B80 Posted November 23, 2010 Posted November 23, 2010 I'm just looking for opinions here, since none of us obviously know for sure, but I'm just wondering if anyone's ever felt they were vaping too much. I know I've read threads about this before on here, but lately I feel like I vape ALOT during the day when I'm working, not so much at home, but then if I go out, I can go through 2 Riva Batts in one night. I can say that I never wake up with that feeling of "UGH, I smoked way too much last night." But lately I've been waking up with sore throats and stuffy, and my lungs seem to hurt a little. This could also be attributed to my allergies, but I just wanted to know if anyone else has ever felt like this from vaping?
snubber Posted November 23, 2010 Posted November 23, 2010 I think you'll find that most of us vape a lot more than we ever smoked. I believe that it's partly because we can without the trouble of going outside or finding a place to smoke. Also because it's just plain enjoyable compared to what smoking was....a habit. I think some of the sore throat may be from the PG/VG in the mix. They tend to dry out your throat some and you really need to keep drinking something while you vape. And like you said, some may be from allergies. So keep mindful of the situation and if it persists you may want to see a doctor and have it checked. Either way....enjoy! Good luck and happy vaping. B80 and Schizophretard 2
nana Posted November 23, 2010 Posted November 23, 2010 Too much vaping? I don't think there is such a thing. LOL Actually, I do vape a lot more than I smoked. But I would have smoked a lot more if not for the cost. I have noticed nothing negative about vaping too much other than when I was vaping high nic and vaping too much. I got lightheaded and a bit dizzy then. I fixed that by lowering my nic level. Now I don't have any problems at all. I do drink a lot of liquid while vaping and maybe that's why I'm doing okay with it. I don't know. I just know I enjoy vaping, I vape whenever I feel like it, and it works for me. Schizophretard and B80 2
B80 Posted November 23, 2010 Author Posted November 23, 2010 I did just switch liquids and am currently using a different distributor than what I normally do. I also had to go with 12mg nic because they dont' have the 10mg that I'm also used to. I have noticed before their juice I think has more PG which I'm a little bit sensitive too. And I know about drinking alot and staying hydrated, but I definitely do not do that. I'm all about the coffee in the mornings which is less than hydrating. I'm just paranoid that this (vaping) is going to end up being bad for me in some way. After all, it seems like everything that is enjoyable ends up being bad for us.
Schlitz Posted November 23, 2010 Posted November 23, 2010 When I first started, I really did notice a considerable soreness in the throat region. Very itchy and dry. After reading in the forums, I decided to try a VG based juice to see if I would encounter less irritation. To be honest, I didn't really enjoy the VG based juice as much as the PG. After a few weeks, all of the discomfort in the throat just went away. I rarely have a dry sore throat anymore. All I can think of, is I also was having some allergy issues at the time, alongside from kicking a long habit of cigarettes. I vape 10-15ml a week, and I'm feeling great. Hopefully this will pass for ya. B80 and Schizophretard 2
kitsune Posted November 23, 2010 Posted November 23, 2010 I have given myself a nice headache a few times, occasional sore throat--and I definitely vape more than I smoked. Inhaling any chemicals into your lungs isn't 'Healthy' -- cleaning chemicals, smog, dust ..... For me personally--I feel so much better overall since I started vaping vs smoking. The best option is always to quit altogether, but since for me, thats not going to happen, I'll take my chances with vaping. Its good to be a bit paranoid--Like snubber said--if the symptoms continue, might be a good idea to get checked out. and drink more water..... B80 and Schizophretard 2
sensay Posted November 23, 2010 Posted November 23, 2010 I absolutely vape more often than I smoked but I also have worked my way down the nic levels to adjust. I also switched to VG.
Schizophretard Posted November 23, 2010 Posted November 23, 2010 (edited) I think it would be hard to over vape in the normal range (0-24 mg). Over 24 can make you a little too wired, increase insomnia, and increase the danger of over dose from getting juice on your skin. Unless you spill juice on your skin or have heart disease I wouldn't worry too much about over vaping. You can't over vape on accident because your body tells you when you are at your limit. If you body says stop just listen. Edited November 23, 2010 by Schizophretard
actor92191 Posted November 26, 2010 Posted November 26, 2010 Yeah, the best thing you can do is just stop vaping when your body says you've had enough!
Ellynn99 Posted November 29, 2010 Posted November 29, 2010 That happened to me yesterday when I started direct dripping. Got a little headache like when I used to smoke too many analogs. That is when I knew to set down the e-cig and go in the other room to do something else. It was gone within an hr.
DAYVAPE Posted November 29, 2010 Posted November 29, 2010 What's really fun is when you all of the sudden break out in a cold sweat from a lil too much. As a matter of fact... I think Schlitz had way too much the other night, he passed the hell out on his desk face down, cam on. LOL. No, but really Schlitzy, it was kinda funny!
