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I first been introduced to E-cigs while i was on vacation in Florida in November last year, interested by the product but being amazed by the $150 dollar price tag i started looking for better deals online. After visiting all the top sites that Google regurgitated like smoke51, ruyan, epuffer, smokingeverwhere just to name a few, i found a pretty good deal at e-cig.com a chinese company. i ordered a kit for what i thought to be a great deal. it got here (Trinidad & Tobago) pretty quick as i used the express delivery for my order.

being totaly new to e-smoking/vaping i have a few gripes about this product i don't know if you guys experience similar with other products (seems to me the majority of e-smokes are made in china).

1. the battery life is kinda poor it lasts approx 5 smokes in which vapour production keeps getting less (abt 2 hrs)

2. the atomizer is built into the cart and get a little too hot for my lips

3. sometimes i get a burnt taste i guess it's because of the atomizer overheating .. (still produces a decent amt of vapour)

4. the menthol flavour doesnt taste anywhere close to mentol

i haven't purchased any e-juice for fear i might have probs with customs on my next visit to the US i will stock up on juice..

any advice will be greatly appreciated


Hi Randz and welcome to the fourms... sorry to hear you not having a great experience with your esmoke. A two hour battery life is terrible even when I smoke my supermini (which everyone seems to gripe about poor battery life) non-stop I still get at least 4 hours out of it. In my experance the burnt taste starts happening when the cart starts to get dry and a drip or two of juice will take care of it. As far as customs you shouldn't have an issue, where are you located, it just has to be labeled as a poisonous substance because like it or not nicotine is a poison and in high doses it can and will kill you. I agree with you about the menthol, but in my experience its not that it doesn't taste like menthol because it does but without the tobacco undertone (if that makes sense).


Hey Randz Welcome to the forum bud! Here are some answers for you

1. the battery life is kinda poor it lasts approx 5 smokes in which vapour production keeps getting less (abt 2 hrs)

Doesn't sound like you charged your batteries properly. When it unit first arrives it must be charged for around 10 hours. REGARDLESS OF THE GREEN LIGHT.

You should get around 4 hours battery life for the most part. If not then try charging your batter again but make sure that it's plugged in for 4 hours, again don't listen to that stupid green light!

2. the atomizer is built into the cart and get a little too hot for my lips

I've never heard this before! So we've got one of 2 problems going on

1. You are sucking WAY to hard on the electronic cigarette. Tone it down, you can't smoke it like a normal cigarette take long slow puffs rather that deep hard ones. You really don't have to suck that hard either, just make sure the LED is turn on. Sucking harder will not always get you more vapor like a traditional cigarette would.

2. You may have a bad electronic cigarette. I've never had an atomizer get so hot it burns my lips, it should never get hotter than about what a normal cigarette would get(at least on your lips anyway).

3. sometimes i get a burnt taste i guess it's because of the atomizer overheating .. (still produces a decent amt of vapour)

Yup sounds like your automizer is overheating for sure! Again it could be because your sucking on it to hard, because you got a bad automizer, or because the carts are dry. This is why we all use liquid, it's really the only way to go. It always keeps your automizer moist, it tastes MUCH better than the "marlboro" falvor and you normally get much more vapor

4. the menthol flavour doesnt taste anywhere close to mentol

Very true. Although this depends on the supplier. I've heard there are some suppliers who offer menthol that is very close to the real thing. You have to understand that these will never been the same as a real cigarette but they will come very close. That's why we all smoke cola, and Riskee etc

Good luck and post back if you have any more questions!


thanks for the tips guys, so i did charge up the batt overnight via usb and it seems to be pretty okay

i think it's just the lack of experience vaping, the lip burning/cart overheating : i was in fact taking too long deep breaths.

i've kinda got it down now with the exception i still think the batteries are rubbish

i might replace that cig all together and get one from puresmoker ... about the e-juice i have like 40 carts left so i gonna use those up first before i get some.

oh and Royce i'm in Trinidad and Tobago land of sea sand sun and hoottttt women grimace_32.png


Stop by California we good some good looking ones here too!

But yea you may as well use up the carts, Pure Smoker is definitely the way to go, I order 90% of my items through Puresmoker. The only issue with them at the moment is they run out of stock on almost everything every couple weeks. But the wait is worth it. Try the Penstyle I'm sure you'll be happy with it.

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