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I started vaping on a DSE901, then graduated to the Vx2 510 and now I'm trying new eGo but I still crave regular cigarettes! What is the trick to finally laying analogs down for good? I've been using RY4 high nicotine juice from AquaVapor but I don't think it's giving me a nicotine "fix" so maybe that's why I still crave regular cigarettes. I smoke Misty Blues and since I retired last year I slowly got up to 2 packs a day...with vaping I'm down to 1 pack a day but I still want those darn analogs! Is there a better e-juice that you recommend that will help me get over the hump?


There are a lot of factors to finally quitting analogs for good. I think the most important is the mental commitment to do it. It takes some people a few weeks or months to finally switch to 100% vaping. Cutting back from 2 packs to 1 pack is a huge improvement!!! My advice is to relax and enjoy your vaping experience. I know sooner or later you're gonna take a hit off an analog and it will be your last. Another tip is to keep trying new juices. Most people have 1 or 2 favorite juices. When you find the one that works for you, you'll be in heaven. :)

Posted (edited)

Looks like Aquavapor's "high" nic is only 18mg. If you're a 2 pack a day smoker, I'd go up to 24mg and see how that works for you. :)

I smoked 1 1/2 packs a day (Marlboro Lights) and 24mg worked for me.

If you like the RY4, try Vapor Talk Dulcis. Traditional Tobacco is what got me off analogs, but Dulcis is a favorite.

Vapor Talk Store

Edited by Brian

I think the trick is after you are able to cut back start trying some non-tobacco flavors. Once you taste what's out there the analogs start tasting worse and worse. Don't beat yourself up over not walking away from them right away. You have made great progress and that's what you should focus on. It will get easier but you just have to look at what you have accomplished not at what you think you are failing at. We are here everyday and will hold your hand through the whole process. Even 1 analog not smoked is good.


I agree with Brian. You might want to step up your nic to 24mg. That will definitely help you with your nic craving. :)


Thanks Brian...I just tried to order the dulcis and it's out of stock. I couldn't find the traditional tobacco!

Mastiffmom...I will not give up! Thank you so much for the encouragement...my daughter is on me constantly to quit saying she wants me to be around to spoil the grandkids if she ever has a baby!


Thanks Brian...I just tried to order the dulcis and it's out of stock. I couldn't find the traditional tobacco!

Mastiffmom...I will not give up! Thank you so much for the encouragement...my daughter is on me constantly to quit saying she wants me to be around to spoil the grandkids if she ever has a baby!

Sorry - it's Exotic Tobacco, but looks like the 24mg is sold out also. :(


Tis the season to be picked clean and out of stock. You might want to try vaperite.com, they may have a better chance of being in stock. They have an organic flavored tobacco that you can get in 24mg. I generally don't vape tobacco flavors, so I can't say how good it is, but his other juices are very good.


Hang in there Sherry. It will all come together, I'm sure of that. I agree with the others in that I think you do need the higher nic. Hopefully you'll be able to get your hands on some very soon. Good luck and let us know how you're doing. We'll sure help you in any way we can.


Thanks nana...I am going to give this my best shot! If all of you are smoke free then there's hope for me!

How did you add the "I've been smoke free for" banner at the end of all of your messages? I want to add one after I

have totally quit the analogs too!


Tis the season to be picked clean and out of stock. You might want to try vaperite.com, they may have a better chance of being in stock. They have an organic flavored tobacco that you can get in 24mg. I generally don't vape tobacco flavors, so I can't say how good it is, but his other juices are very good.

Thanks MiataFrank...I will check it out!


Thanks nana...I am going to give this my best shot! If all of you are smoke free then there's hope for me!

How did you add the "I've been smoke free for" banner at the end of all of your messages? I want to add one after I

have totally quit the analogs too!

Click on my banner... fill out the info... then copy and paste the BB Code into your signature on your profile. :)

Posted (edited)

Don't worry about what you haven't done. Look at what you've already done.

It took me over a year before I finally gave up the smokes. And I still have cravings from time to time. But vaping is so much better than analogs that it helps kill those cravings.

Just tell yourself...hey I've already given up 20 analogs a day and I will give up the rest in time.

Like the others said...try getting some 24mg juice and that might help some.

I was a family party last night and there were a lot of people there that smoke....all those packs of analogs sitting there were sure tempting, but I just vaped a little more and kept telling myself that I've come this far and I wont break my record and I don't need it. So you can and will quit...we're all sure of it.

Keep us informed of your progress. We're all here to help. Don't hesitate to ask questions.

Good luck and happy vaping.thumbup.gif

Edited by snubber

Click on my banner... fill out the info... then copy and paste the BB Code into your signature on your profile. :)

Thanks...I sent your instructions to myself in an email so I won't forget how to do this.


Don't worry about what you haven't done. Look at what you've already done.

It took me over a year before I finally gave up the smokes. And I still have cravings from time to time. But vaping is so much better than analogs that it helps kill those cravings.

Just tell yourself...hey I've already given up 20 analogs a day and I will give up the rest in time.

Like the others said...try getting some 24mg juice and that might help some.

I was a family party last night and there were a lot of people there that smoke....all those packs of analogs sitting there were sure tempting, but I just vaped a little more and kept telling myself that I've come this far and I wont break my record and I don't need it. So you can and will quit...we're all sure of it.

