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Smokie Uses His Vapemate On A Ego In A Nj Snow Storm


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The VapeMate from supertmanufacturing.com worked being out in the snow storm, but I have yet to experiment on which is the best way of using the juice bottle with, or without the plastic tube in the bottle. I was using it without the tubing in this video. I will do another review after I find which way would be best for me.

You are all invited to come Hang out on my show, so we can vape together, Saturday Nights at 10 PM eastern time http://www.stickam.com/elixirtv2 and during week nights with our other hosts. We have shows 7 nights a week most starting around 9 PM eastern time, check the show schedule for changes.

Any Questions? you can always email me at smokie901@gmail.com

Vape On, and Fuhgeddaboudit, Smokie The Mod Father

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