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Okay, here's the deal. been a analog{I find this term to be very humorous}smoker for 35+ years. For the majority of that time I have been a RYO guy{hand roller, DRUM rocks}. Being a hand roller and smoking roughly 40 a day, I would guess you could call me a "hardcore" nic. addict. Got a b-day coming up soon and have decided that my gift to myself is going to be an attempt at purging myself from this filthy habit. I have been lurking on this board for a few months, and have to say that it has been very informative, and the vet's here are very helpful and patient with the uninformed. I hope that trend continues, as I have a few ?'s that I would like to ask. {bear with me as I know that most of these have been answered many times before, but I'm just too lazy today to go back through all the posts and find them, plus i would like to have them all together so I can print them off.} #1. I have already decided that I'm going to get an EGO. (think I may have heard a poster or 2 recommend these). Have a few ?'s. It comes with a 650 batt. or you can get the 900. Other than ?longer life? what diff does this make?. Does this make a difference with the lr carts/atomizers or not?

#2. Drip tips. Must haves? It's just an alternative form of direct dripping right? #3.How quickly do the consumables go? I know this is subjective, but what is a reasonable life expectancy of an atty, cart/cartomizer etc... and probably most important, how long can I expect a battery to last? #4. I would assume that a good amount of the operating budget for a pv would be for the juices. I've looked at the dyi juice section and it seems relativly simple, but are homemade juices as good and are they ultimatley cheaper to produce? #5. Looking for the best deal on an ego xl(you know, the one with 12 batteries, 5 gallons of juice, 2 hookers and a bottle of scotch for around $50). If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.

#6. Could someone update me on the latest in regards to my government trying to control yet another facet of my life(on top of taking 1/3 of my income and then taxing the hell out of me on everything I buy with the 2/3rds the "allow" me to keep.) What is the latest on the fda and the the e-cig situation?

Thanks in advance for any help/advice that may be forthcoming.


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I'm sure others are probably answering this already, but I'll throw in my $0.02.

1. No difference in the 650mah vs the 900mah other than how long the battery lasts between charges.

2. Drip tip is not necessary, but highly recommended. You don't need it to start, you can remove your empty cart and drip if you want to experience dripping (which you will). A drip tip will make things easier. You can easily make one of the carts into a drip tip (I'll post a link later).

3. For attomizers, I would plan on them lasting 2-4 weeks. However, some may last months and others may last a few days. Plan on having some spares. Carts are plastic and can be used... pretty much forever, just clean them once in a while. Not really sure how long eGo batteries are lasting, but I would expect it to go about 6 months +/-.

4. Making your own eliquid can be expensive starting off until you find a mix you like. I would start with some store baught and move into DIY down the road. But yes, it can be a lot cheaper in the long run. There is a DIY section on the forum where you can get help with that (we try to keep DIY discussion in the DIY area only).

5. I would check out:

VaporTalk Store (10% discount code listed on VT Store home page and free shipping)

Electronicstix (10% discount code listed in thier subform here at vapor talk).

PureSmoker (not discount codes)

Cignot (not discount code)

There a many others to choose from, these are some of the ones I've used and know they have good reps.

Here's the link to making a drip tip out of a cart: Tail Pipe Cart Mod

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You just can't dispute a "GOD". Brian had given you pretty much all the answers.(as usual)

Diy does make it cheaper in the long run, but just like getting started in vaping the first setups will be more than you'd expect.(still cheaper than cigarettes) Drip tips are nice but not a real necessity. Just make sure as "Nana" says...backups backups backups. You really do need more than 1 of everything you get. The kit should have two complete units so you'll have an extra battery charging while you vape one. But even if the kit you get comes with atty's you should order a few more. They are hit or miss and one may last a month or more and another may only last a day or two. So you don't want to get caught without one. Also, I would like to suggest you trying some cartomizers. I prefer the 2.0 lower res type but the standard ones will work till you're ready to experiment more.

Well that's my piece. If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask.

Good luck and happy vaping.

p.s. don't forget to try a few different juices.

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brian and snubber, thanks for the replies and insight. Feel like I'm starting to "get it" but also understand that until I'm actually holding the hardware and start vapeing I probably won't really "get it."

kind of have in my mind how it will probably go, for example I will probably use carts while at work, commuting, etc....and will more than likely direct drip when at home and have more time. In other words will be spending lots of $$$ at the onset on alot of available paraphenalia, but hey, if I don't spend [t my wife will,lol.

thanks again.


