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It seems like all the stuff I've been using lately is a bust.

I had a LR atty crap out on me after maybe four hours use. I've filled four LR cartos since (and refilled them) but they only seem to last about eight hits before needing refilling, and one pooped out. It seems like everything is too tight on the draw, like I just can't get enough to be satisfied with taste, vapor, exhale, or even fun.

I spend ridiculous amounts of time cleaning leaks, though I'm using silver threaded cartos and don't add that much to them, like even six drops through a drip tip into what is definitely an empty carto and it leaks. I've watched and re-watched videos to no avail because it appears like what I'm doing is right. I can't even make it on my 25 minute drive to work with just one LR carto, I sometimes need two, and more often three.

Is it time to move on to a variable voltage mod? And if so, can I use my current regular or LR cartos on them? My LR cartos are from ENS and my regulars are from here at VT. Would this even help my satisfaction issues, a higher voltage?

I do seem to inhale a long time, maybe up to five seconds. I've even used some higher nic, 18mg, because that seemed to lend a bit better to happiness than the 10mg, but I still didn't feel like I was getting much satisfaction.

Ok, cue up the Stones there, because that's how I feel. I can't get no satisfaction. I really hope my jumbo eGo atty and carts (something I've never tried, haven't used any foam stuff at all since I started) will do the trick. Otherwise, I'm tempted to buy some American Spirits. Ugh.

Any helpful advice you have is welcome.


I have the same problem, I can make it to work and back with a fill but I don't get how anybody gets more than 1/2 mL juice in there. I'm not using LR I do really like the Joye 510 cartos but again I have to refill often. I have been using my jumbo cart a lot lately.


Sorry, I'm not going to be much help. I mostly drip/atomizers--I've pretty much given up on everything else, unless driving. I have had some stretches where nothing seems to go right--they do eventually seem to work themselves out. I still mostly use 18mg liquids--I've dabbled in the 0 nic, and know I can do it--but I prefer 18mg !! I also take long draws 5-8 seconds, and haven't had much trouble with the atty's, unless its a dud. Is it possible the LR atty that went bust is flooded???

Hang in there !!! I promise it will be better.


I switched over to the eGo Mega Cartomizers from the 510 cartos, because of same problems. These will last me 4-6 hrs of constant vaping.. well, with cool down pauses to let the liquid reabsorb between vapes. When it's set inside my Lanyard I never notice any leaks or sticky fingers either. The first one you fill is the hardest. After that it's pretty fast and easy. It only takes me an hour to fill 6-8 cartos and most of that time is spent trying to decide which flavor lol.

I also like the eGo Mega Attys and carts but they do need topping off every hour or two.. but that's kind of nice when I want to switch to another complemeting flavor for awhile. This too sits nicely inside my Lanyard.

Sorry you're going through such hassles and frustrations. Hopefully you'll soon find a solution that will work for you too.


I know your pain! I can't stand dripping beacause 3 drops with last me 3-4 good hits and then it's burn town. Cartos do ok for the first fill. 30-40 hits then need refill. after the first fill I would have to drip after as you say 8 hits or so. I currently use the XL E2 R3's with R4s on the way. They have solved most all of my problems. (once I figured them out). They will last me most of the day and don't leak at all. If I leave a full one on it's side for a day or so it may start to leak out. I used to have to use 5v to get good hits from a carto. These at 3.3 volts do as good or better at 2.5 ohms. I have 3ohm ones on the way which should be good at 3.7-4.2volts. I vape around 2ml a day so most days I can fill one up in the morning (syringe=no mess) and it will last all day in most cases. The best part by far is that they continue to work great for months. I clean every once in a while but I am still using the second one in the box after over a month. (the first one had a mishap with modding). I could barley get through a month on a box of 5 regular cartos. And that was pushing them because I'm cheap. :D I say you should give the xl e2 r4 cartos a shot. Takes a minute to figure out how to fill and get them where you want em but once you do you won't go back.


So far I've had great luck with the LR Boge carto's from VaporKings. I use a drip tip because I like the looks and feel, and for convenience but I don't use it to actually fill the carto. I find that using the drip tip for more than a couple of drops lets the juice run down the hole in the middle of the carto and cause leakage. Not really a big problem since my V3 has a juice well, but it's a waste of juice. I just pop off the drip tip, refill by holding the carto at a slight angle and dripping into the filler.

As far as the satisfaction part when everything is working, if 18mg is better than the 10 but still not there, try some 24mg. I had to use 36mg for a long time and it's still what I mostly use even at 6 volts.


Nothing worse than when you can't get anything to work! I feel like every once in a while I have an off day where nothing will work right.

That being said, I really have to second the vote for the LR cartos from Vaporkings. After watching several videos, I decided to get a syringe and use it to fill them. It worked fine, but was messy for me. Since then I have found the condom method to fill them, and it works fantastic. I get a ton of juice in there, and it will last me all day. It's also super hassle free, and no juice going everywhere. The only adjustment I've made to the fill method is that I plunge the top of the carto into the juice into the cap as opposed to the side that connects to the battery...it just works better for me. ***I try not to get juice into the tube in the middle. It just runs down to the battery and leaks everywhere. Try the sides and see if that works for you. Also make sure that you get enough juice in the carto so that you don't hit dry spots.***

Don't give up on those cartos, I promise you'll find your sweet spot!


