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In my last order from VT I got Dulcis, Midnight, and Cappuccino, and they are hands down the best flavors I recieved out of 10 all together (few honorable mentions from alien visions and vapor room, also some straight up duds).

Dulcis is a robust flavor that has a mild level of sweetness to it, but overall it tastes like what tobacco wishes it could be. Caramel Kicker from Alien Visions is a full on sweet, candy caramel. Dulcis is smoother, and has a nice tobacco-ish undertone. I used to smoke regs so I'm really hitting this Dulcis hard :D

I tried out my first ego cartomizer with Midnight, and whoever described it as "strawberry wine" was right on. Simple, straight to the point strawberry with a little bit of wine bite at the end. Absolutly will order it again.

Cappuccino is a great flavor, tastes just like those powder mixes from International Delights (used to mix that into black coffee in the morning when I had 8am classes, little secret for everyone). It is on the sweet side as far as coffee goes, but compared to Vapor Room Keoke Coffee it is supurb. The Keoke tried to get more of a sugared, dark coffee taste, but really just tastes like an espresso Jelly Belly, way too candyish to vape all day. It still hasn't grown on me. The VT Cappuccino, however, is like taking the first sip of a starbucks latte with mocha powder sprinkled on the foam. It's probably my favorite of the three (9.5/10 instead of 9 lol).

Honorable mentions are Peanut Butter Cookie from Vapor Room and Strawberry Cheesecake from Alien Visions. PB Cookie is SO GOOD! It lives up to its name, just like the ones mom used to make. Cheesecake is a very sweet strawberry flavor that has a thick, creamy side to it, just freakin awesome.


Good review. I think you got the VT flavors right to the point.

Keep up the good work!thumbup.gif

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