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I bought two of these:


where you have to punch a hole in it to use a needle to fill the port inside but I can't figure out where to "punch the hole!" The picture on the link above talks about pulling off 2 "cap" things but this thing is one solid unit. I tried poking into the hole at the mouthpiece end but nothing "pokes through". I'm afraid to break the thing so could someone tell me how to get the juice into this thing? (I have the syringe to put juice in, just can't "poke the hole" to get it in there.




I bought two of these:


where you have to punch a hole in it to use a needle to fill the port inside but I can't figure out where to "punch the hole!" The picture on the link above talks about pulling off 2 "cap" things but this thing is one solid unit. I tried poking into the hole at the mouthpiece end but nothing "pokes through". I'm afraid to break the thing so could someone tell me how to get the juice into this thing? (I have the syringe to put juice in, just can't "poke the hole" to get it in there.



I will agree that it is tough to remove stuff from those MEGA cartos. The top mouth piece was easy enough to remove with a paper clip (for me), but the second do-dad required a thumb tack. I didn't even put it back in. If I remember correctly, the second one has two holes. Try pulling up each end with a thumb tack (or similar item). When you get it off, you'll then be able to "punch the hole" in with the same thumb tack. Like I said, don't bother replacing the second one little piece of plastic. I found I get better flow without it. Just replace the one that goes over the mouth piece.

Gosh, as I read this over, it doesn't sound very helpful. Those pieces *will* come off. You just need something with a little more oomph.

Good luck!


Yup, found a video (didn't look hard enough the first time) and found those 2 little pieces. Filled the syringe with just under 2 ml of juice, slowly put the juice in, cleaned up any excess, put the parts back on....

and NOTHIN......

Collosal fail. LOL!

So much for those!

Good thing the juice I used was stuff I wasn't going to be TOO upset about wasting. I dunno where all that juice went, but it sure doesn't vape. I got one TINY little wisp of vapor out when sucking for like 6 sec. But that was it.




Not only that, but when you screw it onto the Ego battery, the mouthpiece lines up crooked! So you push the manual button from a sideways position in order for the mouthpiece to line up with your mouth. Say whaaaa???




Well, I didn't like using them either, but you might try it again after the liquid has settled a little bit, soaked in a bit more, you might say. And, yeah, I really didn't like that it didn't line up with the button, but that became a non-issue. I just ended up not liking the hassle. Regular cartos for driving for me. Well, al right, they're low resistance, but whatever. Good luck, Jodie! It might work in half an hour! :)


Thanks Aimee,

There IS a reason my father has called me "fleustig" (spelling mine: It means "impatient" in German) all my life.




Huh, well, my German major isn't kicking in... are you sure it wasn't "fleissig" (kind of sounds like fly-sig) that he called you? That means something more like determined though. :iiam: No big deal. :)

At any rate, I understand... I wait for regular cartos to soak in for a bit too.

Posted (edited)

Well if I were to write it in english phonetically it would be: flu-shtick. My dad is not proper ANYTHING let alone proper German so he could have been butchering the word too. All I know is he says it to refer to my impatientness. :)

See my post on LR-2 ohm carts, I finally found my match. :)


Edited by Jodie
Posted (edited)

Hi Profbeard,

I did see that the other day and tried that on my 2nd mega cart that I bought. Although I was able to get the juice in that way with VERY little mess (sure a lot less than the syringe) it also did not give me any vapor. It's like the juice evaporates in there or something! I must be really spoiled on my LR atty's I've used ever since I started ecigs. Those things give me PLUMES of vapor! (and good th). Mega carto's(actually all carto's for that matter) just feel like plain air going in, just a tad of flavor and just a very wispy vapor coming out. So no carto's for me!

EDIT: I should clarify, I do like the LR 2 ohm carto's from vapor king. Those are fairly decent and will give me what I need for driving.

However, I did just see a mega ATTY for the ego. Can't tell yet if it is a LR one or not. If so, boy I sure would like to give that a try. Would extend the time in between dd'ing, maybe not as long as carto's but enough for the little bit of driving that I do.


