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I have been vaping for about 5 weeks. For the last 3 of those weeeks I have had a terrible, constant headache. I have tried changing juice, eliminating extra menthol, eliminating flavor...I even thought it was a sinus headache for a while and have elininated that possibility. I understand that vaping can be dehydrating, so I am trying to drink a lot of water, but still have a headache. Will lowering the nicotine help? Will VG instead of PG help? I am at my wit's end, I cannot live with a constant headache like this. Help!


Well, have you gone to the doctor? I know that headache can have many causes, not enough nicotine, too much nicotine, sinus and healing, not enough caffeine.....I do think though if you have had a headache for three weeks constant, you need to be seen by your doc.


I get headaches at times also. It happens if Im vaping more than usual. I have always attributed it to the nicotine. Maybe cut back on your nic level or vape a little less and see what that does for you.

Ps.... Extra Strength Tylenol works wonders for me. :)


Yes, I did go to the doctor, that is how I eliminated the possiblity of sinus headache. I had a complete blood workup done and there was nothing. Took antibiotics for 5 days because I had been exposed to strep (also had a sore throat). Still have the headache. Process of elimination, the only thing it could be is the vaping.


Hmmm, well then I would try some VG juices and see if that helps. I would also try to up your nic and see if that helps. Then you have to go the other way....is there too much VG in your juice and do you need to lower your nicotine.

It is hard to figure it out, but eventually it just becomes a process of elimination.

The other factor is have you been taking aspirin, tylenol or another pain reliever this whole time, I know that rebound headaches can happen as well.

What are you using to vape with? An Ego? a 510 ?? Maybe the draw is too hard.


I got headaches when I was using nicotine that was too high and vaping it too much. By lowering the nic (but not the amount of vaping), my headaches went away.


When you say "mid level"... what is the mg of the nicotine. For some suppliers mid is 24 w/ high being 30+ That's insane but everyone measures it a little differently.

Also, some people tend to vape more than they smoked. It's a mental thing ... maybe afraid of not getting enough or thinking you can vape all you want since it's "healthy".

Try to cut back on your nic level and purchase some zero nic juice for those times you just want a casual vape but not having the craving for the nicotine. VT's Mentha and Dulcis both come in zero nic. And their flavor is the same with or without the nicotine.

Keeps us up-to-date on how you are doing. I have a feeling this is a question many people have had.


I believe the level is 18. I go to the Vaporessence store, where all the juice is made in the USA, and they mix their own flavors there. I do vape a lot, now that I can do it at my desk.


It might be a tumor

Seriously, it probably has nothing to do with vaping but if you think thats the cause the only way to tell is to quit vaping,go back to analogs for a week or so(if thats what it takes) if you still have a headache it's not the vaping. Headaches can be caused by many things.Perhaps you should consider seeing a neurologist.Good luck.


I would cut back on the nic go to 6 or 11 mg ,I vape almost constantly and when I was using nicotine I had trouble sleeping at night at higher levels.There is not much in vapor besides nicotine to cause problems unless you have allergies to PG.

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