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Hi there everybody I just started doing research on e-cigs and I really wanted to get some opinions on some starter kits. I have been smoking cigarettes for around 6 years and majority of that time I have been smoking camel lights. I smoke almost a haft a pack a day on a regular day and sometime more depending on what I am doing or how bored I am. I have been checking out youtube on the e-cigs and was wondering what you all would recommend. Ok what I am looking for is something that is realistic appearing and around the same length as a king or a 100. From what I understand so far is the shorter the e-cig is the shorter the battery power. How much life can you get out of a shorter e-cig? How hard do they hit? How you refill and find your flavor? With smoking close to haft a pack of day how much nicotine would you all recommend? Off the top of my head that is about all I can think of, please let me know what you all think?


Hi HotDamn, a Joye 510 is close to a 100. A lot of people start with a Joye 510 starter kit. The only draw back is the battery life isn't so good. You might get 1.5-2 hours of use between charges. Most members here would recommend an eGo which will give you 7-8 hours of use between charges.

Since you are smoking 1/2 pack a day you might want to start at around 16-18 mg.

Hope this helps :)


check the noob guide in my sig.

you will not stick with the ones shaped like a normal cig for long unless you like to throw out money.

stick batteries tend to last 30-45mins, then takes 2-3hrs to charge up. leaving you with a pocket full of batteries all costing you way more than a single device that will perform and have a good lasting battery.

everyone that starts out wants something similar

when you get your fist larger ecig you feel awkward due to size, for the fact of what people might think.

finally ending on pride of having something that your happy with.

my advice, skip straight threw the crap and just get a mod right off the bat and don't piss around with the normal transition.


Welcome to VaporTalk, HotDamn!

I echo the advice from above. The eGo for serious vaping, and the 510 for backup might be a nice option for you. (just don't ever ever charge the 510 on the eGo's charger or it will kill your battery.)


Thanks for the advice guys, some of the things you y'all are saying right now seem like a language foreign to me but I will catch on. I just don't want to waste any money off the bat.


check the noob guide in my sig.

you will not stick with the ones shaped like a normal cig for long unless you like to throw out money.

stick batteries tend to last 30-45mins, then takes 2-3hrs to charge up. leaving you with a pocket full of batteries all costing you way more than a single device that will perform and have a good lasting battery.

everyone that starts out wants something similar

when you get your fist larger ecig you feel awkward due to size, for the fact of what people might think.

finally ending on pride of having something that your happy with.

my advice, skip straight threw the crap and just get a mod right off the bat and don't piss around with the normal transition.

Sorry but what all are considered mod? I looked at the common ecigs what about the dse901 and the joye510?


Also I just took a look at the joye 510, whats the deal with the batteries, maybe a stupid question but what type of batteries does it take or come with?


The 510 is the model number for the battery and also for the 510 atomizers. so, 510 atomizers go with 510 batteries, the Ego also takes 510 atomizers. <BR>The only draw back to the 510 batteries is the charge life--when brand new they will last 2-3 hours of moderate use before needing to be charged. <BR>The Ego is about the same length, just a bit 'fatter', but the battery life between charges is much better. 6-8 hours for the standard Ego batteries. <BR><BR>a 'mod' (Modified e-cig) is usually a higher voltage device or a device that is not mass produced such as the 510, 901, Ego.....<BR><BR>starting with the 510 or the Ego is really personal preference. Just make sure you research before you decide.


Sorry but what all are considered mod? I looked at the common ecigs what about the dse901 and the joye510?

A "mod" is a modified battery e-cig. It consists of an e-cig body which houses removable lithium-ion batteries. These are larger units that are not mass produced, but have great advantages over the mass produced units that look like cigarettes. First and most importantly is that the battery life is WAY longer. The removable batteries are cheaper to replace when they no longer hold a charge. Mods are available in a variety of voltage levels, including models that are adjustable voltage.

Standard e-cigs that look like cigarettes are often referred to as stick batteries. In these models the e-cig is the battery, which means that when the battery no longer holds a charge it is the entire unit that you are replacing. Battery charge life on these models is about 2 hours, which hardly fits anyone's lifestyle. They hit good when the battery is at a full charge, but within 20 minutes the voltage starts to drop and leave you not as satisfied.

I hope this helps, and if you want to catch up on terminology check out this post http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/forum/topic/9784-jargon-for-noobs/

For a more detailed description of the evolution of standard e-cigs to mods read this http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/forum/topic/8803-the-noobie-guide/


A "mod" is a modified battery e-cig. It consists of an e-cig body which houses removable lithium-ion batteries. These are larger units that are not mass produced, but have great advantages over the mass produced units that look like cigarettes. First and most importantly is that the battery life is WAY longer. The removable batteries are cheaper to replace when they no longer hold a charge. Mods are available in a variety of voltage levels, including models that are adjustable voltage.

