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Posted (edited)

I wish that guy wouldn't have walked off the set. It makes him look like he couldn't back up his product. And yes, that woman is clearly an idiot. Maybe Chris should go debate with her. :thumbsup:

Edited by B80

It was painful listening to her. It's amazing how the news readers and public health officials spout the party line...e-cigarettes have PG in them which is used in anti-freeze (c'mon already on that one), cherry flavor will entice children, and no answer from Dr. Carla (when asked by the news reader) of the known dangers of analogs and smoking cessation drugs.


This person from "Smoke Free Electronic Cigarettes" (if there was such a person) is probably someone that works in one of the mall Kiosks and would have been nailed because he doesn't know any more than that interviewer. Only thing they know is how to sell a $39 kit for $149 and a cart should last same as about 2 paks! :hrhr:

I think we should start a campaign to get Chris on one of these shows! :thumbsup:


well they didn't bash it, but they aren't informed correctly about the ecig.

being that they sounded open to the idea, the guy that walked off could have gave even a small bit of info and sold these two.


If she's a public health official we are in big trouble! She looked and sounded like a soccer mom who doesn't have a clue as to what she's talking about. And unfortunately these are the kind of people that have the control over this. :withstupid:


"Ahhh Hi yeah im Carla Berg and ahhh I think inhaling e cigs is ahhh worse than traditional cigarettes ahhh bcuz they have ahhh anti-freeze in them and ahhh other ahhh unknown carcinagins in them and ahhh im so stupid bcuz ahhh i dont know anything about the way ethol glycol in e cigs are ahhh used compared to the way its used in ahhh anti-freeze and im just another ahhh reporter who ahhh goes on ahhh national television with not doing any ahhh research of my ahhh own and ahhh and ahhh and ahhh I im just repeating ahh the same bs as ahhh dumb ahhh reporters have ahhh done in the ahhh past ahhhhhhh" OMG LADY LEARN HOW TO SPEAK!!!!!! you are on TV for darn sakes, ahhh LoL!!!!

  • 1 month later...

On this link go down and watch the video of the interview with the MD. He has nothing bad to say about ecigs and goes so far as to say they may be good a cessation devices. He also makes the point that I feel is the crux of this debate, NOBODY is collecting TAXES on this. GASP! A taxfree item?


When I first heard about e-cigs I read this wiki page, i know it's a wiki but there usually accurate.


Read what PG is used in yea it's used in anti-freeze but also pretty much everything else we use on a daily basis, it even has MEDICINE in the list.

"propylene glycol was classified by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration as "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS) for use as a direct food additive"

How is that no research? There looks to be plenty.

Who gave that lady her Degree if i can learn more from reading wikipedia. The ignorance of some so called scientific people does my head in.

  • 2 weeks later...

I actually commend the one reporter for sounding generally positive, as it's pretty obvious that she (and probably the dude?) smoke cigs irl. No, second thought... look at the guy exhale haha. Mythbusted. I felt like she took it upon herself to make up ground for pissing the ecig representitive off.

Did this Andy guy make a post somewhere stating exactaly why he walked off?

  • 1 month later...

this is the problem, you get some person to go on national televison that has no clue about e-cigs talking about cherry flavor and antifreeze, why dont you get that same person to talk about cigarettes and cancer. Why dont you put a ban on that product, oh sorry i forgot about the money issue, guess money really is more important then health.


Well I disagree with that assessment of the "tattoo" and flavor thing. I am TOTALLY going to decorate my wetbox. So what if I like a cool design on my equipment? What adults can't like a nice graphic or cool design????? And adults don't eat candy? ONLY kids do? HELLO we are the ones who BUY candy for our kids and selves. STUPID. It always amazes me when any of these idiots say "it is unknown" if it is probably safer than smoking. GIVE ME A BREAK....just by the combustion/burning being gone an idiot with the most basic understanding gets that ALONE that is already a HUGE improvement. Then this antifreeze thing.....why do they NEVER say it is the ingredient that makes your pet or child into the antifreeze NOT die or be harmed?????