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As snubber said, you may want to try some cartomizers also. For me, cartomizers don't give near the throat hit that I get from the 510 attomizer, so they are not for all day use. I use them when driving and whenever dripping just isn't convenient (like when I wade fishing). Other than that, I'm direct dripping.

Good luck and keep us posted. :thumbsup:

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Sounds about right on both counts. But once the first order or two are out of the way you will start to figure out what's needed to maintain your stock and it may(just may) level out to a monthly or even bi-monthly expense. That is unless you start like so many others and have to have all the new and latest do-dads and pv's. That's when this becomes and obsession instead of a replacement for analogs.

Good luck and happy vaping.thumbsup.gif

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Sounds about right on both counts. But once the first order or two are out of the way you will start to figure out what's needed to maintain your stock and it may(just may) level out to a monthly or even bi-monthly expense. That is unless you start like so many others and have to have all the new and latest do-dads and pv's. That's when this becomes and obsession instead of a replacement for analogs.

Good luck and happy vaping.thumbsup.gif

hoping it's a "healthier" replacement with the ultimate goal of quitting analogs.(lol...sorry, that term just cracks me up and I don't know why), but also have to some extent a compulsive/obsessive personality, so the possibilty of me taking out a 2nd mortgage or resorting to crime to pay for my new "hobby" probably isn't to far fetched.

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hoping it's a "healthier" replacement with the ultimate goal of quitting analogs.(lol...sorry, that term just cracks me up and I don't know why), but also have to some extent a compulsive/obsessive personality, so the possibilty of me taking out a 2nd mortgage or resorting to crime to pay for my new "hobby" probably isn't to far fetched.

Well you'll fit right in around here! LOL!!! :thumbsup:

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LOL - Yep, you fit right in.

Looks like you got your answers, so all that's left for me to say is...wait...snubber said it before I could...hmmmm... I think I may be getting too predictable. But backups are very, very important. Really. They are. :smoke:

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I can't think of anything to add to the previous replies, except perhaps when you do buy a drip tip look for a wide mouth. The wide mouth is well, wider, and easier to drip the flavor into. I like the straight sided, others prefer the curvey... the Delrin types are inexpensive. But even a regular mouth size will make it easier than popping the empty cart off the atty with every drip session. Regular sized ones can be found in awesome colors and designs just about everywhere. Good luck and happy vaping!

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#5. Looking for the best deal on an ego xl(you know, the one with 12 batteries, 5 gallons of juice, 2 hookers and a bottle of scotch for around $50). If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.

haha I like that. But please remember that you often get what you pay for. Looking for the best price may not always find you a great deal.

Oh and there is one other slight difference between the 650 and 900mah batteries; about 1".

I'm probably stating the obvious but if you were rolling your own and smoking about 40 of those everyday you should probably look at getting high nic juice.

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Looks like you got some great answers !!!

The up front money is sooooo worth it. eventually, you will begin to see a profit. took me about 6 months to have enough supplies to feel mostly comfortable. I still buy bits and pieces (whether I need them or not)--it's all about backups and then backups for the backups.

Diy is cheaper (after start up costs)--but like has been pointed out--first get the hang of things, decide what types of flavors you like (will keep your startup diy cost a bit lower).

Time to take a leap of faith !!!!

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Thanks everyone, you have been very helpful. I have other ?'s, so how do you guys handle this? Should I start a new topic with each stoopid question, or try to keep them all together in one long inane thread. I would think that multiple threads by the same newbie would lead to mass face palming

on the part of the veterans here, as I'm sure everything I ask has been asked a thousand times.


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I'm obsessive and need all the new toys LOL. I have spent about $350 since first of Aug. and have saved over $700. Since hubby quit I am not tracking his savings so even though it seems like you're spending a lot you really are saving in the long run, not to mention saving your health as well.

