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I just got my first e-cig, wich is a joye 510, and im trying to find some great flavors to buy! :shifty:

i want some flavors i can vape on all day, and some flavors i can really enjoy once in a while.

Wich e-liquid Flavor's would you recomend??

PS- what is your Go To website for everything Ecig??(Batteries, atomizers, e-liquid, etc...)


I'm new also but atomic cinnacide is the most flavourful liquid I've tried. I wish all the liquid flavours had as much flavour as it does.

Posted (edited)

I just got my first e-cig, wich is a joye 510, and im trying to find some great flavors to buy! :shifty:

i want some flavors i can vape on all day, and some flavors i can really enjoy once in a while.

Wich e-liquid Flavor's would you recomend??

PS- what is your Go To website for everything Ecig??(Batteries, atomizers, e-liquid, etc...)

Once it's back in stock in higher milligrams, you should definitely try Dulcis from the Vapor Talk store. Many others will chime about this one, too. It is my all day vape, hands down. There are also lots of others I like: Midnight, Clove, and Colada. And as soon as all the other items are in stock, Vapor Talk is going to be my go-to buy everything store for sure. I also can recommend WordUp in the meantime. I really like their American Spirit tobacco flavor. It's good on its own and can take other flavors well, too. What I mean is, I put some drops of just flavoring in a cartomizer, then finish filling it up with AS.

Good luck and vape on! :coffee:

Edited by AimeeG
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I just got my first e-cig, wich is a joye 510, and im trying to find some great flavors to buy! :shifty:

i want some flavors i can vape on all day, and some flavors i can really enjoy once in a while.

Wich e-liquid Flavor's would you recomend??

so far I have tried volcanocigs.com johnson creek and awesome vapor

volcano has nice flavors, but you taste an alcohol tinge

Johnson is pretty good

awesome vapor lives up to its name.

I'm going to still try other sites, but awesome will definatly be my regular if i don't find something better

Edited by erik138

Definitely VT store--current favorite for anytime of day is Midnight, and apple dapple.

Wordup-loving the champagne.


I'm pretty new here too. Only been vaping for a month but have tried probably 30 different flavors already. So here's my top 5 so far.

1. Bobas Bounty from Alien Visions ( tobacco with a kinda gramcracker taste)

2. Atomic Cinnacide from Tasty Vapor ( think red hots)

3. Geoff's Blend from Tasty Vapor ( think juicyfruit gum with a bit of cinnamon)

4. Dulcis from Vapor Talk store ( caramel tobacco)

5.Flue Cured from Alien Visions ( smooth tobacco)


I just got Midnight from VT and let me just say... AWESOME! I was vaping so much, I nearly got a headache now! oops! :wallbash:

Tried the cappuccino also. Very tasty! Just a hint of sweetness to the coffee flavor. Perfect!

Sweet Dawn....wow, very good! :thumbup: For some reason it reminds me of a jolly rancher. Apple and pear mixed. Really like this!

I will try Apple Dapple tomorrow. It's pretty late here. But so far I'm impressed. I have ordered from a few different places and so far I am very happy with VT's E-juice.

It may be slightly more expensive then some places, but I can tell it is worth every penny!


I have a lot that I like. For all day vapes VT Dulcis and Midnight, wordup White Zin and Champagne. For sweeter dessert flavors, WCV Apple pie, and Hot Vapes Helmuts Chocolate Slurry and Whisker licker, for treat HV Watermelon Candy. Gourmet flavors Juicy Vapor too many to list. For a wake me up Wordup Double Mint and Juicy Vapor Icy Cool Green Tea. For a bedtime relaxer wordup Vanilla Bean and Eggnog, VT Sweet Dawn, I would say VT Midnight and wordup White Zin are great evening vapes but I like those all day long too much to save for just bedtime.


Faves for me

1. Juicy Fruity (its like a menthol 5 alive flavour) from vaporskitchen

2. Cherry cola (like thise little cola candies with a hint of cinnamon) tastyvapor

3. Blue Bulls (tastes like coton candy) Tastyvapor


VT's flavors, as you can see, are favored by many; they are very popular. I recently tried a supplier that will not be making my "favs" list but is full of flavor. I wish I had found them when I first started vaping and needed that extra punch of flavor: VelvetVapors. My favorite juice, though, is VapeRite's Organic line. Buy one and get a free 3ml sample of something else from that line of flavors. It's a great way to try some you may not be sure you'll like. Caramel Cream, Waffle and Lemonade are my top 3 faves and they're all from that supplier. I have a secret line to some awesome Chai Tea but I'd have to dispose of you if I told you where I get it from!

Taste is subjective. What I like, you may not and vice versa. Also, when supplier's mix juice they do so according to their impression of how something should taste; again, it may not agree with you. Samplers are a great way to try a few flavors. If you like 3 or 4 flavors out of the 5 or 6 that you received then chances are your taste buds agree with the way that supplier mixes their liquid.

If you do try something and don't much care for it, you can PIF (pay it forward) or swap them out with someone who is willing to do the same.

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