B80 Posted November 29, 2010 Author Posted November 29, 2010 I don't really get headaches or feel sick per se, I just feel like I get some aches and pains and sometimes feel a little lightheaded. I don't know. The nic I'm vaping right now is 12mg as opposed to my normal 10mg, the throat hit is definitely harsher so maybe that's the problem.
snubber Posted November 30, 2010 Posted November 30, 2010 I don't really get headaches or feel sick per se, I just feel like I get some aches and pains and sometimes feel a little lightheaded. I don't know. The nic I'm vaping right now is 12mg as opposed to my normal 10mg, the throat hit is definitely harsher so maybe that's the problem. Sounds like it's your body's way of telling you it's too high of a nic level. Maybe you'd better go back to 10mgs If that worked there's no reason to change.
B80 Posted November 30, 2010 Author Posted November 30, 2010 The only reason I changed was because it was a different vendor and they didn't have 10mgs. 6 doesn't do anything for me, so I opted for the 12. I am going to go back to the 10 and my regular vendor.
AimeeG Posted November 30, 2010 Posted November 30, 2010 The only reason I changed was because it was a different vendor and they didn't have 10mgs. 6 doesn't do anything for me, so I opted for the 12. I am going to go back to the 10 and my regular vendor. It'll weaken the flavor a little bit, but you could add some plain PG or VG to your 12mg bottles to make it 10mg. Up to you. Vape on!
maconulaff Posted December 3, 2010 Posted December 3, 2010 (edited) I have had issues with too much nicotine causing me to feel light headed or giving me headaches and trembles. I found that reducing the amount of nicotine made a huge difference for me. Also reducing the amount of VG helped with reducing headaches for my wife - always a good thing right? So I don't think it is how much vaping you do but vaping at an appropriate strength that is the key. Edited December 3, 2010 by maconulaff
lightbringer Posted December 6, 2010 Posted December 6, 2010 I really agree that we vape a lot more than we smoked cause of all the covenience. I vape a lot more than I smoked and I think too that it's due in part to addiction; Oral fixation and our minds clinging to analog memories. I have had no troubles staying away from analogs (even while drunk; That was the big question that I answered this summer. I don't drink often so at a party this summer I experimented by getting VERY drunk. When I drink that is when I had to have analogs but this summer; I was falling on my face but with a 510 in my hand) but the more tempted I am or the more I want an analog; the more I vape. I expect that will dwindle as time goes on. Or not as I LOVE to vape! It's been almost 5 months and I vape from the time I awake to the time I sleep. I do use lower nic levels in the morning. Honsetly though I have so little fear of the vaping as compared to the dread I had of analogs and the toll they took on my body. I have had some head buzzing action from too much nic but that's when I put the eGo down. I have not had any other negative reactions. VAPE ON!!
Uma Posted December 7, 2010 Posted December 7, 2010 There are times I hungrily vape, and it kind of scares me, but it passes. The next day I'll be back to normal. I use awesome flavors with zero nic when chain vaping at the pc or reading a novel, and regular good old 18-24mg tobacco flavors when needing my nicotine fix. (it helps to have 2 pv's set up). When I am somewhere that I can't vape at will, I'll use my 36mg during break times. The thing I've noticed for me, is that even when I'm chain vaping, it's during the times that I would have been chain smoking. I can chain vape to my heart's desire and it still won't be near as much as when I was smoking, because that dang cigarette was burning up fast and I couldn't stand wasting it, plus the burning smoke would also fill my lungs while it sat there in the ashtray. With my eCig, I actually miss beats in the rhythm of chain vaping if that makes any sense, plus I am not breathing the smoldering smoke as it sits and waits for me to pick it up and puff. But, yes, all in all, I am more consistant with my puffing... instead of inhaling 3 cigs during a break, I can puff a puff every 5 or 10 minutes throughout the day. Puff per puff, breath for breath, I feel that I am vaping less. What I do lack, however, is the feeling of control that I used to battle with and lose. I used to battle for self control ... if I can go 30 minutes without a cig, then by golly I can go 40! NOT!! But it was a challenge. With vaping, I give in to my every whim. I am spoiled rotten and I am lovin' it. Tomorrow or the next day I'll challenge myself maybe, but not today. I am not going to stress myself. I'm sick of stress. Now where's my puff...