Not much help with LR stuff since I don't use any of it. I can say that I have dripped into a carto with a drip tip twice and both times I got a horrible mess with only a few drops. I don't do that any more. I always remove the carto from the unit and put one of the covers on the battery end. Then fill it up. I shake it like a thermometer a few times and add some more. Remove the cover, hold a paper towel over the battery end and gently blow through it until the gurgeling stops.

I use the regular Boge cartos (like the ones at VT) at 5V. I have a 45 minute drive to work and usually have to add 8-10 drops after my drive. I'm also using regular Joye 510 attys at 5V (only use cartos for driving).

I really feel for you. I have had a few brand new attys that pop as soon as I hit the button for the first time. It happens.


That's it...it's all over. Nothing left to do but

write the note

put the barrel in your mouth

pull the trigger......I'm j/jk

But really, some days just seem like that. It will get better.

Like that saying says...."some days you're the windshield...some days you're the but"

Good luck and happy vaping.thumbsup.gif


Is it possible the LR atty that went bust is flooded???

Hang in there !!! I promise it will be better.

It's possible. I should get one of those bulbs to clean it out. I've only blown them out to clean them at night. Worth a shot!


I switched over to the eGo Mega Cartomizers from the 510 cartos, because of same problems. These will last me 4-6 hrs of constant vaping.. well, with cool down pauses to let the liquid reabsorb between vapes. When it's set inside my Lanyard I never notice any leaks or sticky fingers either. The first one you fill is the hardest. After that it's pretty fast and easy. It only takes me an hour to fill 6-8 cartos and most of that time is spent trying to decide which flavor lol.

I also like the eGo Mega Attys and carts but they do need topping off every hour or two.. but that's kind of nice when I want to switch to another complemeting flavor for awhile. This too sits nicely inside my Lanyard.

Sorry you're going through such hassles and frustrations. Hopefully you'll soon find a solution that will work for you too.

I have some eGo Mega Carts and I filled them correctly and everything, but I just didn't like the taste from them. Maybe I need to try letting it cool off a bit. I tend to be a quick succession puffer. Ugh.

I did just get a Mega Atty but the filler in the cartridge doesn't seem to want to pull down. Ugh.


I know your pain! I can't stand dripping beacause 3 drops with last me 3-4 good hits and then it's burn town. Cartos do ok for the first fill. 30-40 hits then need refill. after the first fill I would have to drip after as you say 8 hits or so. I currently use the XL E2 R3's with R4s on the way. They have solved most all of my problems. (once I figured them out). They will last me most of the day and don't leak at all. If I leave a full one on it's side for a day or so it may start to leak out. I used to have to use 5v to get good hits from a carto. These at 3.3 volts do as good or better at 2.5 ohms. I have 3ohm ones on the way which should be good at 3.7-4.2volts. I vape around 2ml a day so most days I can fill one up in the morning (syringe=no mess) and it will last all day in most cases. The best part by far is that they continue to work great for months. I clean every once in a while but I am still using the second one in the box after over a month. (the first one had a mishap with modding). I could barley get through a month on a box of 5 regular cartos. And that was pushing them because I'm cheap. :D I say you should give the xl e2 r4 cartos a shot. Takes a minute to figure out how to fill and get them where you want em but once you do you won't go back.

I have some XL R4s, too. I filled it no problem with some Dulcis, but it tastes smokey to me. Maybe when I refill it, it will taste better? I really wanted these cartos to work so badly! And hey, how do you know when it's time to refill? Just by it not producing anymore? I know I haven't hit the bottom in it yet. :)


So far I've had great luck with the LR Boge carto's from VaporKings. I use a drip tip because I like the looks and feel, and for convenience but I don't use it to actually fill the carto. I find that using the drip tip for more than a couple of drops lets the juice run down the hole in the middle of the carto and cause leakage. Not really a big problem since my V3 has a juice well, but it's a waste of juice. I just pop off the drip tip, refill by holding the carto at a slight angle and dripping into the filler.

As far as the satisfaction part when everything is working, if 18mg is better than the 10 but still not there, try some 24mg. I had to use 36mg for a long time and it's still what I mostly use even at 6 volts.

I like the look and feel of the drip tip on my cartos, too. And I suppose actually dripping through it *IS* indeed causing the leaks. I'll try pulling it off the next time. Also, next VT liquid order, I will get some 24mg.


Nothing worse than when you can't get anything to work! I feel like every once in a while I have an off day where nothing will work right.

That being said, I really have to second the vote for the LR cartos from Vaporkings. After watching several videos, I decided to get a syringe and use it to fill them. It worked fine, but was messy for me. Since then I have found the condom method to fill them, and it works fantastic. I get a ton of juice in there, and it will last me all day. It's also super hassle free, and no juice going everywhere. The only adjustment I've made to the fill method is that I plunge the top of the carto into the juice into the cap as opposed to the side that connects to the battery...it just works better for me. ***I try not to get juice into the tube in the middle. It just runs down to the battery and leaks everywhere. Try the sides and see if that works for you. Also make sure that you get enough juice in the carto so that you don't hit dry spots.***

Don't give up on those cartos, I promise you'll find your sweet spot!

