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Flavor Loss


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Has any one else ever noticed a loss of flavor in their juice? Does liquid loose their flavor over time?

I usually fire up my Ego's in the morning with a cup of coffee out on the deck but this morning every flavor I've tried has had zero flavor. Lots of vapor like usual, but no taste at all. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this in there juices or am I just getting a cold or something and have lost my taste buds for the time being. I have 3 or 4 regular flavors(mostly coffee or capp type) that I use daily and I can usually really get some strong flavor out of them. But today...nothing.

I mixed these flavors myself and I made them extra strong but I've had them about a month or so and am wondering if maybe the flavor is starting to loose it's punch? Maybe it's time to make a new batch? What's your thoughts? Tks :coffee:

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Yep,I know exactly what you mean.

It doesn't happen too often thankfully,

but there are days when none of my juices taste

right,or have any taste at all!

a day or so later and the full flavor is back,

I thought it might have to do with the fact

that i smoked and vaped too,but now that i'm

completely off cigs I guess I still have those

no flavor days to look forward to"bummer"

Hope you're not gettin sick, if this hasn't happened

to you before maybe it's just a fluke"fingers crossed for ya".

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Usually it's not the liquid but your taste buds. This happens to me sometimes. Usually right before I get sick actually :lol: But there are times when the liquid just tastes dull. It usually subsides. Maybe your coffee taking over the coffee flavored e liquid?

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+1 on joe and chris

sometimes also i find its like wearing colone, after a bit of time you get used to it where you can't smell it / cant taste the vape (at all or as much).

different things you eat or drink can have the same effect. just last night i was talking to day and qt about eating salad with Italian dressing, i cant taste anything after.

vape something else for a few hrs or a day and then go back to your normal vape.

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I also notice this exact same thing after using mouthwash in the morning. Just brushing teeth = still tastes okay. Add mouthwash, and it's all vape flavor off for several hours.

I guess different things trigger it for different people.

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i guess that depends on the type of toothpaste you use.

using crest (like uber white, bleach your face off, but doesn't work) toothpaste and i then have to brush my teeth and tounge about 4 times with water to taste my vape.

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Might I recommend a tongue scraper? It sounds bizarre, but it has really helped. Not only with tasting things, but getting rid of bad breath too. Try this search I did. Ok, back to your discussion, sorry to throw weird stuff out there. :)

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hahah, you know as silly as it looks and sounds you are right on there Aimee. I do think that you have days where it just does not taste right, just like you have days that you just can't get the "right" hit.

I hope it comes back soon Snubber, maybe try something fruity?


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