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I've actually hard of this. For example Scott's is a large employer in our town, they will not give you health insurance if you smoke. (The guys who make your lawn tools)


That's a bit harsh, while nicotine is a drug and is not good for you, so is caffeine. I don't think any drug is good for you, it treats a symptom that is worse than the side effects of the drug, caffeine keeps you awake, paracetamol helps with pain and nicotine stops you murdering people around you :) If you could do without those you would be better off but there certainly not hard drugs by any means or really what you would class as deadly.


nicotine stops you murdering people around you

Hilarious and true.

Does anyone remember when you could smoke on a plane? I do... (damn I'm old) I never thought I would be forced to not only go outside to smoke, but off the property. Yes that's right, my office declared this a NON-Smoking property. Smokers have to walk 2 blocks down the road (it's a big building) and light up on the sidewalk. The sidewalk that is not in front of the building.

That's about the time I discovered Vaping. Now I vape at my desk and I don't HAVE to kill anyone. Prison is not my bag or tea.


Just carry some nicotine gum with you and blame the results on that.My work accepted vaping as having quit using tobacco and discounted my insurance.I did however work my way down on the nicotine to no nic for the most part and low once in a while if I am feeling particularly antsy.Not a lot of no nic choices for liquid out there.

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