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Okay, i read your original post, my comment is, depends what you want out of your vaping experience, people want difference things. I am after just vapor production and of course flavor. I tried quiet a few things to achieve that. The thing I don't like about direct dripping is you have to do it often, and it takes away from your vaping experience, that's just how i feel about it, some may feel different about it. If you're after what I am, i can tell you what has worked so far for me in the terms of vapor production. For maximmum vapor production on an ego, you do need a low resistance atomizer. Since I don't like direct dripping, I recommend a low resistance cartomizer. You also need a good vapor production juice, which is VG based juice, the more VG in the juice the more vapor, cloudsofvapor.com sells VG based juice, so do many other sites. I made the mistake when i was expiermenting, I put PG based juice in to a low reistance cartomizer. That burned up the juice extremely quickly and gave me a burn taste. I thought it was the cartomizer (it was the first time i ever used a low resistance cartomizer), so i gave up on them for a bit. Then I realized it was the juice not the cartomizer.

I tried the ego mega low resistance atomizer, I didn't have much luck with it, it would be really leaky. It could have been just me, the way i uused it. The nice thing about cartomizers is if you have different flavors, like peach, and banana, you can fill one cartomizer with peach, and another one with banana, so you're not mixing the flavors. If you want to change flavors while direct dripping, it kind of mixes for a bit, which i don't like.

What I am going to do, I can get mega cartomizer (ones that hold up to 2ml's of juice) and I am going to buy a joker soon, which is variable resistance, meaning you can change the voltage from 3.7 up to 6+ volts. If you get those 2ml cartomizer, and crank up the voltage so the atomizer behaves like a low reistance atomizer, you have a big cartomizer with tons of fluid and a lot of vapor. Hope this help


Well i just got my order in and received 3 bottles of Mentha instead of what i actually ordered "Midnight"... Not cool at all

I don't even like Menthol... I tried my other bottle that i already have and hated it..

Just replied to your PM. We apologies about that. 3 bottles of Midnight will be sent out tonight :)


Just replied to your PM. We apologies about that. 3 bottles of Midnight will be sent out tonight :)

Thanks Christopher i really do appreciate that... I can send you back the bottles of Mentha if you'd like.(They haven't been opened) I can have them out tomorrow if you want.



Okay, i read your original post, my comment is, depends what you want out of your vaping experience, people want difference things. I am after just vapor production and of course flavor. I tried quiet a few things to achieve that. The thing I don't like about direct dripping is you have to do it often, and it takes away from your vaping experience, that's just how i feel about it, some may feel different about it. If you're after what I am, i can tell you what has worked so far for me in the terms of vapor production. For maximmum vapor production on an ego, you do need a low resistance atomizer. Since I don't like direct dripping, I recommend a low resistance cartomizer. You also need a good vapor production juice, which is VG based juice, the more VG in the juice the more vapor, cloudsofvapor.com sells VG based juice, so do many other sites. I made the mistake when i was expiermenting, I put PG based juice in to a low reistance cartomizer. That burned up the juice extremely quickly and gave me a burn taste. I thought it was the cartomizer (it was the first time i ever used a low resistance cartomizer), so i gave up on them for a bit. Then I realized it was the juice not the cartomizer.

I tried the ego mega low resistance atomizer, I didn't have much luck with it, it would be really leaky. It could have been just me, the way i uused it. The nice thing about cartomizers is if you have different flavors, like peach, and banana, you can fill one cartomizer with peach, and another one with banana, so you're not mixing the flavors. If you want to change flavors while direct dripping, it kind of mixes for a bit, which i don't like.

What I am going to do, I can get mega cartomizer (ones that hold up to 2ml's of juice) and I am going to buy a joker soon, which is variable resistance, meaning you can change the voltage from 3.7 up to 6+ volts. If you get those 2ml cartomizer, and crank up the voltage so the atomizer behaves like a low reistance atomizer, you have a big cartomizer with tons of fluid and a lot of vapor. Hope this help

Yes it did thanks.... I'm going through everything to see what fits me best. Right now I'm trying to get my mega atomizer to work properly and I'm just not getting that great of vapor production from it. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here


haha ps, i like mentha i don't like midnight.

I didn't try VT's Mentha... I tried electronicstix Menthol flavor and it reminded me of vicks vapor rub. Which i love but not to vape.

I'm a menthol smoker<<< But not for long.. I'm quitting on Friday :thumbsup:

As soon as i find out if i need to send it back or not i will def give it a try


Sometimes you have to break in atomizers. Cartriages are okay to use... you won't get too much vapor if it's a brand new atomizer, that's one thing to consider, and if the juice is PG, or a thing i'd do is wash my atty then tried to use it, wouldn't work to well... it has to be dry, except the heating element of course


Yea I'll give it another try tomorrow... I kept getting juice in my mouth from it, i may be doing something wrong.

But man were you right.... Mentha is AWESOME and I'm glad Christopher is awesome enough to let me keep the bottles. Very good smooth menthol with a great throat hit. This is by far my favorite juice i have tried


Hey KaYoTiiC ya mind if I send you a friend request on live? My gamertag is the same as my forum name. Picked up Black Ops this week and am loving it. Oh and btw LR atomizers and a drip tip on the eGo are awesome. Just got mine this week.

Posted (edited)

Hey KaYoTiiC ya mind if I send you a friend request on live? My gamertag is the same as my forum name. Picked up Black Ops this week and am loving it. Oh and btw LR atomizers and a drip tip on the eGo are awesome. Just got mine this week.

Yea for sure... I just picked it up too. I was playing halo 3 a ton and season just ended for us so I'm done with that now. I played tournaments for MLG and was hoping that Halo Reach would be good but that was a no go, so i won't be playing halo anymore :( But i like Ops so far, not sure i can make money off of it though. But def fun.

I KaYoTiiC I is my g/t.... Thats an i on both sides

I should be on for a bit in a hour or so

Edited by KaYoTiiC
  • 2 weeks later...

As for the Ego,

I have the mega atom, not that fond of it, sounds like your smoking a bong, you need the LR attys for sure. i noticed the battery life does get chopped by about half using the low resistance ones, but for the ego i still can use it ALL DAY without a charge. not to fond of the carts or carto's for the 510.... i get juice im my mouth, lips, just sucks in my experience. i use a drip tip and love it.

I also play black ops on the 360 and run a clan, hit me up! we have a couple of ape users!

GT= Kingbtheone

website= www.SoldiersAfterWar.com


i got an ego on the way so im finding this thread very informative. I hope your loven it. i also got a lr addy on the way with a drip tip. seems the way to go when just relaxing,, and a carto when driving. plz share any tips you have from you learning the device as you use it. it will be cool to see how things come along. :) happy vapen

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