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Ok, loved the caramel macchiato flavor, awesome...BUT, the butterscotch is awful. Seriously, tastes like puke!! Bummer! :thumbsdown:


You can send it to me... I love it. And it does not taste like puke to me.

Seriously, though, sorry you don't like it. You do have the other flavors, so all is not lost. :)


Ok, loved the caramel macchiato flavor, awesome...BUT, the butterscotch is awful. Seriously, tastes like puke!! Bummer! :thumbsdown:

Juice flavor can be different for everyone. What one person likes someone else may absolutely hate. I have not tried the butterscotch, so I don't have an opinion on the flavor. I see that you have been vaping for a few days now. Your flavor preferences will change the longer you vape. When I first started I got a bottle of juice that tasted like stale beer. I shelved it and after a few weeks, I gave it a try again. The flavor had completely changed. I would suggest waiting a few weeks and giving it a go then. Just a suggestion.


Which Manufacturer/Supplier did you get this from? Did you discuss this with them? As mentioned above, taste is very subjective. There are plenty of flavors out there that I am not very fond of and they are not for me. I certainly wouldn't make a statement as harsh as the OP.

What is the point of this post? You found a flavor you didnt like? I can assure you it will happen again.


Juice flavor can be different for everyone. What one person likes someone else may absolutely hate. I have not tried the butterscotch, so I don't have an opinion on the flavor. I see that you have been vaping for a few days now. Your flavor preferences will change the longer you vape. When I first started I got a bottle of juice that tasted like stale beer. I shelved it and after a few weeks, I gave it a try again. The flavor had completely changed. I would suggest waiting a few weeks and giving it a go then. Just a suggestion.

I agree. Let the juice steep for a few weeks. Don't give up on a juice too soon.

Posted (edited)

Honestly, if someone does a review of a PV, it can be evaluated on a number of points. This makes sense to me, but juice reviews are another thing. Everyone's taste buds are different, and what one person loves, another will think tastes like puke. I don't think that judging one juice based on taste alone is valid. Juice reviews should be on a juice supplier's overall offerings.

How many different flavors have you tried?

Did the majority of the juices from this supplier taste like they should have? (rather than a single juice)

Do they offer a large number of flavors?

Does the supplier offer both PG and VG? Do they offer mixes of PG and VG?

What size bottles are offered?

What nic levels are offered?

Anything else stand out? (natural? organic?)

Are their prices good, fair, or expensive?

Shipping - Was it timely? Were they packed well? Did the bottles arrive without leaking?

When you review only one flavor and simply say that it is awful, you can easily get 10 other people to say that they tried it and loved it. Similarly, if you review only one flavor and simply say that it is wonderful, you can easily get 10 other people to say that they tried it and thought it was awful.

All of this is just my own opinion of course, as I have always found flavor reviews to be highly subjective.

Edited by miatafrank

Yea and maybe a little more positive review would be nice.... I just don't think saying that a vendors E-Liquid tastes like puke is the right thing to do.. These guys really work hard on giving us the best product available. I hope it's not VT's that your talking about, cuz i just ordered a bottle. But I'm sure I'll have no problem with it cuz VT has the best E-liquid in my opinion.

I'm not trying to be a A-hole or anything... Sorry if you take what I'm saying the wrong way


The reality is that taste is subjective. So why do juice reviews at all? If what we think about a juice has no weight then why waste the time? That brings us to the real truth. Taste isn't as subjective as we all may think. It's subjective to a point. There is an area where some juice will rise above the rest for the majority and fall below the rest for most people. Otherwise we wouldn't have juices like Dulcis, Atomic Cinnacide, Bobas Bounty, Geoff's Blend and RY4's on the top of of everyones favorite lists. While I think that the OP's review was quite vague I don't think it shouldn't carry any weight. If a juice is REALLY bad then it's safe to assume that it may fall below the bar for most. If that wasn't the case then juice reviews might as well be removed from all vaping forums because they would be pointless. Everyone deserves to voice their opinion so to the OP I say thank you I'll steer clear of this one for now.


I agree, what vendor....although because taste is subjective I doubt that it is as bad for others that might like it. I would love to find a nice sweet buttery butterscotch flavor myself. Still looking and so far, haven't found any, but I am sure one is out there.


Which Manufacturer/Supplier did you get this from? Did you discuss this with them? As mentioned above, taste is very subjective. There are plenty of flavors out there that I am not very fond of and they are not for me. I certainly wouldn't make a statement as harsh as the OP.

What is the point of this post? You found a flavor you didnt like? I can assure you it will happen again.


I just received VT's Butterscotch yesterday and let me tell me it is damn good in my opinion.. I've tried a few other Butterscotch flavors from other vendors it came nothing close to the flavor this has. If your a fan of Butterscotch like myself i'd def give this a try.. I didn't taste one drop of puke lol


Just a quick note on the Butterscotch if you are into it. Wordup has a fantastic butterscotch. I have been vaping for about 3 months and have had nothing but samples from about 4-5 vendors. I've been trying to find what works for me. Well, this is the first 50 ml bottle I have bought. It taste like a real sweet, smooth tob. flavor. Outstanding!!!!


Vt Butterscotch tastes just like butterscotch to me, its a a bit sweet for all the time but is just awesome with a coffee.


heh I suppose that's one way to do a review :) It seems to be one of those flavors where either you love it or hate it. So far most seem to have good enough things to say.

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