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wizard46304 last won the day on January 21 2014

wizard46304 had the most liked content!

About wizard46304

  • Birthday 07/30/1967

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  • Interests
    Family, Vaping, Baseball, and football.

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wizard46304's Achievements

  1. Napalm - Mr E-Liquid
  2. I kicked mine out in February, so I have acquired a lot of stuff in the last few months.
  3. I'm in Chesterton
  4. Welcome, what pat of Indiana are you from?
  5. Nonsense, and what about all the other crap that makes a cigarette much worse.
  6. The Helios was my first rda, very easy to build.
  7. I have a pile of .357's now, I occasionally use a couple of rda's that I have. Not a single tank left these days. Haha, I've caught the drip.
  8. I've grown a little from the wooden box, though it still stores some odds and ends.
  9. Well, I was so busy, I missed it. Thanks to everyone in the forum for your help in getting me this far.
  10. Your the bomb, and you know it.
  11. Pluid is awesome.
  12. Its a real taste treat. DO IT! LOL
  13. Custards last stand - nicoticket
  14. Already have extra drip Shields and tips. Now I'm waiting for the spinners and lanyard I bought so I can drip at work.
  15. You expecting a zombie apocalypse? That'll last a couple people a while. LOL
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