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I travel a fair bit for work. Airport security ever been a problem for anyone? Not that it matters much, I already get cavity searched every time( type 1 diabetic/pumper. pump sets it off every time even though dr.faa security **** assures me that it can't possibly be my pump) so I get the twice over at security all the time anyway. As a side note, my insulin hobby is already expensive so any tip or trick to save a yen or 2 is a goal of mine. I know none of the upstanding people on this forum would ever break any rules, but does anybody here "know a guy" that has ever vaped in an airport bathroom stall or even at 30,000 ft? how did that work out. Non smoking hotel rooms ever a problem? It sucks to make that 10 min. walk outside at a hotel. I had a 100 ?'s floating around in my head earlier. pretty blank now( bau) so I'll check back later when I think of them. thanks in advance.


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Vaping is not burning and therefore is not smoking. That being said, smoke alarms and vapor should play very nicely together. I have vaped in hotel rooms, in the car, etc. Most of the liquids do have a light scent but it doesn't 'stain' the textiles and furnishings. I have not yet flown with my gear, but when I do you can bank on me excusing myself to the lavatory and opening up my stash of vape supplies.

I've read about ppl stealth vaping under blankets on the plane by taking a draw and waiting a few seconds for the vapor to dissipate before it's exhaled. I don't know that I would do that just cause it seems so much easier to stretch my legs and have some privacy vs explaining it if I get caught. And at that point I already look guilty of something.

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I love travel and vaping--7 hours to hawaii would have killed me in the old days. I have vaped (very discreetly) in the airport terminal, bathrooms, on the plane, at 30,000ft in my seat or bathroom. In my seat--I stealth vape--hold my breath for a few extra seconds to allow minimal vapor exhalation and exhale slowly (away from passenger next me)--looks like you are chewing on a pen. In the bathrooms I don't recommend blowing the vapor directly into the smoke detector--not sure how sensitive they may be--but have yet to set off the alarm. since there is no residual odor--I figured If it did happen, I would blame it on malfunction.......

Hotel rooms--not even close to being an issue as any residual odor dissipates quickly and has no resemblance to burning tobacco.

I love vaping !!!

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thanks. Travel sucks anyway and traveling and being a smoker just sucks twice as bad. Vaping may just make it somewhat bearable. Was looking @ the store a little earlier and noticed a lot of items out of stock (cartimizers, certain liquids, etc....)does this happen often? Who are the other reliable suppliers that you use? Getting close to pulling the trigger after I talk to my PFA (personal financial allower...wife)and was putting together a wish list, but was finding a lot of the items I was wanting not available. Was hoping to make 1 purchase and not have to bounce around to different sites but maybe that's just the nature of the beast.


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Vapor Talk should be getting some stock back in soon.

Here are a few more suppliers. You can also check out the supporting suppliers (bottom of the forum).





Here's a big list which also has coupon codes listed. I can't vouch for most of these. If you find a place that interests you, feel free to ask on the forum... if anyone has used them, they'll be glad to let you know.

Vaporzone Coupon Code Master List

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A couple more ?'s if y'all can stand it. If anyone else out there is pancreatically challenged (diabetic)can you tell me if vapeing affects your blood sugars? I would guess not, but diabetes is a strange animal sometimes.

Why, since e-cigs are not banned,controled or illeagle, why are there no brick and mortar outlets for this product? The suppliers are located stateside right?

Is there someone who is considered the "father" or the original pioneer all this?


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The supporting Suppliers list is a great place to look around--chris has a pretty good set of guidlines for suppliers and we really do have a good group. The link is at the top of the page right next to the store.

Supplies fluctuate as many come from china and often supplies are detained by the import nazi's.

I also really like word up My link, freedomsmokeusa My link , Liberty-Flights My link--(discount code LF46) , Rocky mountain vapor My link.

I usually start with the VT store and work from there. The VT store does help keep the forum running--but sometimes they are out of stock, just like other suppliers (on and off).

The ins and outs of vaping is tough at first--but you will soon enough find your favorite spots.

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A couple more ?'s if y'all can stand it. If anyone else out there is pancreatically challenged (diabetic)can you tell me if vapeing affects your blood sugars? I would guess not, but diabetes is a strange animal sometimes.

Why, since e-cigs are not banned,controled or illeagle, why are there no brick and mortar outlets for this product? The suppliers are located stateside right?

Is there someone who is considered the "father" or the original pioneer all this?


See post #11 of the attached thread. Good info on the history of the ecig. There's also a good link to an article in post 14 of same thread.

Post 11 & 14

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