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Okay - just got my 510 and I KNOW I said that I will start dripping (and I will - honest! ;) ) but Vacker mentioned something in another post awhile ago that still has me intrigued. Also have a friend who wants to order a 510 and I guarantee you, she is NOT going to be fussing around pulling the cart off every 10 or 15 minutes to top off with dripping. So ... Vacker ... if you're there or if anyone has tried her mod ... how is the felt squares thing holding up? There was a thread talking about teabags and you said that you found felt to be way better. Just wondering if you or anyone else had an update on this? Felt would be just way too easy - cut to length, fold in half ... presto.

Thanks for the input!


Well, okay ... I feel like a bit of a idiot now. Regarding that last post, it struck me tonight that the only way to really see how this would work is to ... well ... DO it! It's taken awhile but I think I am finally coming through the 'other side' where I believe that anything I might do different will always result in mayhem and breakage. Sorry - you all must be just rolling your eyes! That said, I've created a 'felt cart' and will try it and see if it is for me or not. Sorry for being such a newbie dork!


Sorry for being such a newbie dork!

Well, as Special Agent Gibbs would say, "Never say you're sorry... it's a sign of weakness."

(OK, so I'm an NCIS freak) :ph34r:

Keep us posted on your findings. Every little bit helps.


When I tell people about ecigs I never tell them about dripping until AFTER they purchased the carts. Then they appreciate dripping all that much more. Plus analogs users, just like we did, will make up any excuse under the sun to stop smoking. Keep it simple I say.

As for dripping....Fisher....seriously....

1. Pop of a damn cart

2. Pull out the fabric inside

3. Clean it with some paper towels so there is no extra juice

4. Pop 2-3 drops (your choice!) right onto the atomizer or even just in the hole

Now VAPE! Just try it women! I swear I'll fly out there and make you do it myself. What do you think is going to happen :lol: A monster is going to pop out? I'll bet my whole website it doesn't ;)

But really at least give it at go, your not going to kill your atomizer. If on the first try your atomizer mysteriously dies, I'LL send you one of mine.

Alright hold my hand....ready....set...goooo!!!!


God, Chris, you make me laugh!! Forgot to mention in that post that yes, can you believe it? I was actually DRIPPING yesterday!! Happened about the same time I had my epiphany about the carts. And, okay ... couldn't help but imagine you sitting across the table from me, rolling your eyes, gritting your teeth and growling ... 'for the love of God, woman, just drip the damn thing!'

Here are my thoughts about dripping. Yes, the flavor does really come out with dripping. Wow ... nice. Lots of vapor but didn't notice on this 510 that it was any more or less than with the carts - this thing produces awesome vapor either way. Yes, no worries about getting little cart fibers stuck to the atomizer with the inevitable 'yuck' factor. However ... guess it will just take me awhile to get used to fiddling with the thing after every half dozen vapes or so. Does that sound about right for 3 drops? About 6 vapes before you need to drip again? Keep in mind that I don't take nearly as long of a draw on this as you guys do. How in the hell do you do that anyway? Holy cow. After a mere 3 seconds or so, I just can't take it anymore. This thing really produces the throat hit and such a nice draw to it. Man, I'm loving this 510 :wub:

Knowing that even I cannot screw up the manual batteries by dripping is also a relief. Also have found that I'm going to have to reduce the mg of my juice! Ordered the flue-cured and Ruyan #4 both in 24 mg because in the M401 and even the penstyle, found that 24 mg was just barely giving me the 'buzz' that I wanted. Not with this one! In fact, I'm finding that I cannot vape as much as I would like with it right now or I get that woozy, sicky feeling which, I know, is a sign of too much nic. There's a fellow up here who sells 0 nic juice in the same flavors. Think I'll order a couple of bottles and cut this stuff down by half. Would just go and get some VG at the health store but worry that it would 'water down' the flavor too much. Any thoughts on this?

I love the flavors of both ejuices and would really like to vape more during the day just for the flavor! To give you some idea, I put my first fully charged battery on about 8:30 am yesterday. Didn't have to change it out until about 5 pm!! So you know how much vaping I got done. On the other hand, only had one analog throughout that whole time period which was amazing to me. Didn't even feel a craving for one. I think this may be the ecig that finally gets me off those damn things once and for all! Once I can vape as often as I would like, it will be freaking wonderful.

