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Ce2 R4 Cartomizers


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Well, I was initially not impressed with these cartos, but I did find two methods to improve the wicking on these things. I'll post a video review later today or tomorrow with more detail. For now, I'll just say that since I have used my method, the wicking problem is solved. The flavor and vapor production on these things is amazing. Stay tuned for further info.

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I'll tell you how to solve the wicking problem with this method I just tried. After failing to get the original wicking cut, I just decided to fill up the cup and drip around the sides. This flooded the carto, so I let the excess drain out of the bottom, then wiped off the connector. I then waited a few minutes (at least 7 minutes), then vaped it. It worked like a charm. I'm still vaping it now with no burnt taste at all. Granted, this issue should have been resolved long ago, but this method is a good workaround. More info will be available in the video review.

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A dry burn is always my first step before even filling. That burns off the lube they use to insert the filler plug. (The manufacturer stopped using it but may be a while before they get circulated.) The PTB mod with cut wicks really helps wicking. You can use a torch on the wicks that will really improve wicking or make a bottle mod. These should be perfected by now but they still are the only atty I'll use. Still have two I use from 2 months ago.

Edit. These things can take a beating don't be afraid of dry burning the hell out of them. The wick won't burn even with a torch. Dry burning will solve a lot. I do it once a week and it keeps it like new...well close to new.

Edited by haft2doit
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