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A few months ago I got a ecig(unique cigs) kit from our local mall for my father-in-law. Turns out he really likes it and wants switch over to e-cigs but wants one that better fits his needs. Hes having a few problems and i would like to get him a new one for Christmas but wanna make sure its the right ecig for him. Hes a truck driver and tends to keep the cig in his mouth, so when he breaths the atomizer burns out after a while. He also goes through the battery really fast. I guess I'm looking for something that has a better atomizer and a lot longer battery life. Any and all help would be great. Thanks in advance....

Posted (edited)

Hi Joey, since he's in the truck a lot, you might wanna consider a passthrough eGo Passthrough @ Vapor Talk . He can use it all day & night in the truck and unplug it for use at the many roadside diners. :D

He would need to get one of these USB Cig Adapter to plug it into the cigarette lighter.

Edited by jeffb

Anything that works better and has better battery life is not going to be light enough to keep flopping around between his lips like an analog cigarette. Not to mention that the e-cig that he has more than likely has an automatic battery, which means that if he keeps it in his mouth it will be firing constantly, even when he doesn't want it to. Anything that works better and has better battery life is going to have a manual battery, which means he will have to use his ands to push the button.

A 510 or an eGo would be great choices, but will not be hands free.


+1 @ jeffb

now the other thing people are going to say is the ego.

he will not be able to hold the ecig in his mouth unless he clamps down with his teeth. it has a lot larger of a battery.

they do make a usb pt ego battery. i would say get what jeff says and also the usb pt ego battery so when he gets out the tuck he can go straight on the go with that.

get some 510 cartos and attys so he can see what he likes best.

for driving carto will be much safer.


Have to agree with the eGo and car adapter. But like they said, it's not mouth hanging friendly. Kinda heavy for that.

But it is the better choice. And also have him get some cartomizers he can fill with whatever juice he likes and wont have to keep filling it every 15 mins.


+1 for Jeff too.

Plus a Lanyard from CloudsofVapor.com

Plus mega monster eGo cartomizers for the long drives without many breaks.

That's what our truckin' family uses. :)

Or wait for the GLV 3 to come out in January. That thing should be tough as nails. (it's a long fall from the seat of the truck onto the steps onto the pavement... we go through at least 2 metal thermoses a year lol). It's a bottom feeder, he won't have to worry about changing cartos at all. Plus it's a variable volt to boot. Has a nice hand grip and a detonator button to die for.


thanks for all the great replies. I was checking out VaporKing.com and was thinking about going with these...

-1 Joye 510 e-Cigarette USB manual pushbutton passthrough adapter cable

-1 Car cigarette lighter to USB 5V 2000mAh adapter

-3 eGo MEGA empty/blank cartomizer

-some Liquid

Sound like a good setup?


The eGo cartomizers are developed to work on the eGo. I would recommend some blank Bogetech 510 cartos. Don't forget to buy some juice. :)


dont do "ego" mega cartos on a joye 510. they are about 3x the size round as a "non-ego" mega.

the ego mega goes with the ego to make it about the size of a cigar from bottom to top but with a flat mouth tip.

you can get a regular mega 510 and it is just a lot longer/same width as a joye 510 battery.


ok everything i said before but i found the eGo Passthrough instead of the other passthrough and some juice.


the USB eGo will charge while vaping plus you can unplug it and vape on the go. The battery will last 6-8 hrs between charges. The USB eGo also lets you use the mega monster cartomizers and Low Resistance attys or cartomizers. It's a really versatile little vaping machine.

Posted (edited)

IF he holds it in his mouth all of the time, is the weight of the mini ecig too heavy? Does he care about pushing the button (manual) or does he just want to inhale (automatic)?

I've never seen an ultra-short very light passthrough. It would be great if a modder could make one. No battery, just long enough to grip w/ fingers but very light.

With regards to minis.... there are a few minis out there that use vacuum switches (rather than vibration switches) so that "breathing" shouldn't set them off. The only experience I have with automatic minis with a vacuum switch is SmokeStik. They are great, dependable and they come with a great cartomizer. Holds a lot of juice and never burns... lasts forever. They are very expensive. $99.00 So if you can find a passthrough, it seems like it's the way to go.

This is the vapor king automatic batteryless passthrough...so lightweight... but I don't know if it's a 510. If not... you can get an adapter at GoodProphets for $0.99 plus shipping. http://store.vapor4life.com/Vapor_King_USB_Passthru_p/vk-usb-passthrough.htm

GoodProphets also carries manual batteryless passthroughs. www.goodprophets.com

Here is a lightweight 5 v Batteryless passthrough. It is not automatic though.


Here is a 5 v. passthrough w/ 5' cable and holder. http://www.vaprlife.com/vpupath.html

and another manual 5 v. passthrough http://www.electronicstix.com/ACCESSORIES/510-ACCESSORIES/ElectronicStix-5-Volt-Passthrough-p338.html

Edited by HyOnLyph

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