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So, I have been at this for about 12 days or so now. However, I have a few questions.

1) Why is it that everytime I fill a cartomizer it leaks out of the bottom? I wait until I get that icky taste like it needs more juice and if I put more than 3 drops in it then it starts running out the bottom. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong.

2)Since I am using the cartomizers shouldn't I be able to put more than 3 drops of juice in it? I thought these were supposed to hold more than the atomizers with the little filters.

I'm using the Joye 510 right now.

Thanks in advance for all and any help.

Posted (edited)

The cartomizer does work better than using the cartridges that come with a standard atomizer. The best way to use a standard atomizer is to direct drip.

Back to your question. Take the cap off the cartomizer and look in the center. There will be a wire and a white tube/straw. That actually is a vent. It liquid gets inside the tube it will run out the bottom. You want to add your drops along the side of the cartomizer. The drops should hit the white filler not the tube. I hope that helps.

You might want to watch this video. How to fill a 510 cartomizer

Edited by BirdDog

It is not normal for liquid to leak out of the bottom. First, are you sure you are using a cartomizer? If so, like Bird Dog stated, make sure the liquid is hitting the sides and not the middle. If the liquid gets into that center hole, it will just leak out of the bottom.

You are trying to get liquid into the filler, not into that hole. Watching the video should help out quite a bit.


I always fill my cartomizers from the bottom, the first time anyway. "Condom filling method" The video for this is on the site! I just take one of the cover caps (some people call them condoms) and put about 20 drops in it and slowly lower the cartomizer down into the rubber cover. The juice flows up through the bottom of the cartomizer and seeps into the filler material. Sometimes a few drops on the top of the filler is needed. After the liquid is soaked in, you can pull the rubber cap off, wipe off the cartomizer and put it on your battery. Then I just drip a few drops in the top once in a while as needed. It works great for me! I use the LR 2.0 Ohm cartomizers from Vaporkings.com and they work great! :) Hope this helps!

Posted (edited)

I use the LR 2.0 Ohm cartomizers from Vaporkings.com and they work great! :) Hope this helps!

How have the Vapor King cartos been lately for you? Is the filler in them ok? I hate it when some cartos have super tight filler... they don't perform nearly as well when it's tight like that. I'm hoping the latest ones you got have not been like that.

Edited by DAYVAPE

Yes I'm using a cartomizer (I went back & checked the box). The ones I get are from Cignot and once the cap on the top is removed there is a space & another piece that has 2 very tiny holes in it. I watched the video on here twice about filling them but in the video you can see down in there (well a little bit) on mine the holes are so small the tip of a stick pin will hardly fit in it. So I have been putting about 3 drops in the "space" after taking off the top and letting it seep down into tthe unit itself. But then it will start to leak around where my battery screws into the carto. Maybe I should just try a different brand and that would help.

Posted (edited)

Since you're using Joyetech cartos, you need to use a syringe to fill them. However, the condom fill method is better and works just fine for those cartos. You're dripping right onto the vent, which will leak. Just use the condom fill method. Also, use more than 20 drops to ensure the carto does get filled up to prevent having to add more with the syringe. Once you have lowered the carto all the way into the condom, just pull it out, but keep the carto connector over it or over a napkin. I recommend keeping it over the condom to catch the excess e-liquid. You can then pour that e-liquid back into the bottle to prevent wasting it. :)

Edited by Hurricane

How have the Vapor King cartos been lately for you? Is the filler in them ok? I hate it when some cartos have super tight filler... they don't perform nearly as well when it's tight like that. I'm hoping the latest ones you got have not been like that.

I know what you're sayin about overly tight filler. I've always had good luck with these. I don't buy anything else now. They work best with thinner liquids, but my Tasty Vapor Kretek (thicker liquid) works fine with these. If they start to produce less vapor with the Kretek, I rinse them out and they work fine the next day. :) The filler doesn't seem to be too tight IMO.


Yes I'm using a cartomizer (I went back & checked the box). The ones I get are from Cignot and once the cap on the top is removed there is a space & another piece that has 2 very tiny holes in it. I watched the video on here twice about filling them but in the video you can see down in there (well a little bit) on mine the holes are so small the tip of a stick pin will hardly fit in it. So I have been putting about 3 drops in the "space" after taking off the top and letting it seep down into tthe unit itself. But then it will start to leak around where my battery screws into the carto. Maybe I should just try a different brand and that would help.

I just looked at the Cignot Joye Cartomizers. I've never purchased these before. Two hard plastic caps and you have to puncture a filler tube. (Kinda reminds me of the Joye eGo MEGA Cartomizers I purchased a while back.) I didn't really care for the Joye eGo MEGA's. If these Cignot Joye cartomizers aren't working well for you after trying the bottom fill method, I'd try some other cartomizers, like you mentioned. Hope this helps! :)


thank you for the help. I'm wasting so much "juice" with the leaking. Okay so now I will research the bottom fill method to make sure I'm doing that right. If I'm still not satisfied I will be purchasing new carto's from here. I just would like to use up the ones I have. With adding only 3 drops at a time & part of that leaking out I'm having to refill all the time. Sometimes I think it's just easier to light up an analog. But, I'm not going to do that I have commited to this and I really enjoy it much more than analogs (except the for the consistant filling)!

Before I research the bottom fill method am I understand this right? Just put the liquid into the rubber cap that comes on it and let it soak up into the carto?


Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have got it now. I tried the bottom fill method and no leaks. Also I was able to put a lot more than 3 drops in! I am such a happy camper now! I will have to give it some time to see how it really works out but I think this is the answer for me.

Posted (edited)

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have got it now. I tried the bottom fill method and no leaks. Also I was able to put a lot more than 3 drops in! I am such a happy camper now! I will have to give it some time to see how it really works out but I think this is the answer for me.

Very glad you got those to work for you! :) If you think those work well, you might also try the eGo 900mAh battery with the vaporkings.com LR 2.0 Ohm cartomizers in the future. Works great for me! Again, Glad you're vaping now! :thumbsup:

Edited by JayH503

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