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Going Through E Liqiud Too Fast?


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I have a Totally Wicked Tornado E-Nic.

It came with pre-filled carts and those last about 15 hits. I feel them up with my 18mg Nicotine level bottle which holds 10ml.

I drip 2 drips with the cotton on and then 1 more with the cotton stuffed back in.

It seems like i only get about 10 hits out of the cart i filled and then it's completely dried up.

Is that normal? or am i hitting it too hard or too long to cause it to dry so fast?

Or could this just be the power of the Tornado to cause such vapor production.

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It came with pre-filled carts and those last about 15 hits. I feel them up with my 18mg Nicotine level bottle which holds 10ml.

I drip 2 drips with the cotton on and then 1 more with the cotton stuffed back in.

Sorry i meant to say 2 drips with the cotton out.

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Welcome to VT! :)

An empty cart should hold 10-12 drops. The problem with carts is that they don't do a good job of releasing the eliquid, so most of it stays in the cart and never makes it to the attomizer. There are some other fillers that some say work better (fluval or blue foam), but I never had much luck with them. I would suggest watching the vid below on direct dripping. You'll get much better performance that way. You may want to consider getting come cartomizers (a single piece attomizer/cart which will hold about 30 drops). I direct drip 99% of the time and use cartomizers when dripping isn't convenient (while driving).

What is direct dripping

Just noticed you're in WV too. :)

Edited by Brian
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IMO, cartridges will waste a lot of liquid and the vapor production is not very good. The liquid in the cart does not wick well to the atomizer. I suggest removing the poly fill from the cart and using the direct drip method. You drip the liquid directly on the atomizer. Use 2 drops and you will get about 7-10 hits before needing to drip again. When the vapor production drops you will know it is time to drip again. If dripping is not what you want to do, I suggest buying some cartomizers (atomizer/cartridge in one unit). The cartomizers work much better than the 2 piece atomizer and cartridge.

See this link about direct dripping. How to direct drip

Darn you Brian - you are fast!

Edited by BirdDog
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Forgot to note, generally you'll get 5-7 hits from 2-3 drops. Also, don't hit your Tornado like you would a cigarette. Take long slow drags (gently hits).

LOL BirdDog! :) You beat me to what I forgot.

Edited by Brian
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thx guys for the help.

so i have a question can i drip the liquid on the atomizer AND fill up the cartridge with the cotton (or w/e that is lol) out or would that be wasting liquid in the cart?

And how long should a 10ml bottle last me?

im trying to get a bottle to a pack of cig ratio. so if i know if im saving money not buying traditional cigs or if im vaping too much.

thx again guys.

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If you're gonna direct drip, I wouldn't bother with the cotton.

Generally, (if I can recall this correctly) you get about 1mg of nic from a cigarette. You have a 10ml bottle with 18mg per ml. So, one ml of eliquid should be about 18 cigarettes (give or take). However, most people find they do not vape anything like they smoked. I smoked 1 1/2 packs a day and now vape about 15-20ml of 24mg eliquid per week. Usage will vary for everyone. Some use a lot more, some a lot less.

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I'm going to Echo BirdDogs post here. If you are wanting to still use a cartridge, just invest in some cartomizers. I prefer the soft tip Boge ones with the silver threads myself. They are easy to fill, eliminate the hassle of cartridges, and provide a good hit. I used to use them when going out and dripping at home, but I find myself using them more and more even while at home. They are most likely the future of e-cigs.

If you want to try dripping and don't have a drip tip, use a cart without the cotton. Dripping on an atomizer and using the cotton would, at best, provide no real benefit, and at worst, flood your atomizer.

A 10ml bottle will last most people 2-3 days depending on how much you vape. Some people go through 4ml per day, some people go through 1 to 1 1/2 per day, with a lot of people falling in the middle without about 3.

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Ok one final question.

Each drip is about how many ml?

Around where i live a pack of camel menthol (what i smoked) is about $4.

Which i would go through about a pack every 2 days.

Which is about $12 a week.

The reason i ask is because i want to make sure im spending less on eliquid than if i where buying cigs.

