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Hey Vets, Sorry But Need More Help

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Alright...got MY ego sat....got the grunge sat...was in a fog till like wed.....still played with my new baby because..well ...duh...just couldn't wait. Did not think that the battery life thing was any where near what was stated. O.K.....sick (sicker than I thought) but thought that maybe I was under estimating the battery output. now I'm back to normal(as normal as I get)...And have been tracking my battery performance.

I can get maybe 4 hours out of my batteries....I have used the usb in my computer(should charge completely in a couple of hours...right?)...5...6....10...hours and the light will still be red...red...red...touch the cable and it will turn green??????wtf. If I use the wall adapter it will show red nonstop....never turns green and I have left it plugged up that way at least 12 hours or more. I know that I am getting at least a little bit of a charge..a trickle charge if you will..because I have put what I know is a completely dead batt. on one of the two type charges and after some time they will show life(a charge). So I know that either my 2 batteries are defective(which I would think for both of them to be bad would be murphys law times 100) or now I'm thinking that maybe I have a bad charger(best case ). Has any one else had a bad charger? kind of stymied right now....spend all of my time making sure that I have a battery plugged up to something somewhere just to make sure that I have a 2 to 4 hour window that I can use my new toy. So now....a scary ?. Went and looked at the warranty for batteries. 30..60..90 days or whatever....that's good. Unless there is flooding. What constitutes flooding? In my mind flooding means A LOT of liquid, but in vape land does flooding mean absolutely any liquid that hits the batt? I have noticed a few times a small amount of liquid @ the battery connection. Is this normal...does this happen a lot. I'm not talking puddles...just a small bit...maybe 20% of 1 drop out of a bottle...or is that enough to flood a manual battery. Just kinda freaking right now because this has actually been working great to rid myself of the analogs(sorry...still find that term to be very funny...don't know why just do and probably always will) and now this. As I am typing this I have both batteries here with me and I'm switching them out every 10 minutes just to get 3 or 4 tasty hits. This is no way to go through life...please help.

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If touching the cable makes the light turn green, then my best guess would be the charger is defective. I don't think you have flooded the batteries. If you received your Ego on Saturday then you still have time to exchange it, if you got if from a reputable supplier. I would contact the supplier and let them know what is going on. Leave out the info about the small drop of liquid, I don't think that is your problem. I have not had any problems with flooding a Ego battery. I thought they were sealed. I could be wrong.

Edited by BirdDog
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When I first got my ego and connected the battery, my light would change from red to green then stayed red for a long time. Finally, after straightening out the cord it went green within 10 minutes. I haven't had a problem since. I know they do flash red/green when they're getting close to a full charge but what happened was different. Sounds like your charger has issues if you can hook up the batt and get a charge enough for a couple vapes, then have to switch out batt's again it seems like you're charging but not at the proper flow. I agree with Birddog, probably a defective charger.

I'd make that phone call ASAP and ask them so send you another asap!!

Hang in there! As a recent "convert" I promise you, you'll be glad you did. I'm going on 11 days w/o an analog and HONESTLY have NO desire to light one up. This is HUGE after smoke 1+ pks a day for well over 25 years! <God, I had to add that up...I was still thinking it was 20 years!

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Didn't you get your eGo from Vapor Talk Store?  Fill out a support ticket and Chris will help you out.  Sounds like a bad charger to me.

VT Support

Hey Brian...yes I did get my ego from the vapor talk store. I am thinking that it may be a charger problem. I am going to do a ticket shortly, but hate to "cry wolf" for every thing that arises. Chris has been great, as has everybody here including yourself. Dude....it's 4:00 am.....what are you doing up??? I sleep in 3 and 4 hour spurts...have for years due to my work....hope your not tethered to the same sh#$%y fate as I am. Thanks for the input....hope it's as simple as a new charger cuz this is really working for me. Thanks again....now go have a turkey sandwich and take a nap.

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Hmm doesn't sound right to be honest. I do believe you purchased from us. I would suggest filling out a ticket, sending the kit back and we'll replace it with a new kit :) It could just be the charger (sounds like it is)

If you wish you may also send back just the charger (wall unit and USB plug) and we'll replace it. I would suggest only using the wall charger. You will not get a rapid charge if your using your USB port.

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Hmm doesn't sound right to be honest. I do believe you purchased from us. I would suggest filling out a ticket, sending the kit back and we'll replace it with a new kit :) It could just be the charger (sounds like it is)

If you wish you may also send back just the charger (wall unit and USB plug) and we'll replace it. I would suggest only using the wall charger. You will not get a rapid charge if your using your USB port.

Hey chris, Wow you too? 5:00 am and there you are...trypthophan wear off on you too? lol. With my limited knowledge of these things, and with a hopeful heart that it's something as simple as the charger, I'm wondering what my best course of action should be? Selfishly..after having my ego in my hands and seeing how it has worked for me so far, I hate to pack it up and send it back for inspection if it is indeed something as simple as a charger. I am getting a charge to the batts, but just doesn't seem to charge up all the way and takes forever to do that. Was kinda thinking that my best course would be to order a new mega battery and charger and then go from there as far as having my existing gear checked out. Another battery wouldn't be a bad idea, and a second charger would be a good option also I guess. Hate to keep playing this constant charge the battery game..would hate to play the do without it game for a couple of weeks, but also need to take care of this within the warranty period. It's odd that I know the battery is dead..dead..dead..and I put it on the usb cable and it will burn green or fully charged. Then if I put it on the wall charger it will show red (well...it always shows red on the wall charger even after 5...8..10 hours. Oh well...you guys are the experts so any advice you could give would be appreciated.

