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Well my Pro Vari finally arrived in the mail. Short review: This thing kicks some major balls. I've tried close to 40 mods now and nothing comes close to this bad boy. When I say this sets the new standard I mean it. I sort of picture all the mod makers working away, the guy that runs Provape walks over to the table, whips is wang out and says "lemme show you how this is done."

For obvious reasons I don't often review other suppliers products. But this thing is to good to pass up. I will create a video review once I get around to it but for now here is the text version.

(By the way Vapor Talk has no affiliation with Pro Vape. I paid full price for the unit the same as anyone else)

Lets start with the body

Pictures don't do the Pro Vari justice. Pro Vape really needs to get some new pictures done. The pictures on their site look like someone is trying to sell a Ferrari by posting cell phone photos of the car. It just doesn't show off the beauty of the unit. Looking at their pictures I assumed the body would be made of thin aluminum. Instead I'm pretty sure it's made from DARPA's latest bullet proof technology. It's sleek, well built and looks a lot like a light saber. The atomizer fitting is well built and has recessed top cap. If liquid does happen to leak out, it's not going to run down the unit. Although not the first to implement this, it's still a nice touch. Both the top cap and end cap are chrome in color. The body is brushed steel look.

Complaints: Minor. 1. I'd love to see this unit in black. It would look amazing. 2. Your hands smell a bit like brass afterwards but I have no doubt this will fade in time. A good cleaning with some baby wipes will remedy this. I'm really nit picking here.

The end cap

It seems minor but people often complain about the end cap on mods. IE the spring popping off, cap no screwing in smoothly etc. The cap literally screws on as smooth as a volume nob on a stereo. The entire cap covers the spring so there is absolutely no way the spring will ever pop off. It's locked up tighter than an Enron share holder.

Built in micro controller

That's right, they put a mini computer in this thing. The Pro Vari has an amazing list of little features.

On the fly voltage adjustment - You can change your units voltage from 3.3 - 6.0 in a matter of seconds using the built in digital display. Nice.

Ohm reader - There's a damn ohm reader built in. (Wonder if Radio Shack will let me return the one I already have) Not sure if your using a LR atomizer? Use the built in ohm tester to find out.

Voltage Checker - Check the currently voltage on your battery

LED on off - Turn off or on the LED

Sleep mode - Need to pack your unit and go? Put it into sleep mode and it will shut down to stop the battery from draining. This essentially disabled the button but you still have access to the LED feature screen.

All this is controlled via the built in LED screen. Slick. The screen is covered by a magnified piece of glass/plastic making it easy to read the red display. 6 quick clicks and your into the menu. 10 clicks and it turns into a stealth fighter.

The Button

Often over looked but extremely important. This is what I was probably worried about the most. The pictures show what looks like a plastic cheap button. Not the case at all. The button is large. sturdy and comfortable on the hands. It's clear and has an embed LED to show you when the unit is engaged. While only time will tell, I don't see the button going out any time soon.

Battery Life

All day. ProVari takes a single 18490/18500 battery which needs to be purchased seprate. While I haven't really tested the battery life, I did use the battery right out of the box without charging it. I ran at 4.1 volts (the happy spot for me) and it lasted well over 12 hours without an issue. This wasn't constant vaping but the battery didn't die. My guess is you'll get plenty of battery life. I'm sure other members will report on this later.

To sum it up The Pro Vari is an amazing ecig mod. With all the bells and whistles anyone could ask for and a 1 year warranty to boot, this is money well spent. Granted the price tag at $150 bucks is steep, this could easily be the last mod you ever need to buy.

Quick list of features

on/off mod

16 second saftey cut off

Short Circuit atomizer protection

reverse batery protection

battery monitor

over discharge protection

termal monitoring

microprocessor controlled

LED on/off

volt checker

on the fly voltage changing

ohm reader

hidden stealth fighter option (joke, please don't email asking how to enable this)







Thanks Chris. This sounds like the best mod on the market. Glad you got it in tome for Christmas.

I can see you vaping this while you sip your eggnog (spiked of course).

Looking forward to the video review.thumbsup.gif

damn I'm so jealous. Well when I get back to work.

p.s. Merry Christmas !!!


Nice review Chris - Thanks! I agree about the pics. At first I did not like the way it looks (nor any other of the provape mods). However, after seeing the vid I said the same thing you did - the pics on their site do not do it justice.


Nice!! But my wife is now going to be mad at you----I think you just made me spent $150.


Thanks for the review. Is the bang worth the buck? This bad boy is almost $200 ($160 onsale).


Excellent review. Although i did expect a vid review from you. :D I cant wait for mine.


My resolve have finally broken down, order this morning. 18650 extender and device.

I may be right behind you.


Now I'm definitely convinced to purchase one sometime this year after reading this review. Amazing PV!

Merry Christmas!!!


To answer yes I really do think it's worth the money. Granted if you already have a mod that's 5 volts, well then you've got your 5 volt vape.

For me though I enjoy 4.1 which is sort of a weird voltage level(although Skruff says he likes the same volt level as well) and there are other times where honestly I love 3.7 volts. It's nice to be able to quickly switch on the fly. The other features are nice. Not to mention safety is always number one for me. There are plenty of safety features built into this unit and the fact it's a single stacked battery is impressive. I get the feeling that the person behind the build really knew what they where doing. For me, it's the first mod that doesn't feel like someone cut a tube and slapped a battery inside. A lot of thought has gone into making this device. :)


Thanks for the great review, Chris

I also recently recieved the ProVari, and it really is an amazing mod! Just a total pleasure to use.

What impresses me is the consistancy! From the first vap, with a newly charged battery, until the last vap right before the battery dies (and, by the way, the ProVari warns you that your battery life is short, with a series blinks of the red light on the power button)... you get the exact same, wonderful vape!

One clarification to your review.... you can turn off the red LED light which is embedded, behind the button, for stealth vapping. You can't turn off the LED screen. Just to clarify for those who don't have a ProVari and may have gotten the wrong impression.

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