Standard e-cigs that look like cigarettes are often referred to as stick batteries. In these models the e-cig is the battery, which means that when the battery no longer holds a charge it is the entire unit that you are replacing. Battery charge life on these models is about 2 hours, which hardly fits anyone's lifestyle. They hit good when the battery is at a full charge, but within 20 minutes the voltage starts to drop and leave you not as satisfied.

I hope this helps, and if you want to catch up on terminology check out this post http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/forum/topic/9784-jargon-for-noobs/

For a more detailed description of the evolution of standard e-cigs to mods read this http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/forum/topic/8803-the-noobie-guide/

what about the ego, so far it seems like a great bet.


what about the ego, so far it seems like a great bet.

Everyone will tell you that the ego is a great choice to start with. You will also find that the ego is allot smaller than it looks in pictures.


The Ego is a mass produced device, and is a great PV. Very dependable, great battery life, smaller than most Mods. I really love my Ego. But, I also Love my mods. different models for different moods.


the ego is solid

but at the same time i cant say that a $20 battery is worth it.

they run at like 650mAh battery life, at the same time if i had a mod that could take an 18650 battery i could have 2,500mAh and those batteries run for about $9


I am agree with jeffb, I also start with Joye 510 starter kit and till date this is my Favorited.

Hi HotDamn, a Joye 510 is close to a 100. A lot of people start with a Joye 510 starter kit. The only draw back is the battery life isn't so good. You might get 1.5-2 hours of use between charges. Most members here would recommend an eGo which will give you 7-8 hours of use between charges.

Since you are smoking 1/2 pack a day you might want to start at around 16-18 mg.

Hope this helps :)


my advice, skip straight threw the crap and just get a mod right off the bat and don't piss around with the normal transition.

agree 100% I bought a"realistic" looking one, I was buying a mod 8 days later.


Hi Hotdamn: Here's my 2cents. I started with a 901, then a 510 and after charging and charging my batteries I ordered an eGo. It doesn't look like an analog but it really does the job. I love the eGo and most kits come with 2 batteries so you can be charging one and vaping on the other and you will never run out of battery power. You might want to pick up some extra 510 atomizers or cartomizers. That's the one thing you want to always have on hand, and juice of course. It's a great way to not smoke analogs. I haven't smoked in three months and do not want to ever go back to that stinky world again. Good luck and keep on vaping.


I think I may go with the 510 or the ego, what yall think???

Go with the eGo. :thumbsup:


Well like a lot of people here will tell you, the eGo is a good place to start. It has great battery life and is a real work horse. You can use atty's or cartomizers and it will last for quite some time. I get around 6-8 hrs off a single charge and I vape constantly. Also...the new usb eGo model is great because you can charge it while you're vaping at your computer or anywhere there is a usb connection. You really get a good bang for your buck. So my advice is... if you don't want to be charging every hour or so and you're not worried that it doesn't look like an analog...go for the eGo....you wont be disappointed.

Good luck and happy vaping.


I agree, don't go with the regular stick batteries, the constant charging sucks. I have all XL ones that are 380mah and I blow through them in 30-90 mins depending on time of day and what else I am doing. I have 6 batteries and two chargers and STILL I end up with only one left, while waiting for the first two to finish charging. It sucks, it really does. BUT I HATE to be wasteful since we have all these darn batteries.....but after almost a year vaping and enduring this garbage we have FINALLY ordered two mods. I know we will be MUCH happier. I had a HUGE hang up with wanting them to resemble normal cigs so all my batts are white except a couple that my husband had ordered. Now I just don't care, I just want batteries that i don't have to constantly charge....I don't need it to look like a cigarette, but like most ppl at the beginning that was very important to me. I still do want a bigger but still cylindrical type battery to use out in public because I just think a box mod would feel awkward to me to use in public. Oh, and everyone is right about the hit too......the batteries are fine when fully and freshly charged, but they lose power in a VERY short amount of time, prior to totally dying and it really stinks.


For Ego kits:

Vapor talk store is a great place to shop. excellent service.


Wordup: My link


Liberty Flights: My link

Those are my top three. I'm sure others will give you more choices.


For Ego kits:

Vapor talk store is a great place to shop. excellent service.


Wordup: My link


Liberty Flights: My link

Those are my top three. I'm sure others will give you more choices.

thanks a lot I think I'm going to pull the trigger tonight and hope to be vapin by tuesday

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