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Help Me With Vt Butterscotch


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Hi! I was wondering...how are you (whoever has this) enjoying Vapor Talk Butterscotch?

I wonder if maybe it is one of these liquids that need to sit and breath for a while or if I got some bad mix or how it tastes to you guys maybe I just don't like it but mine tastes like baby formula or warm milk about to go.

Now I love butterscotch. And I have loved every other VT liquid...(well I don't love Midnight but it's good especially with a little tobacco mixed in.) So when I got Butterscotch with Clever Clove and some more Dulcis I jumped right in expecting bliss...but it was gross.

Clever Clove tastes like Djarum by the way. It's awesome and takes ya back to High School and/or college. All who have read me know I love Dulcis so I won't review that again but I guess I might do a clove.

Help me out here anybody who has tried butterscotch and Christopher, oh Chris, please do not be upset with me.

Thank You and farewell. :devil:

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I personally did not care for it either, but I think it has potential to be someone's favorite. There are so many flavors in the store that I am totally good with not liking ONE of them.

I don't think they need to breath or steep like some though.

Enjoy your clove and love on that Dulcis!! :thumbsup:

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Chris would want to know if somethings up with one of his products, that's what makes him one of my trusted suppliers. I have some Butterscotch coming that should be here in an hour or two, I have brand new cartos just waiting to be filled so I will let you know what I think. I am really wishing I had ordered some Dulcis now but next time. I have to try the Sweet Dawn first but the butterscotch is second on my list to try today. I'll let you know, hopefully it's just your tastebuds lol.

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I have VT Butterscotch. I like it quite a bit. I vaped it on an eGo with a brand new LR atty and drip tip. I had just had some butterscotch cookies that day, and I thought the liquid tasted right on.

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Following Aimee .. I wanted to ask if you tried it in a clean atty/carto? There are times I'll drip a new flavor onto a used atty and the combination/s can sometimes make for some putrid flavors. I suck it up and keep dripping til it vapes away. Usually, re-dripping 3-5 times will get the old flavor out.

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Chris would want to know if somethings up with one of his products, that's what makes him one of my trusted suppliers. I have some Butterscotch coming that should be here in an hour or two, I have brand new cartos just waiting to be filled so I will let you know what I think. I am really wishing I had ordered some Dulcis now but next time. I have to try the Sweet Dawn first but the butterscotch is second on my list to try today. I'll let you know, hopefully it's just your tastebuds lol.

Let me know. I definitely don't wanna seem like I am dissin' Chris. He and everyone on this forum have been so wwonderful to me and every other flavor from VT I have loved (I haven't tried Aplle Dapple but that's all now I think)

Sweet Dawn is Beautiful. I do not like to eat most pears because of the texture but I love pear taste and Sweet Dawn is all about the pear. Thanks and thanks to all else for helping!


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Following Aimee .. I wanted to ask if you tried it in a clean atty/carto? There are times I'll drip a new flavor onto a used atty and the combination/s can sometimes make for some putrid flavors. I suck it up and keep dripping til it vapes away. Usually, re-dripping 3-5 times will get the old flavor out.

It was a clean atty but not a new one. I did use a LR atty and that made me wonder until I read someone here tried with a LR atty as well. I am going to try it again with a brand new (regular)atty, then maybe later again.

Thanks noXious. And thanks again to all for the help! :devil:

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it but mine tastes like baby formula or warm milk about to go.

Warm milk - that's the first thing that came to mind when I tried it. LOL! I've set mine aside and will give it another go down the road. I know my buds are odd, so I don't usually say anything when I think something doesn't taste right, but I had to laugh when I saw you said "warm milk". :)

If it doesn't taste better later, I was thinking it would be good mixed with some coffee flavor.

Edited by Brian
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Warm milk - that's the first thing that came to mind when I tried it.  LOL!  I've set mine aside and will give it another go down the road.  I know my buds are odd, so I don't usually say anything when I think something doesn't taste right, but I had to laugh when I saw you said "warm milk".  :)

If it doesn't taste better later, I was thinking it would be good mixed with some coffee flavor.

Maybe you and I have similar buds. Glad someone else can relate. Coffee idea sounds good, I thought it might mix with some Irish Mints or Butter Rum too. :devil:

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