't recommend, or a single 18650 that's MOSFET protected. Pm me if anyone is interested
  3. I started with a hades 26650 mod. The 28.5mm rda is a huge build deck and easy to build coils on and the 26650 battery last all day. Then I picked up a panzer Blackhawk and really like it too. Those are the only mechs I have but I'd recommend either of them. A lot of people like the telescopic mods for first timers but but never tried one.
  4. Yep, what comp said. Momentary switches are usually rated for 3-5 amp so running a MOSFET with a 15k resistor with allow the amps to bypas the switch. You can stack MOSFET too. One 3034 MOSFET can handle 195 amps, 2 can handle 390 amps. Face book has a good group called box modders. If you join read the files and pinned post before asking any questions or you'll be meme'd to death cause all the answers are in there lol
  5. Hell just study up on box mods and build a MOSFET box. 10$ Hammond box, 3$ 3034 MOSFET, 4$ keystone 18650 sled, 5$ anti vandal switch and a 5$ 510 connector. 30$ and you've got a duel parallel 18650 box that can handle 194 amps and safetly fire down to .05
  6. Dripping at that ohm with a higher VG content will mute the flavor. It's when you get into the .5 ohm and lower realm that the flavor comes back with high VG. My suggestion would be get you a tank setup that you like and stay with that and drop 15-30$ on a clone mech mod for dripping.
  7. Posted this in my original thread but figured I'd start a new thread for the v2. This is a duel 18650. After moving the switch 3 times and the 510 twice I was finally able to get it working. Making the contact points was the hardest part, v3 will be a lot cleaner. Let me know what you guys think and any suggestions you may have.
  8. Here's a video of the v2 grip mod
  9. Thanks Jason, the standard ar grip is too small for duel 18650. I'm working on it to make a single 18650 model. Mounting the switch and 510 is the easy part, figuring a way to run the wires and install a battery is tough. I may go with on board charging for that on.
  10. Well picked up some other grips a few days ago to try and make a duel 18650. Never have I worked on something that aggravated me so much lol. After moving the fire switch 3 times I finally got it to work. I need to work on the contacts for the neg side of the battery to make it look cleaner but that's what prototyping is for. Sucks I have to leave next week and will be gone for 3 weeks, I could sell over a dozen of them right now lol
  11. Thanks guys, glad everyone likes it. Hopefully I'll have the supplies to start making these soon. I took it to a few local vape shops and they loved them too and want me to make more so looks like I found a niche in the mod world lol
  12. Hey thanks Jason for helping with the link.
  13. Finished it up and I love it, I'm going to find some more grips and maybe so ak grips. Here's a vid of it. Let me know what you guys think of it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i0WGjVHCsKA&app=m&persist_app=1
  14. Well I saw the grip I took off my ar sitting in the gun room and thought " that would make a killer mod" An hour later and I have this bad boy.
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