Id like to have my ecig eventually pay it self off lol

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A single drip is a small fraction of an actual milliliter. Some say an ml consists of 20 drops but I've found it's closer to 30. It really depends on how thick the liquid is. The cost of liquid varies. Most of us vape around 3ml/day. But I believe most of us smoked at least a pack a day; some as many as 2 or 3 packs/day. I vape around 3-4 ml's per day. The liquid I currently purchase is $10 for 12ml which puts out at around $2 to $3/day. I smoked 1 to 1 1/2 packs/day @ $4/pack so I'm guessing that if I smoked as much as I vape it would probably be around 2 packs or better per day which is something I couldn't physically do without feeling very ill. We do develop a different habit when vaping vs smoking. We do save money in the long run. But like cigarettes, vaping consists almost entirely of consumable products that eventually need to be replaced. The cost may be greater with each purchase but the use of those products spans much longer than the life of a pack or carton of cigs.

I've been vaping since May and although I've bought a couple of extra batteries, I have yet to have to replace one. In this time I have purchased about a dozen atomizers and have only lost half of them (Yes! I was able to revitalize my attys - woohoo!). I do purchase juice regularly because obviously that's the most highly consumable part of vaping.

Hope I helped rather than confuse. In either case, you're making a better choice for yourself and those around you by switching to vaping.

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I just want to say a big "Thank you" to those who suggested direct dripping. Just tried it and WOW what a difference!! (Ok, sorry I am new to this :P) Just really excited not to have the burning cotton taste after Vaping a few times on my Ego! :animier:

Plus this is so much cheaper. I will save those blank carts for my car.

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I just want to say a big "Thank you" to those who suggested direct dripping. Just tried it and WOW what a difference!! (Ok, sorry I am new to this :P) Just really excited not to have the burning cotton taste after Vaping a few times on my Ego! :animier:

Plus this is so much cheaper. I will save those blank carts for my car.

YEAH!!! And don't be sorry for being new... we were all there at one point! So happy for you. Vape on!

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Ok one final question.

Each drip is about how many ml?

Around where i live a pack of camel menthol (what i smoked) is about $4.

Which i would go through about a pack every 2 days.

Which is about $12 a week.

The reason i ask is because i want to make sure im spending less on eliquid than if i where buying cigs.

Id like to have my ecig eventually pay it self off lol

Ok, first of all you are lucky cigs by you are only 4 bucks a pack. They are over 7 bucks a pack by me. (The main reason I considered vaping to begin with). Plus you are only at 1/2 pack a day. Not bad. But as you know the costs of cigs are going up. I'm sure they will eventually by you as well.

But the biggest thing I want to point out is that smoking analog cigs is horrible for you! Seriously, Before I started vaping I was going through 2 packs a day at 7 bucks a pop. My habit was 14 bucks a day (98 bucks a week! And I wondered why I was always broke! :wallbash: ) I would wake myself up from coughing in my sleep. Also had that horrible feeling in my chest most mornings from smoking so much. Sometimes it would go away, but it would come back again and again. The worst is feeling your lungs and hearing a whistling while you are breathing. I am only 29 yrs old! My Uncle just died of Emphysema. It got to the point that no matter how much oxygen he was on, he was still suffocating! How awful!! I did not want that to be me. I'm sure you don't either. :no

Vaping may not be 100% healthy, but it sure does hit the spot if you have the right equipment etc. The main thing is how much better I feel. Just in the matter of 2 days. Regular cigs taste like crap to me. My taste is returning!

So in your case you may not be saving money, but at least you are saving your health and especially your lungs! :thumbsup:

Edited by Ellynn99
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Ok, first of all you are lucky cigs by you are only 4 bucks a pack. They are over 7 bucks a pack by me. (The main reason I considered vaping to begin with). Plus you are only at 1/2 pack a day. Not bad. But as you know the costs of cigs are going up. I'm sure they will eventually by you as well.

But the biggest thing I want to point out is that smoking analog cigs is horrible for you! Seriously, Before I started vaping I was going through 2 packs a day at 7 bucks a pop. My habit was 14 bucks a day (98 bucks a week! And I wondered why I was always broke! :wallbash: ) I would wake myself up from coughing in my sleep. Also had that horrible feeling in my chest most mornings from smoking so much. Sometimes it would go away, but it would come back again and again. The worst is feeling your lungs and hearing a whistling while you are breathing. I am only 29 yrs old! My Uncle just died of Emphysema. It got to the point that no matter how much oxygen he was on, he was still suffocating! How awful!! I did not want that to be me. I'm sure you don't either. :no

Vaping may not be 100% healthy, but it sure does hit the spot if you have the right equipment etc. The main thing is how much better I feel. Just in the matter of 2 days. Regular cigs taste like crap to me. My taste is returning!

