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Revolution Kr808 Review!


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I ordered the Revolution Starter Kit from the Vapor Talk Store on 1/4/11, and it arrived at my house 1/8/11. The store is located in California and I live in Maryland, so I'm very happy with the delivery time! Also, the customer service is amazing. Chris answered all of my questions after just a few minutes on this forum. This is my first eCig, so if you are new to eCigs then this information might help you too. I found this site after surfing the net for several days trying to find a trusting place to buy from.

I am not affiliated with any eCig manufacturer or website. I'm just a guy who wants to never smoke another analog again.

Ok. The Revolution eCig sold by the VT Store is a pretty awsome model. It comes with Two 3.7v manual batteries, Six pre-filled 808 cartomizers, and a charger that can be plugged into any USB port or wall outlet. The box is very nice, and all of the parts look and feel sleek and very durable. All the parts are black, the button is small and gold, and the LED on the battery glows orange/red. There is also the Revolution logo on the batteries, which is a nice looking red "R". The cartos are pre-filled with 24mg strength, Winston flavored e-juice.

The batteries are delivered with probably a 40% charge. I of course did not want to wait and charge them completely before trying it out! After a single primer puff, this eCig delivers a nice throat hit. Although the Winston flavor is less than favorable, it is better than smoking an analog. I ordered a couple bottles of e-juice from the VT Store (Dulcis, and Cappucino), so I can't wait til they arrive!

After an hour of charging the other battery I put the cartomizer on that one, and it gives a great throat hit, and a decent amount of vapor. I have been smoking analogs for about 7 years, and have been smoking almost a pack a day. I have asthma, so I shouldn't be smoking at all, which is why I am very happy to have found eCigs! I've noticed that it isn't affecting my breathing at all vaping my Revolution! Overall, I'm very happy with this product, and will be using it for a long time. I don't feel that I need to upgrade to a higher voltage, or a more expensive model anytime soon. I will let you know how long the battery lasts before I have to charge it again within the next 24 hours.

If you are looking for a great quality eCig for your first purchase or you have been vaping for a long time, this is a very nice product to add to your collection! It cost me $49.99 for two batteries, 6 cartomizers, and a versitile charger. For the price, you get a ******* nice *** deal! The only thing I would recommend you do is order the flavor e-juice that you may like, because the pre-filled Winston flavor is not great in my opinion.

I would like to thank Chris for his great customer service, and the entire Vapor Talk team for making it the perfect place to join the Revolution of eCigs. ( see what i did thar :D )

You can find pictures of the Revolution Starter Kit in the VT Store.

Edited by YogiDaBear
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Good review....glad you're enjoying your device. Would like to say I hope you're right about not needing a new unit anytime soon, but the reality is that we all said that at first and it just kinda snowballs outta control. Next thing you know you have another then another and juice up the....well you get the idea.

Good luck with your new e-cig hope it works well for you.

Good luck and happy vaping.

p.s. where in md??

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Yeah I will probably eat my words by the end of this year, but I am pretty poor so I don't have the freedom to expand my collection yet. My birthday is in March so I might ask for a passthrough and a **** ton of e-juice though! Maybe a mod too. But, the Revolution batteries so far work great with no loss of power through my whole day. I never let them get low though. Since I really only smoked about 12 analogs a day on average I go through only like 1.2 carto refills per day so far. We'll see how that changes when I get the flavors I want :).

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