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driving down the road yesterday i made the mistake of opening my window near some asphalt pavers, i thought to myself, how damaging to their lungs is working that job? breathing in all the hot road tar vapors? for that matter how dangerous is it to live near a big city and breathe in all the emission from big rigs and such... perhaps all of these things are other causes to lung cancers and COPD disorders and not just smoking.

is vapeing too much harmful? im sure its not exactly what our lungs were intended for, but in all reality our lungs are assaulted every day...

of course i say this as i am justifying my chain vapeing at the moment because i dont deal well with stress and would normally be smoking like a dragon on a day like this


driving down the road yesterday i made the mistake of opening my window near some asphalt pavers, i thought to myself, how damaging to their lungs is working that job? breathing in all the hot road tar vapors? for that matter how dangerous is it to live near a big city and breathe in all the emission from big rigs and such... perhaps all of these things are other causes to lung cancers and COPD disorders and not just smoking.

is vapeing too much harmful? im sure its not exactly what our lungs were intended for, but in all reality our lungs are assaulted every day...

of course i say this as i am justifying my chain vapeing at the moment because i dont deal well with stress and would normally be smoking like a dragon on a day like this

There are MANY causes of lung cancer other than smoking. We have a close family friend who worked in the printing industry and he has cancer which is a DIRECT result of years of working with all the solvents and inks in printing. Back years ago they didn't know to wear all those ventilators and protection like is done now. But even so, you can't eliminate EVERYTHING. Also when you are using like an epoxy glue or other adhesives, that is super bad for you. Basically, if you can smell something, you are breathing in whatever is causing the smell. ANY foreign substance is potentially a problem. Asphalt fumes aren't good, neither are the chemicals in black top sealer. People that do that all the time wear masks, but you see regular people using black top sealer to do their own driveways without wearing anything all the time. Look at when you build something outdoors, like say a deck or shed with treated lumber.....that is full of chemicals, when you are cutting it you are causing all kinds of airborne dust. Most people don't take all the precautions and wear masks and ventilators.

Look at all the warnings about skin cancer and all the people who STILL insist on sunbathing, because they think it looks good. Tell that to my dad who is battling melanoma, and all he ever did was take off his shirt in the sun while mowing lawn and doing yard work. But it doesn't take that much. Every sunburn increases the chances of future skin cancer. Tanning beds don't make it any safer. Even if you never left home, there are plenty of toxins within a home. As far as airborne stuff in your home, read this........ http://goes-green.com/113/how-important-is-it-to-use-chemical-free-cleaning-products-in-your-home/

Here are a couple quotes from that article, and there are many others you can find as well online.....

"Did you know that currant research is showing 70 to 85 times more pollution in our homes than outside, even in the cities.

The chemicals used to clean your tiles and carpets emit toxins, which are extremely dangerous. These chemicals have the tendency to create severe health disorders to your children and have been found to change behavioral patterns. The common health problems faced due to constant exposure over the years to these chemicals are severe headache, breathing trouble, asthma, allergies, cancer, depression, sleep issues and asthma, just to name a few.

Constantly inhaling these chemicals have a high instance of also resulting in arthritis, chronic fatigue, depression and many respiratory related health issues. It is this chronic exposure over the years that cause woman or men filling the roll of homemaker to have a 55% cancer rate than those that don’t."


there is actually a book called the 100 year lie about the toxins in our everyday lives, it outlines the common toxins you come in contact with from your flame retardant mattress to your personal hygiene products and that in just getting ready for work you have been exposes to thousands of cancer causing agents long before you ever leave the house.

I dont think we can avoid things that "may cause cancer" because even the air we breathe can be harmful...

makes you wonder about the rise in auto immune disorders, i have seen several cases of them daily where i work and many of us are on gluten free diets due to gluten sensitivities... omg, i should hope there is no wheat products in any of the e liquids lol... had not even given that a moments thought until now... ponders...


I vape a lot but I smoked a lot too. I guess it's one step at a time, i want to get to zero nic and then i'll worry about cutting back on vaping or quitting that too. OR maybe not lol


There just is no way to be safe.....or free from chemicals, they are everywhere. For crying out loud we EAT chemicals every day, we breathe chemicals every day. Of those the vaping is probably one of the least dangerous.


well, here is what i do know, its been almost a week of vapeing, with a total of i think 4 or 5 analogs (hubby wanted someone to smoke with) and i am already feeling better, my morning cough, nearly gone aside from a touch of a dry cough, not hacking up little lung butter chunks in the shower in the morning, yeah, graphic i know but heck thats what smoking one pack a day was doing to me


I think you'll find that most of us vape a lot more than we ever smoked. I believe that it's partly because we can without the trouble of going outside or finding a place to smoke.

Also because it's just plain enjoyable compared to what smoking was....a habit.

I think some of the sore throat may be from the PG/VG in the mix. They tend to dry out your throat some and you really need to keep drinking something while you vape.

