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Hey Vets, Sorry But Need More Help

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Great news hawkizefan! I'll have to remember that if it comes up again. We usually do suggest cleaning the connections when someone has problems, but sine it was new I didn't think it would have time to get dirty. Never heard of a problem like this right out of the box, so good to know. :)

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Wait a minute!!! I just decided to order a couple of the mega batts, a couple of mega attys, and mega carts. I talked myself out of the usb eGo batt. :crybaby:

Aww .. If you've been a good girl you might be able to finagle one from Santa Claus. You could try kissing him 'neath the missletoe!!!

*sings* I saw mommy kissing santa clause .. *sings*

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Great news! :) eGo chargers do have a mind of their own sometimes.

Another neat tip to remember. Sometimes you'll charge an ego battery, remove it and the button won't light up. When this happens, push the button 10 times in a row. It will activate the battery again. Just an FYI if it ever happens :)

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A big thank you to all of you guys on this forum. I have been on other forums (sports mainly...and maybe an elfing foru.....sorry disregard that ) and for the most part it doesn't take long before some a-hole starts spouting off. That's why for the most part I usually just lurk and read. I lurked here for really quite a while before I posted, But from the git-go I felt really comfortable here on this site. Everybody seems very nice and the regulars on this site that help all of us vapingly challenged are really a testament to what a great site this is.

Nana...You are always so cheerful and supportive of people on this site. Must be that good wholesome midwest thing that people outside of the midwest just don't get or believe really exists.

Christopher....that 10 hits on the button thing....never heard that before....someone should really put together an ego manual because the one that came with mine was really lacking, but I understand why.

NoXious...your appreciation of my "missletoe" comment has surely warmed the cockuls of my heart. A thousand thank yous. That has virtually nullified a thousand wifely eye rolls. Thank you.

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