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I was peering down the barrel of my 510 atomizer tonight and noticed what I thought were some strands sticking to it from a cart. So ... stuck the tweezers down there to pull them off and ... holy crap. Pulled out about three of these long strands that definitely were not cart fiber. Anyone know what those are? Guess it was only the fuzzy ends of them sticking out from under the bridge because they were pretty substantial threads. Who knew there were even threads lurking down there underneath the bridge. Hmm ... sounds like something from the Three Billy Goats Gruff ...


Yeah - I'm pretty freaking sure they're supposed to be there too! Should be a warning somewhere - 'if you see threads sticking out around the atomizer, do NOT assume they are fibers from carts! Leave them alone!!' On the other hand, still seems to be working okay. For now anyway. I'll let you know if it dies on me real soon, though. Good thing I have two spares ...


Actually I thought that was pretty damn funny! :D

Well, after a few more days with this 510, have to say that it appears I'll need to have a supply of ... ohh ... 100 mls of juice a month or so! Holy crap - not kidding it is a juice hog! Have a long trip ahead of me today and sure wishing I had a penstyle with me instead! The 510 is an awesome e-cig. I don't think anyone who has one can argue that. But ... still partial to the pen for longevity of cart life. Figure I'd better top off a dozen or so carts and take my juice for topping for a 7 hr road trip! Thank God for the PCC.


Those fibers are the mesh for the center of the atomizer (not the metal strands or cart filler, they look like strands from a q-tip). They retain liquid from the cart filler and keep the atomizer from drying/burning out.

From what I've read and seen pulling them out really has no effect unless you remove all of them which is nearly impossible unless you take the atomizer apart. It should still function just like before and is even necessary to do once the atomizer gets old because some of the fibers will burn over time causing that nasty burnt taste.


Dave is quite correct on this one ;) If you look at a 306 atomizer those are there and very prominent. easy to see and see their function. In my opinion.. the 306 is as close to a 510 atomizer as you can get.. minus the metal tube shell ;)


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