juliery Posted January 5, 2011 Posted January 5, 2011 I figure it this way, there is NO way that even with vaping like a maniac, which I do, that it can be anywhere near as dangerous as smoking 2+packs a day. I don't work, due to chronic illness, so I had the freedom to chain smoke pretty much whenever I was awake. I could never stay with quitting because I am a nervous smoker. I have chronic pain issues and I know it is idiotic and sounds stupid, but smoking really calmed me down. It is very hard being in pain every minute of your life and all the meds on earth do NOT take away all the pain, the best I hope for is to be able to just sit without wanting to scream. Anyway, the main problems from smoking come from the actual smoke....all the potential breathing issues are directly related to the smoke, then of course the cancer is related to the smoke and the chemicals. So I figure removing a few thousand chemicals AND the smoke, it has to be MUCH less dangerous. Obviously vaping has to pose SOME risk, however small, we are putting chemicals into our bodies, but I know I won't, can't and don't want to stop and I am not even considering it. I did have the throat burn/pain issue when I go above 18mg, so now that is what I use. I had to get some flavor once in 24 and I actually couldn't use it....within a few minutes my throat was killing me. I don't care for the VG either, it just doesn't taste as good to me. I vape constantly. I have a netbook next to my bed (which is where I mainly sit) because of severe back and bone problems and I have a passthrough plugged in and vape away. When I am out of the house I can EASILY go through 4 batteries in an evening. I use the KR808 stuff, and the XL batteries. When these die I will get a couple XXL batteries and see how those compare. I have 6 batteries that I use when I am not at home. I just wish they charged faster because I only have 2 chargers and sometimes have two charging and then two waiting to be charged and it is pain. I agree with everyone else, I do vape more mostly because I can vape in places I couldn't smoke, like my parents house, friends, restaurants, etc. I love it. I didn't have any breathing issues or any issues related to smoking and I was a heavy smoker for 30 years with a few years taken off in there for times I quit. I agree to with the fact that you do sort of get an odd "feeling" when you vape too much and you stop. I have gotten that lightheaded somewhat nauseated feeling from vaping too much, which I also got from smoking too much. So then I stop for a couple minutes and it goes away and then I pay more attention to what I am doing. That maybe happens once a week, if that.
B80 Posted January 18, 2011 Author Posted January 18, 2011 I had off work today, and so I vaped alot more than I normally would. Now I'm noticing that my lungs hurt a little, and it's not even really like a pain, more like a "tired" feeling if that makes sense. I think that's what I was asking when I originally asked this question. I've never really gotten a headache or felt "sick" per se, just various little aches and weird feelings.
Beans Posted January 21, 2011 Posted January 21, 2011 (edited) Me too..... I find myself vaping around the clock now. I figure A. it's just an adjustment period since quitting and will mellow out. Or B. It's fun, tastes great and makes me a much nicer person. So I figure it's a win win situation. Edited January 21, 2011 by Beans
VikaMaya Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 I love to vape a lot too, but have heard in most reviews extensive vaping can be dangerous and harmful for a human body is that true or not..... ?
B80 Posted January 28, 2011 Author Posted January 28, 2011 Vika, what reviews have you read? From what I understand, no real testing has been done to confirm that vaping is dangerous, or that it is safe for that matter. I'd be interested in where you've read the reviews, since I try to research as much as possible.
juliery Posted January 28, 2011 Posted January 28, 2011 breathing super cold air for an extended amount of air, or while shoveling snow or skiing can also cause lung aches and make your throat feel raw, doesn't necessarily mean it is anything dangerous. Holding my breath under water makes my lungs feel achy, but that isn't dangerous either. It is simply activity that my lung muscles aren't used to and you can fatigue organ muscles the same as any other. I haven't read anything like that either, unless it is a "review" meaning the report of one person, which of course means nothing. Breathing the air in a parking lot or on the road way, or in the city is dangerous, but we all still do it. Heck, breathing the air in your house isn't good for you either because of all the germs and airborne debris from cleaning products. I was reading a thing yesterday about the level of radiation in the average home from microwaves, electronics, computer monitors, cell phones, etc.
juliery Posted January 28, 2011 Posted January 28, 2011 breathing super cold air for an extended amount of air, or while shoveling snow or skiing can also cause lung aches and make your throat feel raw, doesn't necessarily mean it is anything dangerous. Holding my breath under water makes my lungs feel achy, but that isn't dangerous either. It is simply activity that my lung muscles aren't used to and you can fatigue organ muscles the same as any other. I haven't read anything like that either, unless it is a "review" meaning the report of one person, which of course means nothing. Breathing the air in a parking lot or on the road way, or in the city is dangerous, but we all still do it. Heck, breathing the air in your house isn't good for you either because of all the germs and airborne debris from cleaning products. I was reading a thing yesterday about the level of radiation in the average home from microwaves, electronics, computer monitors, cell phones, etc. duh....that very first part should be "for an extended amount of time"....NOT for an extended amount of air....ugh. I really need more sleep.
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