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Thank you everybody for your support. I made it almost all day without a real cig. Something about sitting around at lunch made me start craving. Did you guys have to change your habits when you made up your minds to quit? I found that sitting with my smoking friends was a bad idea. Guess I will know better tmrow. Any advice or tips on breaking my old habit? Thanks again.


Just keep vaping. :) When I got my 510 kit last December (on a Tuesday) I vaped in the evening only and smoked by day at work. By Thurdsay I found myself missing my vape while I was at work. On Satuday morning I woke up and smoked my last analog with my coffee and then started vaping. For the first couple of months I continued to go out to the "smoke shack" at work to vape, but eventually ended up just vaping at my desk. Best advice is that when you get a craving, vape heavily. :) I did quite well early on, but found I got some killer cravings a few months down the road. The weren't often, but when they hit - oh man. I was able to vape through them and get through it. I'm pushing a year now and can say that over the past few months I don't recall having any cravings at all.

I'll just add - don't beat yourself up if you need a cigarette once in a while. It's not a big deal.


It's like Brian is living in my head. He always posts what I am going to say before I get the chance. :wallbash: I wasn't even trying to quit smoking when I started vaping, it just happened. Like everyone will tell you, If you break down and have one just think about how many you avoided. After a while you'll find that vaping is just so much more pleasant than smoking and the next thing you know you won't have the cravings nearly as much. Good luck and keep us informed. :thumbsup:


My hubby was still smoking sitting right next to me. I bummed one here and there until I found myself ashamed of doing it, I have this perfectly good sub that tastes much better and I'm letting this get to me? It was difficult but I decided I wanted this to work, and to set a good example for the rest of my loved ones. Sure I craved them at first but I vaped myself through it and now hubby has quit and is vaping along with me. Buying my SIL an eGo starter kit for Christmas. Don't beat yourself up pretty soon this will be your habit.


...pretty soon this will be your habit.

You mean "obsession" not "habit", right? ;)


You mean "obsession" not "habit", right? ;)

You know me too well Aimee! Yes I am obsessed with this. You are right behind me girlfriend. But our obsessed butts are not going to be shivering and freezing outside this winter.


Vape and relax !!! The more you worry about quitting the harder it is to quit. You will find there are times when you really want a cigarette--if its something you really need, go for it--I promise in the end vaping will win out.

Its hard to break the smoking habits and routines. many times you can just vape through the craving, sometimes you can't. vape, relax and repeat !!!

And absolutely no shivering and freezing for me ( at least not for a cigarette)


When I first heard about e-cigs, I had a feeling this would be the thing that would help me quit. From the very first drag, I was convinced. I loved it so much more than smoking. It took no effort on my part at all. It was truly amazing to me. After smoking for 34 years and trying everything to quit (only because I thought I should and not because I really wanted to), this was just the answer for me. I simply vaped the same amount, the same way, the same times, etc., as I did smoking and it was easy. That doesn't mean it works that well for everyone. I agree with what was said here...just relax and let the vaping take over. I really think that's what happened with me...just happened faster for me than some others. I've been smoke free for just over a year now and couldn't be happier about it.

The other thing that helped me was this wonderful group of people here. It's really great to have a support system. Hearing about everyone's success stories, everyone's enthusiasm, learning about all the different PVs and juices and attys and batteries, etc., is very contagious and I believe helped propel me forward into finding the perfect setup for me. Stick around here and you just might get the same benefit.

Good luck!!

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