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I know the feeling - I wouldn't want to send it back either. It's good to have a spare charger, so you may try ordering a charger. If that is the problems, then send the broken one back for replacement. Then you'll have two, which is good.

I usually wake up between 4-5 whether I set my alarm or not. Don't worry, I'll take a nice nap in my recliner later this morning. :)

As for Chris - he never sleeps, or he's found a way to clone himself.

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Thanks Brian. Not sure what route I'll take yet but will be doing something today. Read on another forum somebody was having a very similar problem and their solution was to use a slightly damp tissue to clean the connections on the batt. and the charger. This person said that they thought that there was some contaminant/film on the connections from the factory. That would be WAY to easy, but is worth a try. Doing that right now.

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Another quick ?. The 900mah battery would be compatible with my existing ego items (carts...cartos...attys...charger/cable) correct? No need to buy mega items for the 900 batt? Right now I'm leaning towards purchasing a new battery and a new usb cable (no wall adapter) as I feel the problem may lie in the cable. If a new cable charges my current batterys then I'm golden with 2 650's and a 900mah batts. then I can deal with the bad cable (which at $9 ain't no big deal). If it doesn't charge my 2 existing 650's, Then at least I'll have a badass battery and cable to get my vape on while I deal with the batteries. Don't think the wall adapter is the problem or I would only be having this problem only when I charge on an outlet, but the problem is the same whether I'm on a wall outlet with the wall plug or plugging up to the computer with the usb cable. Well, still kicking it around in my head even though I think I know where the problem lies, but need to do something today...and with free shipping I probably should hit it today. I appreciate y'alls input and help.

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Just so you know, Hawk, it takes me two hours to fully charge my eGo batteries with the wall charger. New batteries would hold a charge for 6 to 8 hours for me (but most people seem to get 10 or more hours from them). The batteries I'm using are 7 months old now and only hold a charge about 4 hours. My oldest batteries were 9 months old and only holding a charge for a couple of hours - until they finally quit completely. I have a couple of backup chargers and I have some backup batteries that I haven't used yet, too.

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Backups, backups, backups---I just hit the VT sale too.

my 900Mah Batts last me 10-14 hours depending on how much I am vaping. They really do last me most if not all day. even the 600 mah last me 6-8 hours.

Extra batteries and chargers are always a good thing. That way you can determine which is faulty and return just that part. Like you, I couldn't be parted with my vaping stuff. Currently, thank goodness--I have enough backups to last a while. Not that that will keep me from buying more.

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hawkize if you haven't already ordered I would suggest you take a peek at the usb eGo battery vs the mega batt. I, too, have the two standard batts that came with my kit and bought a mega as well. This set has served me well however ..

Being able to sit here and vape endlessly without the need of charge is wonderful! Being able to unplug it and walk out of the house with a fully charged battery despite that I've been vaping for the past "x" amount of hours is almost miraculous in my book. I am truly enjoying the use with this battery.

VT Store has these in stock, too. Go check them out!

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Thanks all. Been on 1 battery since early this morning and still going. Not hitting it non-stop, but probably at a moderate pace. Cleaning the contacts may have helped. we'll see. Just plugged 1 up to the wall and it had a partial charge ( no idea what percent ) so I'm going to let it lay there for awhile and see what happens.

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hawkize if you haven't already ordered I would suggest you take a peek at the usb eGo battery vs the mega batt. I, too, have the two standard batts that came with my kit and bought a mega as well. This set has served me well however ..

Being able to sit here and vape endlessly without the need of charge is wonderful! Being able to unplug it and walk out of the house with a fully charged battery despite that I've been vaping for the past "x" amount of hours is almost miraculous in my book. I am truly enjoying the use with this battery.

VT Store has these in stock, too. Go check them out!

I was under the impression that you never left your house??? :thumbsup:

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hawkize if you haven't already ordered I would suggest you take a peek at the usb eGo battery vs the mega batt. I, too, have the two standard batts that came with my kit and bought a mega as well. This set has served me well however ..

Being able to sit here and vape endlessly without the need of charge is wonderful! Being able to unplug it and walk out of the house with a fully charged battery despite that I've been vaping for the past "x" amount of hours is almost miraculous in my book. I am truly enjoying the use with this battery.

VT Store has these in stock, too. Go check them out!

Wait a minute!!! I just decided to order a couple of the mega batts, a couple of mega attys, and mega carts. I talked myself out of the usb eGo batt. :crybaby:

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OK...update, as I know that you have all been on the edge of your seat waiting to hear from me again. Don't know if you're going to believe this or not, but I just got the first green light on my charger. On another forum someone mentioned cleaning the contacts on the battery and the charger...to plug the charger in to get a green light and then to screw the battery on, turning the light from green to red. Sure...I was at the point that I would try anything. The batt. that I am currently using got that treatment this a.m. and got charged for a while before I had to leave home. This battery kept chuggin along for about 6 hours now. Been waiting for it to die all afternoon. About 3 hours ago when I got home I did that little magic trick on it, put it on the charger and...BINGO...GREEN LIGHT. On top of that Christopher hooked me up with a missing item so right now I not only have green lightage, but I'm direct dripping some very tasty midnight. Good day my friends...good day.

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