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As a 35 year smoker (Marlboro Lights)...and a "closet" smoker at that!...I had struggled to quit most of that time, especially as I got older.

Having tried every quit device: patches (several times), Chantix (made me insane), cold turkey, and gum (the worst), I bought myself a Joye 510 last December '09. From the first puff, I no longer wanted to inhale tobacco smoke. My intention was to use the ecig as a quit device, cutting down on the nicotine content gradually, which I did. Along the way, at some point I ran out of the low nicotine juice and used the high again, finding that it was no more addictive than the low/no nicotine. So, with ANY level of the nicotine juice, I've found it is not addictive...that is, I can take it or leave it, can go for days, weeks, without picking up the ecig. This is something I could never have done with tobacco. So, yes, I do still vape the ecig, but only for pleasure, when I choose to do so, but nothing like when I was addicted to cigarettes. I've told my smoking friends about this, and they don't seem to get it! I did convert one teacher/coworker at my school. He ordered the Janty Ego which I also have purchased, and which is even more satisfactory than the Joye 510.

I used to have to leave my job at lunch time to drive around the block for a smoke. Also rush out of school at the end of the day to smoke on the way home. I don't even have the ecig with me during the day now, and have no need to rush home to vape. It is great to be free of this kind of behavior. I used to avoid taking trips with nonsmoking friends because of my need to smoke. Now I can go along with them with no withdrawal effects, and not miss the ecig either! This is great, and a wonderful freedom after years of being enslaved to tobacco. I really feel, from this experience, that the tobacco companies are putting something extra addictive in their products, and this is the reason people have such a hard time trying to quit.

I've posted about this subject a while ago, but just wanted to update and share.


That's great for you! :) I hope I can be that way some day, but I don't see it. One day this week I forgot my little baggie that has my extras and realized when I got to work all I had was my Joker (with low batteries) and the carto that was on it. I figured I'd see if I could make it a day without vaping much, but after half an hour I went home and got my stuff... 45 minute drive each way.


Great testimony WVfem,I agree with you that vaping is not quite as addictive.I use low or no nic depending on where I order from and cannot tell the difference.I did however find if use too much high nic free samples before bedtime I cannot sleep.


What a wonderful story!! Thanks for sharing that with us. I've never had any intention of quitting vaping at all. I just substituted it for smoking and couldn't be any happier about that. I vape at least as much - if not more - than I smoked, but I'm okay with that. I bounce around between 0mg nic and 6mg nic most of the time, but sometimes go as high as 12. I'm pretty sure I don't vape for the nic anymore, but for the pure pleasure I get from it. I don't know if I could completely or not. But if I ever wanted to, I know it would be a lot easier than it ever was when I tried to quit smoking before.


Thanks for sharing! I love great success stories and yours is no exception. :)

Like Nana, I'm a bouncer arounder. But that's what makes vaping extraordinary, is how easily the eCig can be personalized to fit the vaporers needs for the day, even by the hour. With all other "help" stuff out there, we're stuck with what works for the big Pharma and Arrogant Anti-rights people. God I love vaping! My goal is to become a social vapor... nic free! and everyday I am closer to that goal than the day before... when I want. :)

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