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I've had the Volcano for a few days now. I seem to go through the "4 cigarette" cartridges rather quick. When i just sit around the house, I noticed I can alternate through old carts and get a good throat hit evry 20-30 minutes, but, I would like to vape more. Is this normal? I convinced the wife to blow my months cigarette money on this so I'm stuck with what I have. I have some liquid coming so I can experiment with dripping, but I really want a good throat hit.

I know everyones first answer is upgrade (I assume) but like I said, I have the Volcano V-cig starter kit, 16 carts left, and a bottle of liquid coming, and this is all I will have for the next 3 weeks. Any suggestions, or hints? Remember in Apollo 13 where they had to make a filter out of things they only had up in space? Let's keep that mindset.

I have 1 battery, 1 atty, 16 carts, a few empties. I have another battery, atty, drip tip and bottle of juice coming in a week or so.

Thanks in advance. I love vaping, I just want to improve and I like the throat hit.


If the Volcano is like the Blu I know what you're feeling. Save up and get an eGo or 510. If your battery is automatic I don't recommend dripping, those batteries are not sealed and if liquid gets in there they will fry. You can very carefully refill those carts. If you look inside there should be a small plastic container with a bit of filler material. Take that out, remove as much foil as possible from edges and put about 2 drops of liquid in, put back into cart replace atty and gently use a straightened paperclip inserted into the hole to SLIGHTLY push container towards atty. You can still flood no matter how careful you are and you don't want juice in your mouth or your battery so do this carefully. I used this method for about 1 month until I got my 510 set up and eGo. Any questions just ask we will help you out.


Prefilled carts generally do not last long. Any claims that a cartridge is equal to a pack of cigarettes is pretty much false. The problem with carts is that the eliquid does not drain out fast enough, which is why after you let it set for a while you can get some more drags off of it. The eliquid takes some time to drain down. Since you have some juice comming, you'll be okay because you can refill the carts, or keep them "topped off".

Here's a vid from youtube on how to refill a volcano cart (assuming this is the same model you have).


Oh - didn't notice you had a drip tip comming also. Once you get that, try direct dripping - should help some.


Wow, thank you guys, I didn't expect this much info and so fast too! lol, I definatly came to the right place.


Welcome to VaporTalk! Congrats on making the switch from analogs!! Top those carts off often and you should be fine til you can get an eGo. :)


Welcome to VT. You'll soon find out that there are a lot of people ready, willing, and able to help you out. It really is a great place to learn and hang out,

Hope it goes well for you and your new e-cig. I would suggest you upgrade to the Ego/Tornado as soon as you can. You'll notice a big difference.

Good luck and happy vaping.thumbup.gif


ok, and how do you use these cool banners for not using analogs anymore? I thought I did it right but obviously not lol


ok, and how do you use these cool banners for not using analogs anymore? I thought I did it right but obviously not lol

You want to copy/paste the BBcode, not the HTML. :thumbsup:


Hi Erik,

Are you by any chance skilled at electronics, soldering... do-it-yourself hobbies like RC cars or planes?

If you are, once you get comfortable with your daily vape equipment... check out the mods section.

It's pretty amazing what you can make with a couple of battery boxes, a switch and a few parts.

Who knows, you may become the next Jolly.... (inside joke... resident modder).

I tried to research the Volcano v-cig. It looks like it is what's called a L88B battery which is the same as a Blu. And a few other branded types. Eventually, you might want to upgrade.

One thing I've noticed about some vapers.... I've seen them blow the money they are saving on something else. Instead of putting the cost of the cigarettes in a "kitty" to pay for ecig stuff, they just blow it on something else... So put the money away and save it for your ecig stuff. eCig parts are "consumables". They wear out. So Whenever you'd go and buy cigarettes, but that money in your sock drawer. Because you are going to save a lot of money... and when you do, you are gonna want to upgrade. And the money will be there.


I work with electronics and satellite theory for the Army. The job doesnt interest me, but saving money does so I just might look into that haha. I've already been researching modifying and even making my own juice from the posts on this site. I really like this whole ecig community.


Once you get through the initial startup costs and a few backups for security--the savings does begin to win out. currently I spend about 1/2 what I did when I was smoking. Then again--I usually buy more than I need anyway--there is always something cool I really, really want !!!


Once you get through the initial startup costs and a few backups for security--the savings does begin to win out. currently I spend about 1/2 what I did when I was smoking. Then again--I usually buy more than I need anyway--there is always something cool I really, really want !!!

I know what you mean, I keep seeing all these cool ways to enhance juice, make carts and mods, all sorts of stuff lol


When you get ready to look into DIY--check out the DIY forum thread. lots of info. Usually its best to get your feel for vaping and what you like and don't like before starting DIY--however, I started soon after I started vaping as I always had problems with the liquid flavors not being strong enough.

so much to learn !!!


When you get ready to look into DIY--check out the DIY forum thread. lots of info. Usually its best to get your feel for vaping and what you like and don't like before starting DIY--however, I started soon after I started vaping as I always had problems with the liquid flavors not being strong enough.

so much to learn !!!

what's really cool is I'm trying to hook my buddy into (maybe not switching just yet, but adding) ecigs. He's the type that if he likes it, he'll have a vape bar from 100 years in the future inside two weeks.

I got him a disposable so he wouldnt have to commit and he really likes it. *crosses fingers*


Nice--always good to have a friend like that !!! Would love to have a vape bar in colorado......

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