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Super noob here (Hi, everybody, nice to meet you). I have been researching e-cigs for about a month now - SO ready to stop with the smelly cancer sticks and ashes everywhere and OMG, it's 10:30 and I'm almost out of cigs, the whole 9 yards. Plus, I don't want to end up one of those old ladies still puffing on cancer sticks and sounding like Yoda. I'm thinking the eGo is the way to go from everything I've read on this forum, but here's my question. I'm a menthol smoker and that's the flavor I'm going to want. I was looking at the starter kit and it didn't seem to ask me about flavors. So if I order, how do I make sure I get menthol? Thanks in advance for your help on this. I'm sure I'll be asking a zillion questions once I actually order, so beware! :innocent:


Hi fino4beat. I split your post off the other topic so you can get more responses. Welcome to Vapor Talk. :)


Welcome !!! Glad you have decided to join the fun.

No matter what you order--you will want to order some e-liquid. nicotine strength--you may want to try a couple strengths. I started (and still use 18mg) but others like 24mg. you can get liquid and a very wide variety of flavors. best to order a few flavors in 5-10 ml sizes (depending on where you are ordering). The liquid is for filling the carts or cartomizers or for direct dripping.

Posted (edited)

The VT store has an awesome menthol called "Mentha".... I tried some from another company and didn't like it at all. But Mentha has become one of my favorites, def give it a try.

Edited by KaYoTiiC

Welcome !!! Glad you have decided to join the fun.

No matter what you order--you will want to order some e-liquid. nicotine strength--you may want to try a couple strengths. I started (and still use 18mg) but others like 24mg. you can get liquid and a very wide variety of flavors. best to order a few flavors in 5-10 ml sizes (depending on where you are ordering). The liquid is for filling the carts or cartomizers or for direct dripping.

See, you are speaking Greek, LOL. But never fear, I'll read posts and watch the "how to" videos and it will all make sense soon, I'm sure. Will probably have to go with the hi-po nicotine at least at first. I'm a hard core smoker - one of those who can fire up anytime since I work at home, and sometimes find myself with half smoked cigs lying all over the house. Ugh. I'm definitely addicted to the nicotine! Ah well, doesn't mean I have to smell like an ashtray. :smoke:


Greek will very soon become your second language--if something doesn't make sense you can certainly ask....

The how to videos are great however-- I was a 1 1/2 pack/day smoker with no intention to quit--that was 17 months ago. finding the right flavor and nicotine strength is key--you will have plenty of experimenting ahead of you--it really is half the fun.


It does sound kind of confusing at first, but it will all become second nature after a while. And there is a kind of learning curve to all this.

Most places have pre-filled carts in their kits and you pretty much get what they think you want. But some vendors offer different flavors with their kits or even blanks that you can fill yourself. Shop around and see what you can find. I think PureSmoker.com is having a sale on their Ego kits right now You might want to check. And I think Chris gives a free bottle of juice with his kits so don't pass up the VT store.

What ever you decide on don't forget to get extra carts, or cartomizers, and a couple atty's. Not good to run out especially when just starting out.

As far as menthol...I'm hooked on the VaporTalk Mentha. Really good strong menthol flavor(to me anyway) . You will find menthols at almost every vendor and you just need to try several till you find the one that's right for you in strength and mg's. But flavor is different for everybody so just because someone says this is great or this is bad...you really have to judge for yourself. Well good choice in both units and forums. If you have more questions we are all here to help.

Good luck and happy vaping.

p.s. where in S.C. are you?


Welcome to VT, Fino! Do you have Paso Fino's??

You've come to the right forum, the posters are so helpful and knowledgeable here.

<--- another horse person here. :)

Posted (edited)

See, you are speaking Greek, LOL. But never fear, I'll read posts and watch the "how to" videos and it will all make sense soon, I'm sure. Will probably have to go with the hi-po nicotine at least at first. I'm a hard core smoker - one of those who can fire up anytime since I work at home, and sometimes find myself with half smoked cigs lying all over the house. Ugh. I'm definitely addicted to the nicotine! Ah well, doesn't mean I have to smell like an ashtray. :smoke:

Welcome. Glad you are with us.

The choice of strength of Nicotine (mg/ml) isn't always about how much you smoke. It's a great place to start but it may change. My brother-in-law is a chainsmoker of unfiltered something-or-others that are supposed to be really strong. He tried some 36 mg (Ultra High) that I have and he almost passed out from the head-rush. That's why some of the more experienced people in this forum recommend that you get a variety of strengths. Purchasing a variety of strengths is the easiest way to determine what works for you. ( I have heard that some use higher strength in the AM and lower in the afternoon or for a casual vape.) Personally, I use zero nicotine now.

Another alternative is to get the high nicotine and if it's too strong, cut it with Vegetable Glycerin (VG). You can buy Vegetable Glycerin at a drug store or vitamin store (even WalMart) in the lotions/cosmetics department. If you cut it, the strength is directly proportional to the % you cut it. So if you have 10 mls (quantity) of 24 mg (nicotine strength) and you add 10 mls of VG to it, you'll have 20 mls of a 12 mg mixture. Warning.. it will dilute the flavor. But at least you don't throw away eliquid.

At first, I would recommned just purchasing a few different strengths.

Either way, You will find a balance of strength and frequency of vaping that may not exactly coincide with your smoking habits.

If you decide to try cutting your liquid, you may want to pick up an empty bottle with an eye dropper at the drug store when you buy the VG. I've had the pharmacist give them to me for free.

I'll put in my plug for this forum's VaporTalkStore.com. They have amazing flavors. Their Mentha is great and can be added to other flavors to give it a little coolness. I've used their Mentha, Dulcis, Midnight and Grape. All very good. I'm partial to the Mentha and Midnight.

Edited by HyOnLyph

For Nicotine, I like to buy a bottle of let's say 24mg and a bottle of 0mg of the same flavor. That way I don't lose any flavor when I dilute it.

For PG/VG, I like to purchase mine at 80%pg/20vg. Pg has the flavor, VG has the vapor, so I like the mix. At first, I started out with a bottle of pg and a bottle of vg (both the same flavor, both the same nic strength) and experimented until I found the mix that most satisfied me. (need an extra empty bottle of course). I knew my nic strength from previously diluting my nic strengths as mentioned.

Some folks like 50/50pg/vg some like 90/10... etc.

Happy Vaping!


Welcome to VT! :) I smoked about 1 1/2 packs a day and started with 18mg and it didn't cut it for me. Quickly moved up to 24mg and that's what I've been vaping ever since. Can't help you with menthol. :)


I'm out in rural Podunk because I have horses, but technically I'm in Columbia - just outside of it. :)

Just curious...I've worked down that way (Jenkinsville...VC Sommers nuke plant).


Welcome to Vapor Talk. I see you already have some of the best advice out there, so I'll step back and let that information sink it.


Welcome to Vapor Talk. I see you already have some of the best advice out there, so I'll step back and let that information sink it.

I agree! Wordup was having a sale on Janty eGo kits and you get a bottle of juice, many cig menthol flavors to choose from. None will taste exactly like a cig but you can find something for you out there.


Welcome to VT, Fino! Do you have Paso Fino's??

You've come to the right forum, the posters are so helpful and knowledgeable here.

<--- another horse person here. :)

I do have Pasos, Uma! Two of those and two quarter horses. And some goats. :D


I do have Pasos, Uma! Two of those and two quarter horses. And some goats. :D

They're so beautiful! And look so comfortable! I've yet to ride one. I have an Arab and 2 solid paints. No goats.... yet. :)

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