The e cig is probably not 100% safe, but neither is breathing the air outside, or inside for that matter. I used to use "Kaboom" cleaner. OMG, I can't tell you the problems I had.....that stuff burns your lungs SO bad. Same as bleach....or ammonia....horrible to breathe, and KNOWN to be dangerous, yet many of us toss cleansers around and spray cleaner, and we DON"T make our kids leave the house even THOUGH they are dangerous and that stuff becomes airborne. When is the last time you have seen an adult or child wearing a respirator walking through a parking lot??? Or while driving down the street with a window open? FULL of toxic chemicals from the exhaust. Or pumping gas at the gas station? How many parents make a child leave the area during and after using a product like hairspray? Or aerosol deodorant? Hell, using baby powder can cause serious respiratory problems for a baby if you use too much or they inhale it, which has happened and why any baby book tells you to be very careful with it. But NO ONE thinks any of these things should be banned. We are ADULTS, the e cigs are marketed to ADULTS and we should be permitted to purchase products we wish to use for whatever reason, and take the appropriate safeguards with ourselves and our children. Good God, look at fertilizer for grass and plants and weed killer, etc. You aren't supposed to let your pets anywhere near a fertilized patch of lawn until days later and after it has been thoroughly watered. You aren't supposed to be on it barefoot either for that matter. But is anyone trying to ban it? Of course not, and when you come down to it, that stuff is really sorta silly. It isn't like anyone will die from a lawn not looking perfect. It is purely to try and make something that naturally occurs NOT occur, or to stop it because WE have decided WE don't like it, LOL.

To me, there is ONLY one conclusion to reach and it has nothing to do with health or safety....it ALL has to do with money, A LOT of money. It is getting tiring to read and listen to these silly reports, because they aren't reports....they are just nonsense. Don't get me wrong, I am NOT against these products being as safe as they reasonably can be, BUT even as things stand now, NO ONE could think they are anywhere NEAR as dangerous as smoking. Even if they were half as dangerous.....wouldn't that STILL be a reason to switch? It would be to me. Let's see I can use one thing that is half as dangerous as another and be equally happy doing both? That seems like a no brainer.....actually even more pleased with the item half as dangerous??? Yup, no brainer. Personally, I believe, if anyone ever DOES study e cigs in an objective manner, they will be found to be MUCH less dangerous than cigarettes and probably in the range of 98% safer.....that is GREAT as far as I am concerned. AND certainly from the standpoint of air quality for the people around us, I am betting MUCH MUCH MUCH better, and that alone is a great incentive. We already know by smoking that we weren't health nuts, but I DID always worry about what I was contaminating everyone else with. THAT always made me feel guilty, and I will be the first to admit, I was utterly selfish as far as that is concerned. I am not proud of that fact, so IF THAT was the ONLY positive, I would be glad. But I believe it is a VERY safe product, relatively speaking. I would bet anything that the air in an average Walmart parking lot is FAR more contaminated than what we inhale from an e cig.


I really do hope the Dr. (PhD) I'm sure, does better in her work than she did explaining why they should regulate the ecigs. I was kinda of sorry for Emory for her poor answers. She bumbled and stumbled a few times, well more than a few, almost all of the time. She stated that they have a few of the properties in them that is harmful to humans, especially the antifreeze (right). They should not be in flavors. Well the e-cigs are not in flavors for childrens use. The juice is what would attract a younger person. I wish that she would debate Dr. Michael Siegel, I know that she couldn't hold her own with him. I don't think that she could hold her own with anyone on this forum. Everyone on this forum did a heck of a lot of research on e-cigs before we committed to them. Still we are learning.


