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Vape Strengths


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Hey Girth,

There are many different strengths and varieties to try. Generally, the more nicotine content, the greater the throat hit. I would recommend trying some lower nic juice, and also a VG juice (if you're currently using a PG based juice). For me, it was trial and error, but be sure to drink plenty of fluids when vaping to keep your throat from getting too dry, and I'm sure you'll find the right combination that works for you. Best of luck!

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Welcome to Vapor Talk! :) What strength are you using? Keep in mind that if you've quite smoking, or cut way back, you may develop a cough as your lungs start to clear out. If you really feel like it's the eliquid, you may want to try some VG or a PG/VG mix. There are some who are a bit sensitive to PG.

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Welcome to Vapor Talk!! :thumbsup: I agree with the above posts but keep in mind there is a little bit of a learning curve with vaping. Also VG may be a little easier on the throat hit (PG sensitivities are rare--not saying people don't have them--just that they are rare). Keep experimenting and let us know how it goes. :thumbup:

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