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Greetings Vape-O-Holics,

I just had to report that you've done it (probably again)! After initially buying a Greensmoke before finding this site, I have just purchased and am anxiously looking forward to the delivery of my EGO! Thanks to the 30 day Money Back Guarantee, Greensmoke will be receiving their less than efficient product back in the mail which will return 1 1/2 times the money I paid for the amazing product I am thankfully about to receive. <yes, it's a bit of a prayer!!!~ :innocent:

This forum, Christopher, and ALL OF YOU rock!!!

thank you, THANK you! THANK YOU!!!


Now my problem is that my GS isn't helping me "mentally" cut the analog habit because it's just pathetic compared to what I KNOW is on it's way. I've had more analogs since my EGO order this morning than I've had all week using my GS. My brain has switched to the "I'll cut my analogs when the REAL PV arrives" mode. Probably NOT a good state of mind, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it...


No reason to beat yourself up about it. You'll have a wonderful new unit in a couple of days and those analogs will be a thing of the past.

Great choice on the eGo!


Very glad you are making the switch !!! you will love the ego thumbsup.gif

No worries about smoking--you will soon enough be on your way to becoming a fill time vaper. The transition sometimes takes a bit. The brain needs time to catch up.


Ok. I have to give props where props are due...

I called GS today and explained that what I had bought from them just wasn't going to meet my needs- short battery life, no option to direct drip, no other option other than cartomizers, and not a great volume of vape. The person I talked to simply said she was sorry that it didn't meet my expectations and that those are things that some people really like about their product..simplicity. She offered to replace my battery in the case that it was faulty, but I didn't accept. No other pressure from her to keep their product. We chatted for a couple minutes about possible future upgrades (none other than battery life) and she was VERY pleasant. She immediately gave me a RM # and the address to ship it back. Upon receipt of my return, my $ would be refunded.

Their customer service was great!

Just had to share!

Vape ON!

(p.s. I'm getting more and more excited about my EGO arriving)


Now my problem is that my GS isn't helping me "mentally" cut the analog habit because it's just pathetic compared to what I KNOW is on it's way. I've had more analogs since my EGO order this morning than I've had all week using my GS. My brain has switched to the "I'll cut my analogs when the REAL PV arrives" mode. Probably NOT a good state of mind, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it...

I did the same exact thing you did but I had originally gotten the Blu ecigs. Don't beat yourself up if you need an analog, I couldn't go without them during my wait either. Just look forward to getting your ego (you will love it) and start vaping again. You're not alone :)

Posted (edited)

:thumbsup::thumbup::jump::D MY EGO ARRIVED TODAY!!!!!! Ok, I've always had AN ego, but today I got THE EGO!!! OMG, what a difference from the piece of crap that will be returned in the mail tomorrow morning!!!! The Fla-vah, the billows of vape, and the BATTERY LIFE!!! Sha-DAMN!!!!!

I must say it again... Thank you all for all your input and help on these forums! Without the time that you've all spent, I would be stuck returning to analogs because it just would NOT have cut it for me! Your suggestions on equipment and the cart mods.... the PTB cart mod is going to save me during the day when I can't drip while I'm in the process of buying cartomizers!! Oh and dripping, What a rush!!!!!

In a previous post, I mentioned that my brain had gone back to analog mode while I waited for the Ego to arrive.... well, I haven't even thought about an analog in the past 5 hours, which is something that did NOT happen over the past week.

Now I'm on the flavor quest, searching for MY all day vape and then the "special moments" vape.

Can you tell I'm a bit excited??

Thanks again,


Edited by bahamasboy

I'm so glad it's there! I remember the day mine came. Now the fun really begins, flavors, flavors, flavors! Enjoy!


Congrats !!! its amazing what a difference the right equipment can make.

I still trying new flavors---so many options !!!thumbsup.gif

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