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Just moved up from a VP1 (3.7v) to a Turbo (5v)in December. This thing is awesome. Great vapor. Here are my issues though.

1. I seem to go through an atty about every 9 days. On my VP1 they would last about a month or so. Does the 5v just burn it out faster? Any recommendations for a quality 5v 801 atty?

2. This thing is a leaker! Thank good for the drip catcher they put on it. Probably a 5v thing too?

Any 5v hints will be helpful.

And kinda off subject, has anyone used that popcorn kettle cleaner to clean their atty's? how is it?


At 5 Volts you really need to keep the atty wet or it will burn out quicker. As far as a good 801 atty, I highly recommend the Joye 302. :)


those are 4.5ohm over kill for 5v

try them and see how they work.

I tried one and there, OK. really wish I could say great. they do not leak - which is definitely a plus, but not great in vapor production. The ones that would burn out quick were the ones that had huge vapor production. it's kinda like I'm back on the VP1 (3.7v.) now we'll see how long they last.


I use to use the Joye 302 on my VP/PT and loved it, and they seemed to get good life. I hardly ever had any leakage with the 302.

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