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I have been looking and can't find anything negative about vaping. I mean this is the best thing I have done in a long time. I am waiting for the "bad news" this **** will cause your liver to breakdown or your eyes to melt out of your head or something that makes it bad for you.

Other then doing this to the extreme like I am sure some Darwin award a-hole will do or has done. This seems to be the best of both worlds. I get my nicotine and the satisfaction of "smoking" that I can do ANYWHERE.

I want the ZEUS6... :punk:


I hope they dont come out with a warning saying too much vaping will cause something bad to happen, cuz there's no way Im cutting back :lol:


Make sure you watch the video past the 2:30 point. You will see the ZEUS6...


Honestly I won't say that Vaping is good for you, I just say it is better for you than smoking. Not breathing any foreign substance directly into your lungs is almost surely better for you than Vaping. Of course, I'm an addict so I'm not going to quit, but I will take the better alternative.


So true...breathing anything into your lungs except oxygen is not totally healthy. But vaping is a whole lot better than what I was putting into my lungs with analogs.

These new studies are promising but I'm sure some one will try to sway the findings to try and prove their point that e-cigs are unsafe.

They just can't admit when they are wrong.


That video is fricken hysterical. I find it ammusing that somehow I am in this sub-culture where vaping aluminum piping is so damn funny. 99.9% of the public would be like WTF?

Posted (edited)

It is the best of both worlds! :thumbsup:

I can chain vape after work in my house, while on the computer, in my car.....and I don't reek like an analog cig! Big plus because I work in healthcare(x-ray) and I found that people get really offended by it(now I know why because I can smell and now can smell a smoker a mile away and it's GROSS!.) I also don't cough heavily in the morning and I sleep better. (I used to wake myself up from hacking so much...not good). The cost factor is another big plus. I am just NOW seeing the savings. My counter says I'm saving a lot, but even with the supplies for my e-cig and the e-cig itself, I have already paid for it and all the supplies to last me several months of vaping. Pretty cool!

I am just curious to know any negative side effects if there are any. Still, this is so much better then inhaling all that carbon monoxide, tar, etc. I wish they would do more studies to prove how much better it is for you.

Edited by Ellynn99

I look at it this way.....Even though it MAY not be the best for you (studies are still to be done) it has to be better than the analogs. I figured that the analogs were not making me healthier so at the worst what could this do? Vaping could not cause any more harm than tar, and 3000 plus other things that's in an analog. So, for now I will stick with vaping. Plus I like the flavor(s) and it doesn't cause my daughter any problems with her asthma.

Posted (edited)

Honestly I don't think it is any more unsafe then a nicotine inhaler. Because that is what you are basically doing, inhaling nicotine and vapor. The FDA is just mad that they can't get their hands on it to charge/tax us more and because the Government is losing precious tax dollars.

Heck, I would rather spend my money on vaping, then to severely damage my lungs further from analogs(hacking up a lung) and pay my money to them because they say "it's FDA approved and it's ok." Yeah and then have them slap a warning on the side of the pack of analogs saying it can cause Emphysema and lung cancer etc. Then have Millions of DOCUMENTED cases of people dying from it. Sorry but that doesn't make it ok. So the hell with what they say! They don't care about us. If they did, they would research ways to ban analogs or would offer up vaping as a safer solution/alternative to this serious addiction that most of the world has.

Edited by Ellynn99

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