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Let me start off by saying, I've only been vaping a month. Nothing fancy, just my eGo. After dripping, I didn't think I would try anything else. I've enjoyed dripping, and using attys. While looking for toys I thought I would pick up a pack of the BOGE 510 LR Cartos from www.vaporkings.com. For the price, I thought they would make a nice backup in the event of an emergency. I also picked up a syringe for filling.

As usual, my shipment came in 2 days after ordering. I really like the fact that they are labeled 2.0 OHM on the carto. It's nice to know off the bat what I've received when I open the package.

For my first experience, I loaded the syringe with 2ml of 18mg Sweet Caroline from iVape.net. Popped off the rubber tip and I pushed the syringe down one side of the filler and slowly pumped in the solution until the top started looking like a slush. Held the 2ml perfectly. I like the fact that these can be filled in a pinch without the syringe, but filling time with the syringe was really quick. I added a trip tip on my stainless steel eGo, and it actually looked kinda cool with the black space between the eGo and the stainless steel drip tip. Took the first pull off the carto and...


Tried again, and great flavor and vapor. This experience lasted for the next 3 hours of heavy vaping with no signs of any degradation of flavor or vapor. Each pull felt like the first. Today is day 2, I've topped it off w/o the syringe, dripping slowly down the sides, and it's working flawlessly.

Drippers, next time you put in an order for goodies, please pick these up. Thanks to Dayvape for driving this point home over and over on the forum, I probably would have never picked these up otherwise. Dripping is decent for trying new flavors, but I think I've pretty much settled on my go-to's for liquid. Having these cartos is like a whole new experience, and you really can't beat the price.


I planned to place an order with vaporkings in a few days. Going to add those to the list! Thanks for the heads up! :thumbsup:

Posted (edited)

I'm stoked you like them as well as I do! That's great! Yeah, I tend to go a bit overboard maybe... but I just can't imagine why others wouldn't have the same great experience with them that I do! I'd hate for people to give up on cartos just because their first try was a bad experience. It seems like there are alot of people that don't think they put out good flavor or vapor... and I just wonder to myself what they are doing wrong! They just gotta try the good ones, learn a couple easy tips to make them perform well, and maybe then those folks that haven't given them the chance will see why Im such a 'fanboy' of them! I get MORE flavor and MORE vapor than a standard atty!

By the way Schlitz... I'm sure you've read about the 'Taryn Spin' method to use with cartos? You can literally do this and change juices with very little cross contamination... and it also works great to just empty it so you can put fresh juice in one! I usually give each carto at least one REALLY GOOD spin during the time I'm using it... allowing me to use it twice as long as normal because of being able to clean it out and use fresh juice. :thumbsup:

Edited by DAYVAPE

I just wanted to post a follow up on this, Been going strong on my first one for over 7 days now, and still performing, no issues. They have really exceeded my expectations. I have noticed that the center tube is starting to brown out quite a bit , and I really have no problem retiring this one early. I'm anxious to pop on a new one, and see what the difference is from the end of this cartos life, and the beginning of the new one.

Posted (edited)

Keep in mind... it's also helpful to let it sit for 30 minutes or more, after you've filled it, to get good and soaked in. Seven days on a carto is longer than I typically make mine last... although I could easily go longer. There's just nothing better than a nice/clean/fresh carto to vape on! :thumbsup:

Edited by DAYVAPE

Well I'll add my 2cents worth. Since I started with these new 2.0 carto's I've been happy as hell with their performance.

Like I said in the other post, I tried the older style(brass ends) and didn't see the big hype about them. But this new batch is just fantastic!! I'm getting great flavor and tons of vapor. And I'm not as patient as you and can wait 30mins to start vaping them. I also got a pack of standard ones that I tried first on my Ego and didn't see any big deal in. Then I put it on my 5v pt and again...DAMN!!! It was made these carto's. Giant plumes of vapor..good TH.. and good flavor. I can see me becoming a "fanboy" of these things too.

I also go a couple of the Ego mega carto's at the same time. They work really great too. They hold lots of juice and I like how they feel in your mouth. The only draw back to them compared to the 2.0's is that they are a little bit more of a pain to fill(needle and all that). The soft tops are better in that respect. But I've only used one LR atty since I've gotten the carto's and it's only because I wanted to see how they would work and be able to try different juices.

So..that's my opinion(more than 2cents..sorry) for what it's worth, but I'm with Dayvape..everyone should try these at least once to see what they're missing. (Again..tks DV) :thumbsup:

  • 2 months later...

Cartos rock that is all!

I'm all about the cartos too. I found the LR cartos work better for me. The key to them working well for me has been patience. Take a new one, fill it until it looks like a slushie, then set it aside for 30 minutes to an hour before you use it. When it starts to lose the flavor or not produce vapor as I like, same process - fill and WAIT. I have run into many who try to direct drip cartos and wonder why they are not satisfied. The key to me seems to be the ability to wait.

  • 1 month later...

I'm new to vaping, and have really taken to the Boge soft tip cartos... I started with a 5 pk of the standard ones, and have enjoyed them so much that I just ordered 15 of the LR Boges. Can't wait to get them and try them out!

As far as the carto life goes, what I've done so far is made it a point to keep the filler inside of it moist... I designate 1 carto per flavor, and then put them in their little condom thingies (who decided to call the rubber case a "condom", lol) and keep them in my pocket, for quick flavor changes throughout the day. I've been using the same carto for my 'ecto-cooler' juice (orange/tangerine, just like the old Hi-C flavor I remember when I was a kid) from vaporrenu for 10 days now and it's showing no signs of slowing down. I'm too cheap to throw these things away before they stop working, so I fully anticipate using it until it either starts tasting like crap and can't boil them out anymore, or they burn out.

I look forward to seeing the difference between the standard carto and the LR one. Thankfully my eGo has 2 mega-batteries so I don't have to worry about draining them down at an inconvenient time.


I"m using the boge LR cartos and I really like them a lot. Wanting to buy them in bulk actually. But unlike pipedreamer and some others I can't seem to make one last more than day


<--- with Nana on this "waiting" issue.

especially now that I have a squeeze and please mod lol.

Squeeze and please mod - lmao!! I love it!! Perfect description!!


I"m using the boge LR cartos and I really like them a lot. Wanting to buy them in bulk actually. But unlike pipedreamer and some others I can't seem to make one last more than day

Out of all the cartos I've tried, I like the boge LR the best, but I'm still not fond of the cartos overall. And I'm with you on this one, they don't last more than a day for me either. At least not when that's all I'm using.


Got my LR cartos today -- LOVE THEM! Wow, do they crank out the vapor. The vapor is significantly hotter, but oh well. Now, to see how long these things last.

If anyone has been on the fence about trying these out, pick up a 5 pack, I bet you'll be glad you did.

  • 6 months later...
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