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The Atty Caddy.....


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I like to dedicate my attys to the flavor I am vaping...I hate overlaying flavors. I takes a while for one to bleed out and start really tasting the one you want to vape....So , I just cut up some tubing, popped the atty in it, and taped it to the flavor I want to vape with that perticular atty... I got tired of "smelling" atty's and guessing which flavor it went to. Prob just my OCD, but its handy!...Vape On!


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Cool idea. Personally I overlay most flavors because most of my regular flavors taste really well together. Bobas Bounty and Dulcis are amazing together. May use this for really strong flavors though. Atomic cinnacide is the best example and would work for my cartomizers cause I don't like to mix flavors with those.

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Cool idea. Personally I overlay most flavors because most of my regular flavors taste really well together. Bobas Bounty and Dulcis are amazing together. May use this for really strong flavors though. Atomic cinnacide is the best example and would work for my cartomizers cause I don't like to mix flavors with those.

That is mainly why I did it...After vaping the Atomic C....its just hard to get that Cinnamon taste out of there. I do mix other coffee flavors to other coffee/creamy flavs, (like Irish Cream and Cafe Mocha) but some you just have to isolate.

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Instead of that plastic tubing, you could tape a long end carto "condom" to the bottle. I save those for making try-it-out sleeves (cut off the other end, make a hollow tube). So since I have a few about, I might try that with one that's not cut yet. Good idea!

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Instead of that plastic tubing, you could tape a long end carto "condom" to the bottle. I save those for making try-it-out sleeves (cut off the other end, make a hollow tube). So since I have a few about, I might try that with one that's not cut yet. Good idea!

True!...as most peeps already have those laying around....I just had some clear tubing laying around that I had left over from when I built the atty flusher.:rolleyes:

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