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Like the topic says, I bought juice from a vendor, it was great, then the next day, doesn't taste like it did the first day I tried it. This pretty much happens to all my juices, anyone know anything about this? The only thought that comes to mind is the temperature, it's colder some days than others. But someone made a good point, when you vaporize the fluid, it's temperature is the same regardless. But what comes to mind, yeah it vaporizes at a certain temperature, but doesn't mean it's vaporizing the same quality of molecule. Like oil, at a colder temperature it thickens, compared to a warmer temperature, if you try to boil oil that is cold, It should have a different effect of boiling oil that is warm.


If you are getting freshly mixed juices from a vendor that "makes" all of their juices this will happen, the flavors meld and seem to almost always get better. IF the fluids are not getting better and worse, you may be storing them in the light, or heat because those things will change liquids for the worse as far as flavor goes.


That is usually the opposite of what happens. Alot of times they won't taste great when you get them... but after a few days they taste better. That sounds odd. Are you buying from alot of different suppliers and this is still happening every time? Strange.


This has happened with 2 companies.... As I think of it, yeah the first company was good, the flavor got better, how you guys have said, over time it gets better. But this 555 i have, yeah it changes, doesn't taste like 555 anymore. Well this is what happened exactly, I got the 555, i loved it, thought it was the best stuff on earth. Around the second to third day, it tasted weird, like it lost it's flavor. Then a day after that, the flavor came back, then it disappeared again... I know it sounds weird, but this is what is going on.

Posted (edited)

I know exactly what you are talkin about, im a 555/tobacco guy myself and I get that alot and my only theroies on that is our taste buds are going crazy bcuz we quit or drasticly cut down (in my case) from analogs or vaping at higher voltages will change the taste, I know one vape im like dulcis is awesome and then the next vape im like yuck, its just wierd like that, idk about fruit/candy flavs doing that since I dont vape them barely ever, your not alone on that experience, good luck :beer:


I have found if I use the same flavor for too long my taste buds get used to it and the taste diminishes.I usually keep at least two different flavors going on different atties/cartos to keep that from happening .I switch off through the day.The more different the flavors are hte better this seems to work.


I have found if I use the same flavor for too long my taste buds get used to it and the taste diminishes.I usually keep at least two different flavors going on different atties/cartos to keep that from happening .I switch off through the day.The more different the flavors are hte better this seems to work.

I concur. Switching works great for keeping flavors, ummm, flavorful. :)


I agree with mcquinn and aimee. I think our tastebuds are the culprit. :)


Yeah, I agree, asmcriminal, about the flavor being consistent with analogs. However, I think of vape liquids and their flavor more like food: when I'm eating something, the first bite is really good, then my taste buds grow accustomed to it, and it doesn't taste as scrumptious at the last bite. Maybe that is also a function of our body telling us it's time to stop eating. :iiam: Since our taste buds are tasting a flavor with the vaping liquids, it may be doing a similar thing. Or maybe think of it like this, too: when you go into a place with a distinct odor, after a while your nose becomes accustomed to it, too. Regular cigarettes and their consistent smell and taste, well, maybe that is part of the 4000 chemicals and nastiness they put in them. Again... :iiam: but I'll sure take vaping any day over analogs now.


I find out with some of my attys (have different ones for different juices because I don't want to mix a coffee flavored juice to a cherry or peach one.) Sometimes some of my flavors get a little old tasting, which is me or the atty. I have had some attys really take a nose dive after a few days.. I only vape VT and Vaperite juices. so most of the time these juices are very consistent.


"but when we smoke, the flavor is consistant, with cigarettes" I don't know they never tasted as good as I rember they did when I first started smoking.


"but when we smoke, the flavor is consistant, with cigarettes" I don't know they never tasted as good as I rember they did when I first started smoking.

I've only been off analogs a few days, but the last one I did smoke tasted like poopie. This is a good thing, LOL


I always thought analogs tasted nasty when I first started smoking. I just got hooked on the calming feeling. Then the taste didn't matter because my taste buds were being burnt to a crisp and after awhile you just don't notice it anymore. I even noticed this after quitting and then starting up again. I kept on thinking "why do I even do this?" It's that relaxing calming feeling that goes along with it.

That feeling is what I now get with Vaping. But I have noticed that sometimes my e-juice tastes better then at other times. Other times I'm like eh. That is why I am in the process of switching it up and trying different flavors. I'm just glad I reach for my Ego and not a analog. For that alone, I am very happy! :thumbsup:


Okay, So i just want to verify one thing. Everyone has experienced this with juices right? the flavors do change over time, correct?(want to make sure it's not only me)

2nd, The taste bud theory i don't buy it anymore. My dad tasted my 555 when i first got it, he doesn't smoke, he just tasted it one time, from time to time i tell him to taste the juice i bought. I had him re taste the 555 after a week or so. He said it doesn't taste cmopared to when he tasted it the first time. SO any other theories? mine is light, the light affects the flavoring.


Yes, I think we are all in agreement about the flavor changing over time, in a positive way though.

Let me ask you this: what have you said to your dad when you've asked him to try the 555? In other words, have you perhaps clouded his opinion to it not tasting as good? Or have you been more neutral in your approach?

And how has he tried it? From a taste of a drop of it on his finger? Or a hit from your PV? And if from your PV, was it from a fresh cartomizer or atomizer, or one that has been used?


Aimee, you're talking about the placebo effect. Yeah, I guess i did influence his decision at some level, because I was with him all day, and was telling him how the flavor isn't the same... That can have a influence on his decision.

I emailed vapor thompson, Mrsmokification1, smokie, grimmgreen, and allaboutthevapor(still hasn't replied).

They said some very interesting things, To not go in to detail of each person opinions on the subject, I'll just summarized what I have learned from these guys. That PG juice flavor will last longer, I always heard people saying that "PG is more for flavor, VG is more for vapor production" My interpretation of this, is that PG has a stronger flavor, and VG's flavor is weaker, but when I would vape VG i would say to myself "this flavor isn't weak" So what these guys told me is that PG "holds" flavor longer then VG, vapor Thompson said pure PG can last up to 2yrs, where pure VG can last a few months. An interesting tip i also got was to keep your juice in the fridge, it preserves the flavor longer. I would take the cap off, and vape... all day. Someone asked me "did you leave the cap off?" so yeah, I did. So i'll keep my cap on after i drop a few drops, going to to try 50/50 mix see how that goes...


I hope flavors get better for you. You've done lots of work to figure out what went wrong and deserve some reward for it, like your liquid flavor staying consistent.

All the best and vape on!

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