Keep us informed of your progress. We're all here to help. Don't hesitate to ask questions.

Good luck and happy vaping.thumbup.gif

I meant to say good going snubber! You resisted the urge to light up...that says a lot! Thanks for the encouragement.

Posted (edited)

Thanks snubber...I need to hear things like this! I've only smoked 13 cigarettes today...usually I would have already smoked at least 30! I'm getting there slow but sure...

See...you've already made progress. For some of us quitting is really hard. For others it's a piece of cake.

Every body's different and we just have to work at it at our own pace. Don't worry you'll get there.

And in a couple of weeks or as short as a few days you'll be vaping and never pick up another analog again.

Keep up the good work. We're all pulling for ya.

Good luck and happy vaping.animier.gif

Edited by snubber

I know I'm new to this but I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents. When I first started trying vaping instead of smoking I thought it would be easy. That it would be just like smoking and that it would be as if nothing had changed. What I can tell you is that I was wrong. I think other people are just as disillusioned as I was. The truth is that it does require a sacrifice. I'm not saying this to be mean. I'm saying this because it's the truth and sugar coating it isn't going to help you save your life. What I can say is that it has been the smallest sacrifice for largest reward. That's not to say that every day is easy. Some days I want a cigarette and none of the 30+ juices I have will change the fact that I want one. What they do provide is a way that makes it easier for me to say no. It takes commitment but I'm glad that it does because if it didn't I would take the little time I have been smoke free for granted. Keep in mind that just because you have a moment of weakness and slip up that doesnt mean you might as well just go back to smoking. Think of all of cigarettes you have avoided and that it would be just as easy to go back to vaping.

Posted (edited)

I've been vaping for about 4 or 5 months now, and I still smoke. Some days I don't smoke any, some days I smoke as many as 5, but most of the time it's one or two a day. While I realize that these cigarettes I smoke aren't good for me, I also realize that it's a long shot from half a pack or a pack each and every day. Even if one never completely quits smoking, at least that person will smoke a crapload less than what they originally would have, had they not vaped at all in the first place. So take comfort in that, at least. It's not gonna happen overnight, as you already know. Don't be in such a rush. But one bit of advice I can give you, and I don't know of this will work for you for sure or not... But here it goes. When I first started vaping, I noticed that while it definitely made me feel better, it didn't provide exactly what cigarettes do. That's to be expected, and that's a VERY good thing. There are tons of horrible chemicals in cigarettes, and you get addicted to chemicals besides just nicotine. So you're going to feel like you're missing something while vaping. Just vape thru it. You'll be glad that you did. If you're vaping and not feeling completely "satisfied," just keep vaping til you do. If that doesn't happen, then just enjoy the great flavors(assuming you're not vaping tobacco, and even then, maybe it is a great flavor... just not for me), and remember that you're adding years to your life by not giving in and smoking. I know I'm not really the right one to be saying this since I'm still smoking, but I thought maybe it would be helpful.

Also, it really helps to not have people around you who smoke and don't have a problem giving them out like candy. I live with my girlfriend who smokes, and while it's definitely not her fault at all, she gives them to me. She wouldn't give them if I didn't ask, so it's still my fault. But I wish she'd vape too. She tried it but doesn't like it and can't explain what about it she doesn't like. But the point is, because they're around, and the person who has them is willing to give them out, it makes it so much easier for me to smoke. I wouldn't go out and buy a pack myself at this point.

Edited by DerStadtschutz

Don't give up Sherry. It will come in time. The addiction to analogs is multi-level. There is the nicotine, which you can get in your e-cig; the thought of tasting the tobacco (I don't like the taste now and thought that was what I didn't want to give up); going through the motion of smoking, the ritual as it were, lighting up, taking that first draw, the inhale of smoke, the feeling in your mouth, the throat and your lungs and finally the exhale. I think the addiction to ritual is a great part of the smoking of analogs. You can still feel the inhale, the throat hit, the lungs and the exhale. So in my opinion I have the best of both worlds. I know that this is a more healthy alternative. I have talked to a good many people who smoke and they don't even want to give it up and I try to tell them they aren't giving up that much and gaining so much more.

About the juice. VT has a great flavor, it is Dulcis and I have it in 24mg. It's hard to get because so many people love it. Todd at Vaperite has really good ejuice. His Virginia tobacco is pretty good and his VR4 is good, but it's a little sweet. Like said I don't vape tobacco flavors very often now but his other flavors are really good too.

Good luck.

Posted (edited)

I guess I was pretty lucky with my experiences with the Ego. I couldn't make the switch w/ other e-cigs I tried. Point is, don't give up. Sometimes it takes some time and sometimes a little bit of investment of money to find what works best for you. I know I have shelled out a lot trying different things (e-cig wise) and now I found what gets me through day to day analog free. It's great and the cost factor is just starting to work in my favor now. Also I feel so much better...and to me that is priceless.

I rarely crave an analog now. I would say never but I had an incredibly strong craving the other day and instead of buying a pack of my Marb Menthols, I grabbed my Ego and vaped away. It passed within a minute. I just worry about when I go to visit my bf's relatives who smoke heavy. Personally, I prefer not to be around it. It's a love/hate relationship w/ those analogs. The smell bothers me and I don't want to get pulled back into smoking analogs. I would just vape in the house, but they make everyone go out in the garage to "smoke".

Edited by Ellynn99

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