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Spreading Like Wildfire! Fighting The Fda...


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Vaping for a while now especially at work. Within 2months I've converted 5 co-workers to e-cigs! They were 3packs of analogs a week.... now they're drippin and vapin' fiends!!!! ha.ha.ha. Take that FDA ecig hater basterds!!!!! One way of fighting this FDA banned we just go on doing what we love and more will soon follow like networking analog smokers back to health.

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AND! We can't all get too stressed. This little "storm" might actually turn into a storm they shouldn't have started. The more and more I go through other studies and the more and more I go through theirs... the stuff I find is amazing! If I, an artist by education (and I studied Art because I am not a science type...) can find these faults... then it won't be long before the pro-ecig science community finds it too.

As we have seen Dr. Siegel has already pointed much of the discrepancies out! http://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot.com.

Sorry... I know it has been posted in many places but it is simply brilliant and everyone should read it! B)

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She's right it really is an awesome read. I hope your right lacey.

To be honest I think the ecigs will stay, one way or another. I figure a couple of things may happen.

1. The FDA will go balls to the walls against ecigs and outlaw them. A few years (maybe 10) down the line we will see them pop up again as an NRT product.

2. This whole thing will boil down and the FDA will turn a blind eye. Everything will be sold online

3. The FDA will allow the sales of ecigs once the QC gets better over in China. Some major company will start mass producing the ecig and small suppliers will have a hard time staying in business.

There are quite a few outcomes I could post but I really do think the ecig will stay one way or another, there is far to much money to be made.

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Oh... It is definitely here to stay. The question is who is going to deliver it to the masses. The pharmaceutical and tobacco industries have had a monopoly on the "quit or die" philosophy and personally, I think it is high time for a third industry to come along and change the philosophy to: "quit, reduce, or die". :)

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