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SO I just lost my first atomizer, one of the original ones that shipped with my eGo about a month ago (pretty happy to get a month out of my first atomizer, it was heavily used no doubt). It worked all night last night but noticed that the first hit after dripping 3 drops was super hot, then went back to normal, but it was definitely eating up juice faster. This morning it was dead, it must've went peacefully in the night lol.

SO I pop open a new atomizer, blew out the primer fluid and started removing the wick. I did this almost flawlessly with the 2 that came with my kit. This time, however, I had a jumble of tiny wick particles still under the bridge and hanging pretty close to the coil. Close enough that I sensed some burning wick taste in my future.

SO I remember hearing about removing the bridge if you primarily drip, which I do, so I go directly for Phee03's vid on how to do it. Great vid, super informative, but here comes the noob moment. I decide to go with him step by step while he's doing it instead of screening the vid once then executing, total noob move. I get the mesh out of the way and start to jiggle the bridge ever so gently, when THE ENTIRE INSIDE PULLS ALMOST HALF WAY OUT! I sense dread and immediatly worry that I only have 2 other new atty's left and what if I mess one of those up?? Damn I was so mad, I push the assembly back in and figure I'd watch the rest of the vid and get the damn bridge/mesh out for educational purposes. Still fuming.

Almost 15 sec later in the vid he explains that the middle element might pop out the a bit, and you just hafta slide it back down to make contact with the +/- . I rejoice, pop open some TastyVapor German Chocolate Cake, and now have a hard hitting, bridgeless atty. Maybe I was just lucky, but anyone skeptical on removing the bridge on your drippin' atty... you can't do it any worse than I did LOL and it's rollin like a champ as I type.


nice job. :thumbsup:

Moved to Electronic Cigarette Modifications, Tips and Tricks


Glad it wan't killed. Always read all directions before moving on.

Posted (edited)

I tried it once and since there wasn't anything for the liquid to soak into ,I ended up with ejuice all over the place.It did vape good but not enough that I would do that again.As a side note I tried it on a crappy Bauway attie which was prone to leaking anyway.

Edited by mcquinn

I actually had almost the same exact thing happen on Tuesday. I did watch the video once before giving it a try; however, when I was done I didn't think that my atty was hitting any harder. It was just warmer vapor which I don't mind. It just didn't seem to hit with as much vapor as it once did.


I did it with a joye 510 atty, and now that I've been using it a couple of days I would say the vapor and hit are marginally better, but better nontheless. If it keeps up and lasts as long as the first one did, I might do it again. Judging by the tone of the replies, I might've been lucky and am not convinced that it is without a doubt worth it.

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