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Juice - Good To Great.


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This may sound stupid, but I have to ask your opinions.

Do your juices taste better after the bottle gets half empty?

I have notices that ALL my juices taste better after the bottle gets half empty. Now wait a second before you jump to the natural conclusion! Juice Steeping, right? I don't think so...

I recently reordered a juice that was good in the beginning and only got better the lower the bottle got. The original juice was in a 10ml bottle. Well I ordered a 30ml bottle of the same stuff and the flavor was back to good but not GREAT.

Well I took that okay juice out of that 30ml bottle and put some (about 5ml) in the 10ml bottle. Shook it up and vaped the crap out of it. BINGO back to AWESOME. I re-tasted the 30ml bottle and it was not the same as the half full 10ml bottle of the SAME juice.

Something about a half empty bottle and shaking the crap out of it "seems" to make it taste better. So now I am taking all my lager bottles and filling up my 10ml bottles half way.

I may not be explaining this right, but Air in the bottle = Yummy. Or seems to for me.

Edited by brijmin
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Here's my $0.02:

David from FSUSA once suggested that I leave the juices I ordered from him w/o the cap on overnight, to let them breathe a bit. My guess is that leaving the bottle open when you first receive it will give you the same effect.

I now do this with every bottle of juice I receive. It cuts at least 48hrs off the steep time of juices that I used to know took 7 to really taste good.

The shaking is always a good idea, to make sure that there is a more even distribution of whatever flavorings and thinners are in the juice. Ever seen a juice that started to separate? I have...and it looks weird! :)

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I hope you are right cause I got a shipment of mixed when ordered VG liquid that a lot of people are raving about and so far it seems like I am just vaping plain VG ,little or no flavor.

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