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Yesterday I contact my employer's benefits office to make sure they had received my fax about my choices. I don't take their ins. but do take a few suppliments, anyway they are starting a smoking penalty so I wanted to make sure they knew I was a non-smoker. Lady tells me I don't have to worry as I have other coverage, I say you don't understand I am 101 days smoke-free I just want that known(ok pretty happy about this). She asked how I did it, I explained, she was very excited and said she is going to pass this along to others. I explained it isn't a smoking cessation device, LOL, but for me I didn't want to smoke anymore. She was very excited anyway. Then my director stopped in office, asked how I was doing with my electric thingy, I told her. She has been recommending this to other smokers in our network. Then I find out that one of our cardiology nurses is using ecig and having the same success as I am. I have had several people stop me in the halls or call me to inquire where to get these. Small steps I know but like a ripple in pond it can grow. Just wanted to put my 2 cents in about medical community using or recommending vaping.


Hey "MOM" (do you mind me calling you mom?) That's some great news. Way to go!!! If we could all just get one or two smokers to listen and try these we'd have a lot more non-smokers and a much healthier place. See...and you thought all your days sucked lately. You just keep on plugging away at them and they'll tell 2 friends and they'll tell 2 friends etc.

Keep up the good word. that deserves a +1animier.gif


Thanks Snubber, you can call me Mom. I just want to spread the word, the more of us there are the harder it will be to ban this.


Way sweet!!! Nothing worse than seeing a nic fit nurse coming at you with a needle or enema eh. :D Now if we could just get the hospital interested enough to do free tests on the before, during and after smoking/vaping. This is so cool, I'm really happy for them for discovering a great alternative. They're lucky they have such an opened minded and caring person such as yourself to share the alternative method with them. :thumbsup:


I'm a home health nurse,I tell all my smoking patients about it,even carry a few empty carts around so they can give it a try if the want to,I've had several patients buy units.

today my boss caled me and asked me to do a visit on another nurse's patient just so I could teach that patient about vaping! It suprised me to see that the boss approved of me telling the patients about this(she always gives me funny looks when I vape in the office)

I think that the health care industry as a whole needs to learn about and encourage this "healthier alternative to smoking"


With all the no smoking band wagons out there, more and more people are looking at alternatives. Was talking to one of our security guards at work--apparently, they are implementing a new policy that they are not smoke at all during work hours, they are not to bring cigarettes with them to work at all. needless to say--I think I may finally be able to convert him. I have even loaned a spare unit to an occasional patient that is climbing the walls.

even the die hard non smokers I work with have no problems with my e-cig and vaping. still keep it a bit on the DL while at work.


Me too. In the bathroom, sometimes Nic and I close our office door and pass the eGo back and forth like back in High School. I'm always kind of afraid when I tell pt.s about this but I do anyway. Our Rheum. Doc has had me bring my stuff into rooms to show her pt.s. She loves this whole idea.

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