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Sorry Guys

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Sorry guys didn't mean to sound grumpy last night. Long day 1 hour drive drive each way to outlaying clinic then crazy guy who lacked the ability to listen, then one of the problem people once again trying to get meds way too soon after they had been told 4 times not till Jan. I let them have it I'm just so tired, have become the narcotics nazi. Too soon, no vicodin for you! Poop stories to last me a lifetime, we do not do poop stuff! Endless phone calls about did you get this did you get that? Today I start with a 7:30 meeting and go full speed all day, at least I get a haircut at the end of the day. I hope everyone has a good day today I'm going to give it a go but too old for this much non-stop running. I should have buns of steel with the all the running but still have buns of pudding. :(

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I didn't witness you being grouchy, but know that we all have days like that and most of us probably get a bit grouchy then as well! I too work with the public, so I hear you loud and clear! The full moon had all our clients (at the law office) riled up. I am pretty sure every crazy person that we represent called us, as well as about a bazillion that we don't!

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Nutty day today but the vaping IS good! Got my haircut by my nephew's sweet fiance Melissa and we covered the gray:) I decided, I should not think outside of the box, to use a chocolate brown for the winter. Well it's very dark especially on the ends but of course the top and most of it is still red. Hubby was stunned to say the least, but relieved when he saw that it's still red just with a brown tone. So much for change. It's a very nice color but everyone will freak out cause they won't expect the brown. I figure it will fade down in a few washes so I'll be my old redheaded self in no time. Maybe auburn, but it's a deep red not orange red like my cousins. Sigh, my daughter will be so proud, it's more her color. I'm a little afraid to go to work tomorrow.

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Lol--MastiffMom--change is good. will take your mind of work !!!

Needy work days are tough !! especially Narcotic days !!! They always make me a bit grumpy too. oh ya, that was last night...getting ready to do it all over again tonight. gotta love working !!!

I always remind myself the good patients out weigh the bad (most days)animier.gif

To FT and Uma: LOL- we all aspire to be as amazing as you unworthy.gifharhar.gif

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Hmmm...me like pudding!!!!

But seriously, everyone has those days once in a while....and if you're married maybe a little too often. But hang in there. :thumbsup:

Thanks Snubber you make me laugh. Better day today, got more Midnight coming so it's only getting better. I love my job but boy is it stressful some days.:doctor:

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