So in your case you may not be saving money, but at least you are saving your health and especially your lungs! :thumbsup:

ya i will say i do realize this because in Ney York City i believe a pack of cigs is near $8 - $10 dollars which is outrageous.

Since i live in a small town in WV a pack of cigs is only $4 (also given that Camel menthol usually has a $1 off cupon as you buy the pack) but also i live on the border of VA which VA has lower taxes so it's cheaper to buy there as well.

I'm only 21 atm so i hope not to run by the health risks of analogs but i do realize down the road (although i hope it never happens) that the cost of medical bills due to cigs will heavily out way the cost of vaping.

It's just given my current budget although i make decent for someone my age it's just that cost analysis is always something to subject to.

So i decided to keep a log of how much cigs would cost me a week and compare that to how much my e cig and liquid has cost and i will update you guys if you want on this matter in a month or so.

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ya i will say i do realize this because in Ney York City i believe a pack of cigs is near $8 - $10 dollars which is outrageous.

Since i live in a small town in WV a pack of cigs is only $4 (also given that Camel menthol usually has a $1 off cupon as you buy the pack) but also i live on the border of VA which VA has lower taxes so it's cheaper to buy there as well.

I'm only 21 atm so i hope not to run by the health risks of analogs but i do realize down the road (although i hope it never happens) that the cost of medical bills due to cigs will heavily out way the cost of vaping.

It's just given my current budget although i make decent for someone my age it's just that cost analysis is always something to subject to.

So i decided to keep a log of how much cigs would cost me a week and compare that to how much my e cig and liquid has cost and i will update you guys if you want on this matter in a month or so.

I can understand your concern about the cost of vaping to that of smoking. I was smoking analogs for over 40 yrs, at times over 3pks a day and that's when cigs were cheap. Even before I quit I was still spending between $8-$12 a day for analogs, and although the start up cost of vaping seems expensive it's nothing to the amount of money I've spent over the years on analogs. Plus I am not feeling the pain or discomforts I was having with regular cigs. No more coughing fits, no more chest pains, my breathing has improved, my taste is coming back, and a few other extras as well.

You may not notice at first that you're saving by using an e-cig, but besides money you're also saving your health. And that's worth a lot more than the cost of e-liquid.

You will notice that a lot of us have a banner at the bottom of our posts. It calculates how much we've saved on analogs and how many we have not smoked. If you're curious how much you're saving I'd suggest you download it on your personal page and watch just how fast the numbers climb.

At any rate, it will come out to be a better alternative in the long run so keep on vaping and you'll find your sweet-spot in time.

Good luck and happy vaping.

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I calculate my savings the same way as Snubber. Hubby has quit as well and anything I spend is shared by 2 people. My cost is doubled if you were to add hubby's numbers to mine, so everything I save is true savings, purchases equal out to about half of his savings. My actual savings at this point even with buying juice and supplies is about 1 1/2 times what my banner says. 1 carton of analogs costs about $60, for us that is roughly 75mL juice which would last us at least 4 weeks. a savings of about $180 a month for me alone. For both about $420 a month.

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ya i will say i do realize this because in Ney York City i believe a pack of cigs is near $8 - $10 dollars which is outrageous.

Since i live in a small town in WV a pack of cigs is only $4 (also given that Camel menthol usually has a $1 off cupon as you buy the pack) but also i live on the border of VA which VA has lower taxes so it's cheaper to buy there as well.

I'm only 21 atm so i hope not to run by the health risks of analogs but i do realize down the road (although i hope it never happens) that the cost of medical bills due to cigs will heavily out way the cost of vaping.

It's just given my current budget although i make decent for someone my age it's just that cost analysis is always something to subject to.

So i decided to keep a log of how much cigs would cost me a week and compare that to how much my e cig and liquid has cost and i will update you guys if you want on this matter in a month or so.

Honestly, If I only smoked a 1/2 a pack a day, I would try to quit completely or just invest in some very low e-juice for the occasional vape instead of grabbing cigs. I started out with a small analog cig habit, and it just got bigger over the years. Save yourself now before you get older and lose time off your health.

I seriously think this e-cig is one of the best inventions ever and for once I finally feel like I have control over my habit. THe only thing I fear is that the FDA will ban it. If they do, I will be very upset. The idea to approve regular analogs which kill and ban something that has only one thing that may or may not be harmful to your health but is not proven would make No sense whatsoever. Maybe that is why they are stalling??

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