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Ego Pass-Through

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Thanks...that was the answer I was hoping for. Having trouble with both of my batteries, not sure if it's a battery problem, cable problem or a wall adapter problem. Need another backup battery anyway and the pass-through seems like an awesome idea, plus if I can use the pass-through cable and battery with the wall adapter and get a charge then I can eliminate the wall adapter as the problem.

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Thanks...that was the answer I was hoping for. Having trouble with both of my batteries, not sure if it's a battery problem, cable problem or a wall adapter problem. Need another backup battery anyway and the pass-through seems like an awesome idea, plus if I can use the pass-through cable and battery with the wall adapter and get a charge then I can eliminate the wall adapter as the problem.

Yea i haven't even touched my other ego's since i got my passthrough.. It is awesome and you'll be quite happy with it.

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The fast charger is the usb one..

By the "usb" one are you referring to the cable that came with my ego (along with the wall adapter ) or a different usb fast charger? I was told not to use this cable directly into the computer (laptop) which kinda confused me because what is the point of the usb into the wall adapter if it's not to be used this way. You would think that the cable would be hard wired to the wall adapter if that was the case.

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Yes, that's the one. I've always used mine on my computer and have never had a problem at all. I probably use it with the wall adapter more now, but I still use it on the computer from time to time. I've even used it on my netbook and have never had a problem.

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Do you all find that it charges quicker on the computer or the wall charger? LOL..been 1 week and I just need to get my vape on... and can't do that till I get my charge on. I probably wouldn't really care one way or the other normally, but for the first time in like 35 years I have gone 3 days without a cigarette and now it's kind of personal. (I have never been able to go 1 day without a smoke in the past, and I am finding this to be so remarkable that I just can't believe it). oh well....it will shake out one way or the other. In a perfect world I would just go to the VT store and go nuts, but my cfo(wife) and daughter hit "black friday" with a passion. Near as I can determine, it might be mac and cheese and peanut butter for a while.....But we're looking good on the holiday gift buying front. By the way...if anyone has a handful of atty's just collecting dust and wants to purge...just send them my way. My bad.. not ordering more but really thought up front that cartos would be my go to option and that dripping would be my last option, but after like 5 days I thought that I would check out this DD thing and WOW....cartos so far have been a BIG disappointment, and yes they aren't LR which I feel I owe it to myself to check out, but with my battery issues right now LR isn't an option. Anyway, as always, you guys on this forum have been so helpful....thank you.

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I was also disappointed in cartos, but that was before they came out with the LR cartos. DD is what I love the most.

I think the wall charger and the usb charger charge in about the same amount of time for me - 2 hours or so.

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Right now I'm looking at 6-8 hours to charge my 650. Kinda disappointing, and I know this is not the norm, but hey, that's where I'm at. This morning hit with just my 24mg. to get my nic. fix...about 20 minutes on a "fully" charged battery..and did hit it pretty good but it took nearly 4 hours to recover the battery from that. Oh well...I know I need to get a backup so I can continue on and then send the batteries and charger back in for inspection. Plus I really need some more attys...and juice...and....etc..etc...etc......

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Alright...done whining for the day. Just put on my big boy pants..hand crafted a vanilla mocha latte..grabbed my bottle of midnight and I am going to enjoy the few remaining flickers of life on this battery, and hopefully my other battery will pull a lazurus and join me shortly....It has been 6 hours so he should be about there. CHEERS!

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