I really do hope the Dr. (PhD) I'm sure, does better in her work than she did explaining why they should regulate the ecigs. I was kinda of sorry for Emory for her poor answers. She bumbled and stumbled a few times, well more than a few, almost all of the time. She stated that they have a few of the properties in them that is harmful to humans, especially the antifreeze (right). They should not be in flavors. Well the e-cigs are not in flavors for childrens use. The juice is what would attract a younger person. I wish that she would debate Dr. Michael Siegel, I know that she couldn't hold her own with him. I don't think that she could hold her own with anyone on this forum. Everyone on this forum did a heck of a lot of research on e-cigs before we committed to them. Still we are learning.

Agreed.....I don't know why they have these supposed "experts" or "doctors", debating things they clearly are not well informed about. I went to more than a dozen doctors in the last 20 years and was misdiagnosed for nearly all that time. For years I was told I had fibromyalgia, premature arthritis, neuropathy, crohn's disease, that i was just nervous and making myself sick to my stomach, etc. About ten years ago FINALLY a doctor bothered to do a bone scan and I was correctly diagnosed with degenerative bone disease, but I was still told I had all these other various problems in addition. FINALLY this past fall, purely on accident, after bizarre blood test results, I was diagnosed with MS, after the blood test results finally got a doctor to take a closer look and order correct testing. My regular doctors all agree I have had it for at least 20 years from time of onset. Just because someone is a doctor doesn't mean they know everything about every topic or area. Maybe she has more expertise in some other area, but clearly her specialty is not her immense knowledge about e cigarettes.

I will ask my doctors a million questions, I look up EVERY prescription they prescribe before taking it. I have learned over the years that just because someone is a dr doesn't mean they are right. Furthermore, half of all doctors graduated in the bottom half of their class.....EVERYONE isn't an EXPERT just because they are a doctor. Doctors misdiagnose ALL the time and the MAIN thing that is starting to change the tide is technology. They just have better diagnostic tools via technology to make more accurate diagnoses....not like THEY have gotten smarter. My mom on the other hand, doesn't ask doctors anything. She goes to several too for various problems and SHE will NEVER ask them if a new medication will interfere with another medication prescribed by some other doctor. Which RIGHT off the bat I wouldn't even GO to a doctor who doesn't make sure to know ALL medications I take regardless of source. My mom feels intimidated by doctors and says that "in her day" you didn't question doctors. I don't care, I do question them....if a doctor isn't willing to take the time to answer my questions, then I am not willing to go to that doctor. Just because someone has more, different, or better education than I, doesn't mean they are any more intelligent. They just may possess more information in certain areas, which is, after all, why we pay them....we are paying for their supposed expertise. But not all of them are equal, and obviously all of them are not equally informed, educated or knowledgeable in all areas.

Anyway, clearly, this dr, woman, whoever she is, really didn't know much about what she was talking about. SHE should have left the set. I would be willing to bet she has NO clue what chemicals are really present in an e cigarette, NOR how they compare to the chemicals or levels of chemicals in a regular cigarette. The sucky thing is that many people ONLY get their info from the tv, or newspaper and do not research things that they don't feel directly impacted by. So then they form flawed opinions because of all the wrong information they have acquired. Then they are screaming in the streets to lawmakers that THEY may be contaminated, when in fact that isn't the case. Doctors that DO have more knowledge should at least TRY contacting these "news" reporters, to attempt to give them more accurate info. The fact is that we don't know what is in EVERY e cig liquid or prefilled carto, we SHOULD know....not so that we stop using the e cig but so we can make more informed decisions about which products we choose to purchase. Just like we compare nutritional info and ingredients on many other things we put into our bodies. Not to scare us away from the devices, but simply to make informed choices.

There is NOTHING that is totally safe, but some things are safer than others and common sense would dictate that e cigs ARE safer than smoking....smoking anything, just by the virtue of the fact that we aren't clogging our airways with smoke and all the by products of combustion. Just my opinion.

  • 3 weeks later...

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