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I love when we can cheer for both teams .. :animier:

Gooooo hookahman! You're off to a great start! You really are!

Gooooo CASEACE! You can do eet! You are vapornator!


well after 3 months with out a cigarette I paniced yesterday. I was at work and my carto died, I had a spare but that was a previous dead one I forgot to replace in my bag, so I had nothing! I had to bum a cigarette and it was terrible. Vaping is soooo much better then analogs! I could not wait until I got home to vape!!!

Trust me, in time you will feel the same way!


I hope you're okay after the accident.

It's always a good thing to hear that when someone had an analog, it was awful. I'd say that is well on the way to being analog free forever. I can't count the times I tried to quit before and always went back to smoking. Those things can have a powerful hold on us, can't they? But to go back and think it's awful just shows how much better vaping is for us and shows that the powerful hold isn't so powerful any more. How fantastic is that?

Relax, vape, give it time and before you know it, the analogs will be history.

Keep up the good work all!!


I'm sorry about the accident--I think that is a perfectly good reason to have a smoke.

I have always felt the easiest way to quit, is to quit worrying about quitting....(not sure if that made any sense at all). If you need a smoke, smoke. I can promise, most of us have been in the same spot. really, you have to figure if vaping helps you to not smoke even one cigarette--your already ahead of the curve for the day.

we are animier.gifanimier.gif


Well sorry to hear about the accident. Completely understandable. I would have had a smoke too. Don't feel bad about it. Hey ya made it 2 days without analogs. Don't give up. Today was day 4 for me. I drove all day today and was vaping the entire time. Which was weird cause I was weird cause I was in my gf's car and I don't smoke in her car as she isn't a smoker. Didnt have to stop for a smoke break once!

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