I could just darned well stop thinking I gotta vape when I drive! Yea, that would be the LEAST expensive option, right? LOL! :wallbash:


Edited by Jodie

Hi Profbeard,

I did see that the other day and tried that on my 2nd mega cart that I bought. Although I was able to get the juice in that way with VERY little mess (sure a lot less than the syringe) it also did not give me any vapor. It's like the juice evaporates in there or something! I must be really spoiled on my LR atty's I've used ever since I started ecigs. Those things give me PLUMES of vapor! (and good th). Mega carto's(actually all carto's for that matter) just feel like plain air going in, just a tad of flavor and just a very wispy vapor coming out. So no carto's for me!

EDIT: I should clarify, I do like the LR 2 ohm carto's from vapor king. Those are fairly decent and will give me what I need for driving.

However, I did just see a mega ATTY for the ego. Can't tell yet if it is a LR one or not. If so, boy I sure would like to give that a try. Would extend the time in between dd'ing, maybe not as long as carto's but enough for the little bit of driving that I do.


I could just darned well stop thinking I gotta vape when I drive! Yea, that would be the LEAST expensive option, right? LOL! :wallbash:


I'm not a carto fan (Mega or otherwise) but when it tried that method with mine it worked fine - vapour and all... Perhaps you are not getting enough juice in? Can't think or what else to suggest (unless you have duff cartos)


OMG!!!! I just got 3 new cartos in the mail - and I'm a total noob at all of this - but I filled the first one. The ONLY filling option is with the needle - these do NOT have the little pop-out pieces on the mouthpiece - so I filled up my syringe, poked the hole in the middle of the thingie, and put in maybe 1.5 ml of juice. Let it sit for a few. Then screwed it onto my battery and tried it. YUKPOOEYNASTYGROSS!!!!! It smells and tastes like burned....plastic? Rubber? I don't know, but it's HIDEOUS! What am I doing wrong??? I'm getting ready to go on a 4-hour car drive and was hoping for 3 filled cartos for the weekend, but this is awful!!!! :wallbash::censored::nuke::help:


OMG!!!! I just got 3 new cartos in the mail - and I'm a total noob at all of this - but I filled the first one. The ONLY filling option is with the needle - these do NOT have the little pop-out pieces on the mouthpiece - so I filled up my syringe, poked the hole in the middle of the thingie, and put in maybe 1.5 ml of juice. Let it sit for a few. Then screwed it onto my battery and tried it. YUKPOOEYNASTYGROSS!!!!! It smells and tastes like burned....plastic? Rubber? I don't know, but it's HIDEOUS! What am I doing wrong??? I'm getting ready to go on a 4-hour car drive and was hoping for 3 filled cartos for the weekend, but this is awful!!!! :wallbash::censored::nuke::help:

Never mind. I'm an idiot. The other two (not megas, just regular ones) are filled and working fine. It was such a dumbdonkeyrearend mistake I'm not even gonna tell you. :rofl:



I could just darned well stop thinking I gotta vape when I drive! Yea, that would be the LEAST expensive option, right? LOL! :wallbash:


Not vape when you drive?! Are you nuts? :) That's the only way I stay focused while driving. And now I can keep my windows up. :thumbsup:


Not vape when you drive?! Are you nuts? :) That's the only way I stay focused while driving. And now I can keep my windows up. :thumbsup:

Whoopsie, this isn't FaceBook. I was looking all over for the "like" button to click on this post, heeheeheeheeheee


Whoopsie, this isn't FaceBook. I was looking all over for the "like" button to click on this post, heeheeheeheeheee

If you like a post, you can click the "+" button in the bottom right corner of the post. :)


I like your like post Jeff. :harhar:

Aimee: Good thing I don't drive long distance very often!!!! LOL! Furthest I go on any regular basis one way is 20 miles. And I don't vape when my girls are in the car...just cuz. But when I'm coming home from orchestra rehearsal at 10 pm at night and I'm all amped up from playing for 3 hours, yea, you betcha.... :punk: That's when I :baby: alllll the way home. And giggle because it's 20 degrees out and I don't have to open the window!!

Those are the times I think the 2.0 ohm LR carto's will serve me well.

Slooowllly but surely, I'm a gettin to my sweet spot! :thumbsup:



CARTOS SUCK!! What are you guys talkin' about?!

Ummm.... dude..... :o

Hey, Christopher, can we also add the /sarcasm string to DAYVAPE's post? K, thnx. :)


  • 5 months later...

I just filled (according to the link) and tried my first mega carto on a passthrough and as I sit here on my computer, it's working really fine. Who would have thought I would get so caught up in all this since April. I'm liking it!! :D

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