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Trouble With Cartridge Refilling


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Hi, Im relatively new on vape (and a very very happy vaper). A month to be exact. My question is: how come I fill the cart, start vaping and when i feel the burning taste and go to refill with e juice, the cart is still full of liquid, it takes just 2 or 3 drops to top it. I figure that its the way I vape (method) or is it that thats the way it works. I started with the V2 cig and have tried also the South Beach e cig and the 510, but now Im in love with my new EGO/Tornado with the mega carts.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Well, you can forget the questions I asked in your welcome thread. :)

I never could or can get cartridges to work. They do just like what you wrote: it still seems full, but it doesn't pull down to the atomizer. I gave that up for dripping, the direct dripping with a drip tip. Also cartomizers work really well.

Good luck and keep trying! Let me know if you find something that DOES work with those carts!

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Most likely you're vaping faster than the liquid in the cart can filter down to the atomizer. I and many other had this same problem which is why I switched to direct dripping. Here is a video on how to do it:

Direct Dripping Video

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Well, you can forget the questions I asked in your welcome thread. :)

I never could or can get cartridges to work. They do just like what you wrote: it still seems full, but it doesn't pull down to the atomizer. I gave that up for dripping, the direct dripping with a drip tip. Also cartomizers work really well.

Good luck and keep trying! Let me know if you find something that DOES work with those carts!

Sorry, Im new on ecig's and in forums too. lol. I already answer your question in the... welcome thread? You guys are too fast for me, my "tempo" is more like of a turtle. lol. Thanks!

Edited by Kingbas
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I don't like filling cartridges either. For the same reasons. Just never got them to work the best for me. Direct dripping is a whole lot better!! Drip tips just make it perfect.

Don't worry about being slow. I had never joined a forum before this one and doubt I'll ever join another one. For the most part it's just not me. But this place has become like a second home to me. The people here have become friends. One year ago, if someone had told me I'd make friends online, I would have thought they had lost their mind. The folks here are special though. They make everyone feel welcome. So just jump right in, don't worry about making mistakes, ask any and all questions, and you might just make some friends, too.

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I hear that question over and over, unfortunately there is not static reason for cartridges not wicking into the atty. When i am in person with someone and they ask that question i take their atty off and have them blow it out into a napkin and almost every time the atty was so full it was either flooded or close. The problem wasnt' that the atty was dry and not producing any vapor it was flooded and not producing much vapor so they kept topping off and topping off and topping off trying to get more vapor. This may not be you but you can find out if this is your problem or not by taking the atty off and blowing it out with your mouth into a napkin until no more fluid comes out. Then take an old cart and pull the stuffing out and put it in the ecig and vape. You should be able to vape at least 5 to 7 toots just on the fluid left in the wick. Once you do get reduced vapor and/or bad tasting vapor top off a new cartridge (and i mean brand new). When topping off a cart, the top should look like a slushy and not a pool. If it looks like a pool, blot it with a napkin until it looks like a slushy. Put in in, wait a few secs for it to wick into the atty and vape. Sometimes you may need to swing the cig (holding by the atty end) to force some liquid down into the atty by centripetal force. Also, after several times of topping off a cart, the filler can become compressed by contact with the bridge (wick inside the atty) and not make good contact. At that point either use a new cart or check out this and other forums for help on restuffing a cart.

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I don't like filling cartridges either. For the same reasons. Just never got them to work the best for me. Direct dripping is a whole lot better!! Drip tips just make it perfect.

Don't worry about being slow. I had never joined a forum before this one and doubt I'll ever join another one. For the most part it's just not me. But this place has become like a second home to me. The people here have become friends. One year ago, if someone had told me I'd make friends online, I would have thought they had lost their mind. The folks here are special though. They make everyone feel welcome. So just jump right in, don't worry about making mistakes, ask any and all questions, and you might just make some friends, too.

Ditto Nana. Exactly the same here :thumbsup:

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I've fully enjoyed to the max 2 of my Mega Carts out of the 4 I've used. The remaining 2 were ... horrible to say the least. Sometimes the wicking material is too packed, too tight, and not much can be done about that. Sometimes, on others, it helps, as was mentioned, to pull the material out and cut a 1/4 off the mouth end so that there is less wicking material and better air flow. Sometimes just topping off every 20 puffs or so is good enough. I still use them though, because when they're good they're awesome! I get righteous vapor and flavor from these, and no constant topping off. There you have it... some of the carts are awesome, some need tweeking, and some just plain suck. It's that way with the little itty bitty carts too though, not just the Mega's. I've yet to have one last longer than 2 weeks of full time vaping. I recommend buying a Mega Drip Tip and dripping in between good carts.

Oh, and I know of at least one happy vaporer who modded his by trimming off 1/4 - 1/2 of the fiberfill stuff, refilling, reinserting, and then topping off with a square of blue foam... the blue foam (for aquariums) is then pushed down into the eliquid and then pulled back up via tweezers. The blue foam drips better, while the pollyfill wicks slowly and refills the blue foam. Hope this makes sense.

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