Just a note on the PCC. When I switched batteries, I put the old one in the PCC for the first time. Light turned red, threw it in my purse and we took off to the beach for a 'picnic supper' and to try to cool down a bit (been screaming hot here and just don't do heat well). Got home and checked the PCC to see how it was doing as it was well over an hour by that time. No green light showing that the battery was charged up. Hmm ... popped the top off, pushed the battery down a bit, blue light flashed then went out, flipped the top of the PCC down again and ... no light showing. So, of course I'm thinking ... okay, ya broke it (am I just a bit paranoid about mechanical things?? Ya think!). Screwed the battery into the wall charger to charge it up and ... son of a gun, no red light. Went straight to green. Even to my mechanically challenged mind, this told me that the battery was, indeed, fully charged. So went and dug up the little instruction cardboard that comes with the PCC and, low and behold, the thing does NOT turn green to show you the battery is charged. The red light simply goes out. Another feeling stupid moment for the day. It obviously works as it is supposed to. Did I mention that the one I got has a groove on the side so that the manual battery slides in without any problems in case anyone is wondering about that as, I believe, the first PCC's that came out did not have this.

What can I say? You guys were bang on with your review. With this one, I have now lost my craving for the pen. Think I'll order a pack of those whistle tip carts though. They just feel more comfortable in the mouth somehow.

Now I just need to get to the point where popping off the cart and dripping is just part of the performance and not just a teeny pain in the patootee that is still is at the moment. Well ... time to drip again (yep this is going to take some getting used to) and get on with my day.

Oh, as far as the felt cart goes. Easy as pie to do. Great vapor. No funny taste - just the ejuice coming through. I will probably use this method for those times when I'm out in public and want to be a tad more inconspicuous than constantly dripping. Although, as has been mentioned, this thing consumes juice, so even the carts need to be topped off more than I am used to. Small price to pay, though, for such a great ecig!


Yeah I've been meaning to pick up some whistle tips as well, not only are they more comfortable but I find I get much less juice seepage out of the top while vaping with them.


God, Chris, you make me laugh!! Forgot to mention in that post that yes, can you believe it? I was actually DRIPPING yesterday!! Happened about the same time I had my epiphany about the carts. And, okay ... couldn't help but imagine you sitting across the table from me, rolling your eyes, gritting your teeth and growling ... 'for the love of God, woman, just drip the damn thing!'

What can I say I try :) And Your probably right I would be bitching up a storm. :lol:

Here are my thoughts about dripping. Yes, the flavor does really come out with dripping. Wow ... nice. Lots of vapor but didn't notice on this 510 that it was any more or less than with the carts - this thing produces awesome vapor either way. Yes, no worries about getting little cart fibers stuck to the atomizer with the inevitable 'yuck' factor. However ... guess it will just take me awhile to get used to fiddling with the thing after every half dozen vapes or so. Does that sound about right for 3 drops? About 6 vapes before you need to drip again? Keep in mind that I don't take nearly as long of a draw on this as you guys do. How in the hell do you do that anyway? Holy cow. After a mere 3 seconds or so, I just can't take it anymore. This thing really produces the throat hit and such a nice draw to it. Man, I'm loving this 510 :wub:

6 vapes sounds about right to me. I can usually only get about 3 sessions before I have to drip again, but I'm a heavy vapor user. To be honest I couldn't tell you drip vs carts on the 510. It's been SOOOO long since I've actually used a cart. And on the 510 I've NEVER actually used a cart or refilled a cart on the 510 before. To be honest it's a pain always having to drip drip drip drip that sometimes I wished the would just create a cart that didn't suck. It's not such a big deal at hime, but in public I feel like a crack head.

Knowing that even I cannot screw up the manual batteries by dripping is also a relief. Also have found that I'm going to have to reduce the mg of my juice! Ordered the flue-cured and Ruyan #4 both in 24 mg because in the M401 and even the penstyle, found that 24 mg was just barely giving me the 'buzz' that I wanted. Not with this one! In fact, I'm finding that I cannot vape as much as I would like with it right now or I get that woozy, sicky feeling which, I know, is a sign of too much nic. There's a fellow up here who sells 0 nic juice in the same flavors. Think I'll order a couple of bottles and cut this stuff down by half. Would just go and get some VG at the health store but worry that it would 'water down' the flavor too much. Any thoughts on this?

I've never cut down my juice before, although I may do it for the first time as Arno just sent me some 36mg RY4. I'm not going to lie I gave it a go and holy crap....VERY STRONG. Got a little sleepy vaping on it. But anyway the 510 does create a ton of vapor and you will find that the higher nic level are not needed as much.


Hmm .. that's interesting that you said that you got a little sleepy on the 36 mg. Started vaping the 510 yesterday morning and by the afternoon, I was totally and completely wiped out. Fell asleep on the chair on the porch and just dragged my butt the rest of the day. Never thought it could be the nic level but ... makes sense ... definitely have to lower that dosage! Referencing your other post, will be interesting to read how you compare the manual 901 and 801 to the 510.


So far the 510 still wins by far although the DSE does do well. The problem is I get more liquid in the month with the DSE, also the DSE battery has a cut off. No bueno...But these manual battery's sure to change the ecigs for the better.

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