And like you said, some may be from allergies. So keep mindful of the situation and if it persists you may want to see a doctor and have it checked.

Either way....enjoy!

Good luck and happy vaping.thumbup.gif

I get a lot of sore throats from the menthol VG flavoring, and a lot of nose bleeds and always running back and forth to the bathroom a lot.


I get a lot of sore throats from the menthol VG flavoring, and a lot of nose bleeds and always running back and forth to the bathroom a lot.

Two of my kids get lots of nose bleeds during the winter, because of the dryness of the indoor air this time of year with the heat running, etc. SO if the vg or pg causes dryness that would make sense. They use a glycerine nasal spray or drops. They are very inexpensive and they keep it with them all the time. It is totally non medicated available anywhere they have nasal sprays, etc. Some of them are called nasal gel spray, which actually works better because it doesn't run out as easily. The store brand works just fine to help with the dryness. There is a dramatic difference when they don't use it. Anyway, that is an inexpensive, simple thing you may want to check into. I do not drink any more than I ever did and I haven't had any dryness issue. But of course, like everything else, everyone is very different in how things affect them. I know with my kids, the pediatrician said that people with nasal capillaries that are closer to the surface are more prone to nose bleeds, which makes sense. The only time my throat felt raw or irritated was when I tried vaping liquid with 24mg or higher nic. It really was uncomfortable after just a few drags/inhalations. I am totally fine with the 16-18mg, no issues at all. I don't care for the VG because of how it tastes, I don't like how it affects flavor.....I get the 80/20 pg/vg, just because that little bit of vg helps with vapor production.

I have read a number of places that inhaling nic with an e cig only delivers 1/10th of the amount of nic as a drag off a cig, so that may be another reason we vape much more than smoked. 1/10th seems exaggerated because I sure don't smoke 10 times as much, not even in the beginning....I would have to be vaping 24/7 and never stop. I was a chain smoker and when I exhaled there was hardly any smoke visible because I inhaled so long and deep. But even if it was like say 1/2 the nic or anything less than a normal cig then it would stand to reason we would most likely vape more. I wouldn't doubt that it is true that there is less nic in the vapor....because right from the start I vaped more, even though I HATED the flavors we had. But I still vape pretty much constantly so it does make sense that the better taste just makes it a more enjoyable experience overall. We like it so we do it more.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I figure it this way, there is NO way that even with vaping like a maniac, which I do, that it can be anywhere near as dangerous as smoking 2+packs a day. I don't work, due to chronic illness, so I had the freedom to chain smoke pretty much whenever I was awake. I could never stay with quitting because I am a nervous smoker. I have chronic pain issues and I know it is idiotic and sounds stupid, but smoking really calmed me down. It is very hard being in pain every minute of your life and all the meds on earth do NOT take away all the pain, the best I hope for is to be able to just sit without wanting to scream. Anyway, the main problems from smoking come from the actual smoke....all the potential breathing issues are directly related to the smoke, then of course the cancer is related to the smoke and the chemicals. So I figure removing a few thousand chemicals AND the smoke, it has to be MUCH less dangerous. Obviously vaping has to pose SOME risk, however small, we are putting chemicals into our bodies, but I know I won't, can't and don't want to stop and I am not even considering it. I did have the throat burn/pain issue when I go above 18mg, so now that is what I use. I had to get some flavor once in 24 and I actually couldn't use it....within a few minutes my throat was killing me. I don't care for the VG either, it just doesn't taste as good to me. I vape constantly. I have a netbook next to my bed (which is where I mainly sit) because of severe back and bone problems and I have a passthrough plugged in and vape away. When I am out of the house I can EASILY go through 4 batteries in an evening. I use the KR808 stuff, and the XL batteries. When these die I will get a couple XXL batteries and see how those compare. I have 6 batteries that I use when I am not at home. I just wish they charged faster because I only have 2 chargers and sometimes have two charging and then two waiting to be charged and it is pain.

I agree with everyone else, I do vape more mostly because I can vape in places I couldn't smoke, like my parents house, friends, restaurants, etc. I love it. I didn't have any breathing issues or any issues related to smoking and I was a heavy smoker for 30 years with a few years taken off in there for times I quit. I agree to with the fact that you do sort of get an odd "feeling" when you vape too much and you stop. I have gotten that lightheaded somewhat nauseated feeling from vaping too much, which I also got from smoking too much. So then I stop for a couple minutes and it goes away and then I pay more attention to what I am doing. That maybe happens once a week, if that.

I have fibromyalgia and am in some kind of pain all the time too. I haven't noticed the vaping helping with that

at all. I agree with you... I'm a stress smoker and would find that the analogs calmed me down too. Strange how

that works with nicotine being a stimulant and all. I find I'm vaping like I did when I was a 3 pack a day smoker.

I also worry about putting all that PG in my body. How long does it stay in your body? What's it's half life?

I hope all works out well for you.


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