I love the condom fill method, too, and do use the cap/mouth side to fill as well. Next LR carto order will be from VaporKings. Unless VT gets them in first. Love ordering from Christopher.


Sounds like a ego or vari volt with mega cartos and drip tip would do you some good. Make sure you use the ego cone, that way if it leaks, no biggie.

I do use an eGo and I have used the cartos and attys with a cone, but even then I still seem to make a mess. What vari volt unit would you recommend? And how would it be better so far as mess is concerned? Or, maybe, not the mess so much as how much better would it be at satisfaction? I know this is subjective, but what's your experience?


Not much help with LR stuff since I don't use any of it. I can say that I have dripped into a carto with a drip tip twice and both times I got a horrible mess with only a few drops. I don't do that any more. I always remove the carto from the unit and put one of the covers on the battery end. Then fill it up. I shake it like a thermometer a few times and add some more. Remove the cover, hold a paper towel over the battery end and gently blow through it until the gurgeling stops.

I use the regular Boge cartos (like the ones at VT) at 5V. I have a 45 minute drive to work and usually have to add 8-10 drops after my drive. I'm also using regular Joye 510 attys at 5V (only use cartos for driving).

I really feel for you. I have had a few brand new attys that pop as soon as I hit the button for the first time. It happens.

So, when you fill your carto, you have a cover over the battery end and use the condom method to put juice in from the mouth piece end? Or do you pop the white cover off and add liquid that way? I'm ok either way, just want to know what worked best for you. Also, shake like a thermometer which way: battery covered end down? (Probably!)

Which 5V unit are you using? Why didn't you get a variable one? Do flavors taste better at 5V?


So, when you fill your carto, you have a cover over the battery end and use the condom method to put juice in from the mouth piece end? Or do you pop the white cover off and add liquid that way? I'm ok either way, just want to know what worked best for you. Also, shake like a thermometer which way: battery covered end down? (Probably!)

Which 5V unit are you using? Why didn't you get a variable one? Do flavors taste better at 5V?

I use a drip tip on my cartos (to keep from getting juiced), but I remove it to add juice. I take the tip off and tilt the carto about 45 degrees and drip down the sides. Once it starts to pool a little on top of the filler, shake it down (put the top back on first or juice will slosh out) and add a few more drops.

I have a Joker AV (varivolt) and keep it at 4.9 or 5v.


Hey Aimee--

did you try just push a bit of kleenex into the open end of the atty and let sit over night--so far that has worked well with me.

Sounds like you are having some growing pains..... It's tough getting things just right and figuring out what works best for you.

It also sounds like letting the atty cool a bit will help--allows the carto to wick the liquid for better flavor and helps with some of the smokey flavor. If drawing in quick succession the filler can dry out a bit until it has a chance to wick again.......

at 5 V the flavor can taste a bit diluted to me at times--burns a bit hotter and quicker--I find with dripping the flavor is much better. even though you are adding liquid more frequently you get a more consistent flavor, vapor and throat hit.

keep at it !!! Growing pains are not pleasant, but, they do get better.


Update: The LR atty that worked only four hours was brought back to life today with massive douses of my own hot air busting through whatever junk was stuck. I then found my partially, maybe 1ml, used Dulcis bottle and added 1ml plain VG. I think noXious brought this up in chat last night. (THANKS! :unworthy: ) The VG has seemed to help keep it from becoming so thin that it doesn't seem to be leaking out now. I have a cone over the LR atty and it's in my lanyard (love this thing for reading on the sofa!) and so far all is good for the last six hours or so. And wouldn't you know, the battery just quit! Off to get a spare. Thanks for all your help and pointers.

:thumbsup: That's great to hear! What an ordeal that was for you, so frustrating. Hey hey! You got a Lanyard! Sweetest purchase I've made yet I tell ya. Glad you like yours too.

I do use an eGo and I have used the cartos and attys with a cone, but even then I still seem to make a mess. What vari volt unit would you recommend? And how would it be better so far as mess is concerned? Or, maybe, not the mess so much as how much better would it be at satisfaction? I know this is subjective, but what's your experience?

I use a Joker-AV with an 801 fitting, and I direct drip onto a 302 atomizer. This seems to be the best set up for me. I find that at higher voltages the 302 retains the flavor well, and leaks less. Most of my drives around town are about 20 minutes or less, so about 4 drops before I get in the car, then I start vaping when I get out onto the main roads. I am usually aproaching my destination (or close enough to it) about the time i need to drip again. 510 cartos were always a problem for me as well, but I resently tried some 801 cartos (since my Joker has an 801 fitting) and the results were more favorable. I also use a drip tip on a carto, but you need to remove the tip to fill because the center of the carto is basically a straw which leads directly to the hole at the other end.

Hope this helps, and good luck


Where do you get a lanyard for the Ego?

I got mine at Clouds of Vapor. Mine does not look like what they are showing now. But it'll do.

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